ISLAMOPHOBIA MEMORIAL DAY? The National Council of Canadian Muslims wants Trudeau to endorse Jan. 29th as an annual national day of remembrance and action on Islamophobia that they claim would help enhance public education about hate, bigotry and (justifiable) hatred of Islam.
GateStone Institute Last January, six Muslim men were shot and killed and 19 others were wounded in an attack on the mosque during prayers. Alexandre Bissonnette of Quebec City is to stand trial in March on six charges each of first-degree murder and attempted murder.
If he does, it is an indicator that the Islamic extremists in Canada have succeeded in their program of political expansion and influence to the point of now being able publicly to manipulate the Prime Minister’s Office.
CAIR CAN/NCCM claims in its letter to the Prime Minister that the attack occurred “solely because the victims were Muslim.” This statement is doubtful: the mosque has a complicated history, a recent rash of traumatic events, and was initially founded by adherents of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In fact, in Canada, “Islamophobia” comes in only fourth behind crimes against Blacks, Gays and Jews. Hate crimes against Muslims have dropped, even as the overall number of hate crimes increase, according to the last Statistics Canada reporting.
The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM, formerly CAIR CAN) was founded with the mission of supporting its American parent organization, CAIR USA, which in turn was formed to support Hamas. According to the Hamas Covenant, the group is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas is listed as terrorist group by the US and Canada. CAIR USA was also listed as a terrorist entity by the United Arab Emirates in 2014.
The current Executive Director of CAIR CAN/NCCM, Ihsaan Gardee, has tried to claim that CAIR USA and its Canadian chapter CAIR CAN/NCCM have no relationship. But most tellingly, CAIR CAN/NCCM made the following statement on its own website in 2003 referring to CAIR USA: “This Washington-based organization is CAIR CAN’s parent organization.”
With respect to the presence of the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada, newspapers such as the Toronto Star have printed that there is no such thing as the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada or the US. A 2015 piece by Haroon Siddiqui, the Toronto Star’s editorial page editor emeritus, stated that: “Muslim Brotherhood is not a registered entity in Canada or the USA, nor does it have any branch in North America.”What Siddiqui did not mention was that Badawi is a member of the North American Muslim Brotherhood’s Shura Council, according to the Muslim Brotherhood itself.
In the case of the Quebec City mosque attack, while it is possible that the victims were attacked solely because they were Muslim, the connected incidents – both before the attack and the online implied threat — suggests that the motivation for the attack might be somewhat more complicated.
If the “Islamophobia Memorial Day” is declared by the prime minster, it is a clear “indicator and warning” on how far an Islamist mentality has been developed within the corridors of government. It also will further confirm how deeply Prime Minster Trudeau has has continued in his support the Islamic extremist cause on every occasion since his election as a Member of Parliament in 2008.
Gourdhead says
Phuck Trudeau, CAIR and muzslimes in general. Canada better take back control of this horrible situation.
jimmyjim52 says
If they go on trail in March make that a Holiday . Call it Canada day of freedom and escape of a goverment run by a retard. Then their Parliament will take a no confidence vote and kick him out of office.
Amboyduke says
First of all, the liberals have a MAJORITY government in power up here, which essentially means there is more liberal members of parliament than there are of the other parties, the conservative’s, NDP., and the Quebec ones combined…
IF a no confidence motion was to be floored and passed, it would mean that at least SOME of the liberal imbeciles in the house would have to defect over to the opposition…and let me tell you, the chance of THAT happening is about as great as CNN/MSNBC supporting every single word out of Donald Trump’s mouth.
The same liberals that form his government up here, are the same collection of idiots who elected him as leader of their party…and they are every bit as pathetic and stupid as he is.
cat says
Only a pandering fool would fall for this mus slum proposal… Oops he is a pandering fool who is being fooled by the mus slum lobby. Do not forget one of his ‘so called best friends’ is the spiritual head of the shia mus slums, namely the aga khan. He gave over 10 million in tax payers money to the aga khan mus lim foundation. Canadians are in trouble.
Amboyduke says
We sure are, cat…
The really sad thing is we don’t have many, if ANY, alternatives that would be much better…!
Az gal says
I imagine the brainless shiny pony boy will go for it. All to further Muslum victimhood agenda. They use this agenda to attack & subjugate us further.