According to a 2014 PEW Study Report, nine out of the ten countries with the worst records of persecution against Christians are MUSLIM. In 2013, approximately 100,000 Christians were murdered. Churches are regularly burned in Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Iraq. Christian pastors are being jailed and beheaded today in Muslim countries.
Details about ORLANDO march: florida-may-17th-orlando-prayer-march-for-persecuted-christians-in-muslim-countries
Rally Against Persecution by Muslims in DALLAS
A march is scheduled to begin May 17 at 2 p.m. at City Hall Plaza in front of Dallas City Hall. Contact: Stephen Broden of the Fair Park Bible Fellowship Church
smokie0730 says
I am having a hard time finding any news about the rally in Dallas. Anyone have a link to a story about it?
parasitebuster says
Too bad that I live on the other side of the ocean, otherwise I’d definitely participate. Let them hear your voices, I’m looking forward to the media response.
cat says
All support for the Dallas and the Orlando marches. A good message of direction from Bill Warner.
Cynthia says
Will try to attend Dallas March & send report.
BareNakedIslam says
Thanks Cynthia
Mark Gregory says
The worlds media will pretend this is not happening. If Obama could he’d arrest the participants..
joan says
Good for them. Since I am in Canada, though, I will follow these demonstrations online as I haven’t the means to jet there and participate. I live in a small town in Ontario where, more and more, I see little halal stickers stuck on windows and trucks etc. Whenever I can I take a pen and deface them or rip them off. They aren’t put there by the businesses; there is even one on a structure on police property. Vandals put them there; vandals can remove them.
Mark Harding says
Dear Mr. Hudak,
There is a book called “Women In Islam’’ that is being distributed free of charge at Yonge and Dundas by some Muslims; it was also given freely by Muslims at a Baptist Church in Scarborough at a debate between a Christian and a Muslim.
Under the heading “Wife Disciplining’’ it reads: “Islam permits the beating of wives in a restricted and limited sense only as a final solution, an acceptable valid reason when all else fails. This is analogous to spanking children when all else fails and they must learn a lesson in obedience for their own protection and success, and is found on page 79, by Dr. Abdul-Rahman AlSheha, translated by Abu Salman Deya
ud-Deen Eberle.
At the Thorncliffe school, on Overlea Dr. in Toronto, young Islamic girls are being held in obedience by being separated from the boys. The Muslim men tell young female students that they must sit far away from the male students because they are impure. Do they teach them about how they must obey or one day be beaten?
Further back, these Islamic classes were being held during regular school instruction time in the school’s cafeteria. Islamic prayers cannot be said near a female on her period. So, at our public school, at Thorncliffe Park, young ladies are being segregated because they are considered by the male imam to be impure while on their period, that they cannot even sit with the lower class women behind the superior boys, but they must sit even further back.
This is horrible! To allow this behavior in our Ontario public schools is shameful on so many levels. Women are equal to men in Canada and we do not want to change that. As well, Muslims must find a way to rid themselves of the verse in the qu’ran that teaches that it’s okay to beat your wife.
In Canada it’s against the law — we do not live in Saudi Arabia.
If you are a Christian, when you were a child you prayed to your “one true God.’’ However, we have allowed them to remove anything to do with the true God. Now He is being replaced by another god, a false god with his false prophet, Muhammad, that teaches this absurdity! Christian? How does that make you feel!
But if you are a Hindu or a Buddhist, you, too, should have great concerns about this as well. You are guaranteed fairness and you should have time for your gods as well to hold your prayer services, during regular instruction time, like the Muslim students do.
Why is the education system of Ontario allowing these illegal practices to take place in our public schools? If Muslim students are allowed these religious classes during regular school instruction time then, according to the Ontario Education Act, all religions must have these same privileges in our schools.
The Ontario Education Act says the following: (3) A board may permit a person to conduct religious exercise or to provide instruction that includes indoctrination in a particular religion or a religious belief in a school if, (d) the board provides space for the exercises or instruction on the same basis as it provides space for other community activities. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 298, s.29
I would appreciate your attention on this issue.
Thank you.
Gayle Knaff says
You’re right, Bill. When muzzies demonstrate, there are lots of them. Easy to do when you’re living off of the kafir taxpayers (and laughing at us for it) and don’t have to show up at a job.
ladybgoodde says
Great! But isn’t it “funny” that there is no MSM reports on it? Yes sir! Everything he has said it true! Get out there and let them know .. enough is enough
perceptor1 says
The persecution of religious minorities is mandated in the Sharia law. Normative Islam, rather than an aberration.
dragonfFIRE01 says
will the media cover these events or ignore them as loons? i hope thousands show up at both places