It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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Oh, IRELAND! You are soon going to hate the color green…Islamic green
Qatar, one of the leading funders and supporters of global Islamic terrorist networks, has received the go-ahead to build a gigantic ‘mosquetrosity’ and Islamic center in Clongriffen, North Dublin. The mega-mosque will become Ireland’s largest jihadist indoctrination and training headquarters, compliments of the Irish Government.
The €40 million development will see the construction of a mosque and cultural centre, conference centre, primary school, secondary school, fitness centre and eight apartments. The mosque will house up to 3,000 headbangers at a time, and make Dublin a hub for homeland and international terrorist attacks. Get ready to see massive white flight away from the area as soon as Muslims begin their inevitable infestation of the area.
Muslim immigration is behind a growing surge in ‘white flight’ away from Dublin. The indigenous Irish are being displaced from their homes as a result of unimpeded immigration from North African and Middle Eastern Muslim nations. And they fleeing the city in droves.
A Muslim website that calls for the imposition of ‘Sharia’ Islamic law in Ireland is targeted at what it calls Irish “O’Muslims,” according to the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) website.
Irish CentralSharia refers to the “way” Muslims should live or the “path” they must follow. Sharia is derived from the sacred text of Islam (the Koran) and traditions gathered from the life of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. Muslims believe sharia law should take preference over man-made (Western) law.
An editorial post says introducing Sharia is a patriotic duty. “And who could doubt that establishing the authority of Allah in the land is in the best interests of Ireland?” it asks.
The site says it seeks “to remove injustice and establish fairness, to remove moral degradation, immorality and licentiousness and establish propriety, righteousness and restraint and to establish tawheed (the worship of the Only One worthy of worship) are surely noble Islamic aims.” The website also described the recent crucifixion of a pedophile and murderer in Saudi Arabia as “justice.”
MPAC spokesman Liam Egan, who goes by the Muslim name Mujaahid, said the independent website was not affiliated with the Irish Council of Imams or any other Muslim organization here and was run by a “volunteer group of indigenous Muslims”.
“From a religious perspective we believe we represent a mainstream Islamic position… considering the specific content and its limited relevancy [a minority group in Ireland] we have witnessed an exponential rise in site hits, last month we had 269, 733,” he told the Sunday Tribune.
Reader Interactions
Patrick Esays
Multi cultural liberal bullshit has taken over Ireland. There is no possibilty of any uprising the spineless have been ruining the once proud land of our ancestors ever since the abandonment of the six Northern Counties, the refusal to stand with the Allies in WW2 who have always welcomed and embraced the Irish. Islam will drive the Irish from Ireland and as you try to “negoiate and understand” they will rape and enslave your women and children while your spinless men sucomb and masterbate in the corner. It has already begun, who do you think has been feeding and profiting from the spread of heroin and pharms among Irish youth? 100 years of infighting, back stabbing, treason and goverment failure from Dev, to the EU, to your enlightend educational system. The Irish is already among the “lost civilizations”. The best Ireland ever produced made America great. Thank God my grand parents, parents and wife all fled for America ensuring my children will never bow before shira law, any king, queen or pediophile enabling Pope.
Do not let the jackals become comfortable.UK let this become a massive problem.Ireland must reject Islam and the dangers that groups like ENAR and other Islam ass kissers pose to our freedom.Do not let them close down any more meetings like Identity Ireland launch or Pegida Rally.Attend these events in huge numbers.Pester Politicians, petition them,ask questions.Silence will not win concessions,they who shout loudest shall be heard first.Down with the EU.Ireland our time is now,tomorrow is to late.
I find the hypocrisy of Islam to be unbelievably outrageous. Looking at the poster on this article, muslims claim shariah would end paedophilia, despite the fact their so called prophets example allows sex with children. It would end prostitution, yet they have temporary marriage whereby on payment of a dowry a man can marry a woman for a few hours to a few weeks! Isn’t that prostitution in all but name?
An end to injustice, yet non muslims live without rights under shariah? An end to greed, yet there prophet insisted on massive hauls of war booty from his terrorist attacks on neighbours? I could go on but seeing as we all know the truth of the vile cult, I’m sure we can all see the hypocrisy on show. Disgusting. We must resist this in the west with every ounce of our strength, with every part of our being. Or future generations will rightly despise us.
These immigrations remind me of the scarabs crawling out by the thousands in those “Mummy ” movies. Poor Ireland. Only at peace since the start of the century and now importing a new instrument of unrest. Expect to see the IRA rise again. If history is correct, didn’t they have some certain “skills ” themselves? Who wants to wager that this time it won’t be Protestant vs. Catholic? or have the Irish pussied out also?
“Qatar, one of the leading funders and supporters of global Islamic terrorist networks, has received the go-ahead to build a gigantic ‘mosquetrosity’
It would be interesting–and useful–to know just who gave them that go-ahead–and how it was done. Was there any public input (not that such may have mattered). Or, just another back-door Middle East-funded “secret handshake?”
This “thing” will be a hijra-driven magnet for muslims. Whoever arranged this might just as well have invited in thousands of Bubonic Plague infested rats. No, wait, this is worse…we have medicines for plague…there’s no cure for islam. They’d have been better-off with the rats…
Native English/Brits, Irish and Europeans are the most hated people on earth. Hated by our traitor leaders and hated by Muslims whose Quran teaches Muslims to hate and barbarically mass murder non-Muslims; capture our women and girls for sex slaves and conquer our civilised nations.
Our evil leaders colonised our tiny nations with over 50 million Muslims who hate us.
What is the going price to sell out your nation? Our leaders sold their souls and sold out our people to global Islam.
May our Precious God help us in the years to come.
Join EDL and PEGIDA street rallies! Join in the fight for freedom! Join Liberty GB patriotic, anti-Islamisation party!
Winston Churchill: Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
The funny thing about all this wonderful (muslim) “diversity” we’re importing – the more of it we get, the less diverse the West actually becomes. Islam is islam, whether it’s Ireland, the USA, Somalia or Pakistan, it always ends up looking the same (drab, ugly, lifeless and soul-destroying).
The Irish Marxists have always been game for any anti-western ideology. Nazi-supporters, anti-American scum. Glad my ancestors fled that pig-shite excuse of a nation.
I grew up in a Dublin suburb where there was a thriving Jewish community. Christian churches and synagogues were friends and neighbours. We danced in the streets in1967. Some very senior government ministers have been Jewish. Jewish people are very good and fair employers. With the assistance of the feminised losers, Muslims are now like never before building up a massive encampment behind the lines. Think “Patrick” was a tough nut to crack? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
It’s only a matter of time before a militant Irish organization forms and starts attacking Muslims. Getting rid of Muslims ought to be the one thing that’ll really bring Irish Catholics and Protestants together like never before!
Orange has pushed back very forcefully. No mosques and no surrender or rollovers to darkness. So the savages head south to greener pastures where the friendlier natives can be taken full advantage of. Yes there is a mounting resentment that will take its course in time. Unfortunately Islam will have staked out its turf and won’t be open sharing or caring a whit about the losers. Turning their nouveau rich liberal snobs defenders and allies will take some time. Still you might say this is the same story all over the west. Mind boggling to see the Tower of Babble values building.
This is just another desperately sad instalment in the cultural suicide of Europe. The pattern is exactly the same in my home town of Londonistan, which in many places now looks like a third world ghetto.
Native Brits who helped to build up this country are now fleeing London in droves, as the crime rate has massively increased, and schools, housing and healthcare are all now at crisis point.
I can no longer walk around my local park, as it’s solely infested by immigrants, some of whom congregate in intimidating gangs, and some of whom sleep there at night, whilst occasionally busying themselves to go out thieving , which includes stealing the milk delivery for the school in which I work.
( Oh, and I forgot to mention that in another park nearby, several dogs have been murdered by poisoned meat. Now who would do a thing like that? Of course, we know the answer to that. )
Also, what is truly enraging is that our taxes are helping to subsidise all these uncivilised arrogant intruders into what used to be our country, whilst we are pushed to the back of the queue.
Who was it said” If you let the Third World in, you will eventually become the Third World.” ?
Well, in so many areas of Europe and Scandinavia, this has already happened. And the traitor Obama is doing his utmost to implement this in the US. I call this his ” Bringing Mogadishu to the Masses ” initiative.
Just off now to buy a small island.
I will be in charge of its immigration policy.
It will be concise, but both forthright and effective: ” …. off or … ” .
Muzzo – I don’t know whether you heard the news. The revamped government are taking a tough stance on hate preachers and wannabe jihadis. Also, they are adamant they are not taking in any boat refugees in spite of the EU telling them it is their duty to do so. Maybe the tide is turning.
Judi….your description is that put out by the government for the people’s “use”.The real version is that Dave will huff and puff and then huff some more….then he’ll give in.Don’t forget,if you express concern over islam and muslims you will also come under the heading of “hate preacher”. Dave can’t even handle Nicola Sturgeon never mind a jihadist.Hey,I wonder if Jihadi John got his postal vote in on time…..?!
Yep, I’m encouraged by the more anti-Islamic stance taken by the new Conservative government; it seems that they might actually be waking up to the terrible threat of Islam.
It remains to be seen, though, whether they will walk the walk as well as talking the talk. ( However,I’m pleased to see that the Royal Navy who rescued hundreds of Islamic entitlement parasites have no intention of bringing them to our tiny island, which is already at breaking point.)
Also,I’m a bit dubious about their motives regarding ” extremism”. We’ll need to see whether they actually crack down on Muslim extremism, rather than demonising and persecuting patriotic Brits who protest against it.
Muslims are just the knock out punch that will see the ‘new’ Eastern and Middle Eastern and African dominated Irish into a nightmare worse than the so called ‘Curse of Cromwell’ – and soon. It’s amazing to watch a supposedly educated ‘elite’ shoot up, ravage, and ravish the population with unwashed shameless savages who’s ideological bent is to eventually colonies and destroy them. Thank you EU – for nothing.
Oh Paddy. I too immediately thought of Cromwell too !!!! I am FBI, full blooded Irish…. 4th/5th generations ish.
I cannnot imagine what havoc these third worlders will wreck in the beautiful Dublin area …..AND all over Europe. From the people that gave us Book of Kells to the land of newcoming devious cretins who will just be “welfarians” on the dole. Acting out….Agitating, complaining, and demanding ……drum roll……’accommodations”
My God…..what…..what are we allowing in????
African style Boku Harem types???? Violent and Muslim crazed immigrants with ZERO interest in European Values, Traditions, OR Culture. Yeah, thats going to work out real well.
ys we are the most cultured land in world the celts are the oldest people on earth this is well a fact and ireland cant le muslims interfere in our land and culture .these people have no love for ireland only what they can get out of it. we pay nearly 1 billion EUROS A YEAR to keep these muslims and some poles lats lits nigerians and we let it happen . what right have they here seeing ireland never done them harm ? let them go back to gb or pakistan before trouble will start and we dont want that., but we cant afford to keep them and most of all we cant afford to let them ruin irish culture .i say to them . WHAT RIGHT HAVE YOU HERE IN OUR LAND ?
Patrick E says
Multi cultural liberal bullshit has taken over Ireland. There is no possibilty of any uprising the spineless have been ruining the once proud land of our ancestors ever since the abandonment of the six Northern Counties, the refusal to stand with the Allies in WW2 who have always welcomed and embraced the Irish. Islam will drive the Irish from Ireland and as you try to “negoiate and understand” they will rape and enslave your women and children while your spinless men sucomb and masterbate in the corner. It has already begun, who do you think has been feeding and profiting from the spread of heroin and pharms among Irish youth? 100 years of infighting, back stabbing, treason and goverment failure from Dev, to the EU, to your enlightend educational system. The Irish is already among the “lost civilizations”. The best Ireland ever produced made America great. Thank God my grand parents, parents and wife all fled for America ensuring my children will never bow before shira law, any king, queen or pediophile enabling Pope.
The New Templars says
Do not let the jackals become comfortable.UK let this become a massive problem.Ireland must reject Islam and the dangers that groups like ENAR and other Islam ass kissers pose to our freedom.Do not let them close down any more meetings like Identity Ireland launch or Pegida Rally.Attend these events in huge numbers.Pester Politicians, petition them,ask questions.Silence will not win concessions,they who shout loudest shall be heard first.Down with the EU.Ireland our time is now,tomorrow is to late.
Offenach says
What the feck did they fight for? For the fe kin Irish elite to give it away.
sean Dublynn says
Don’t be stupid Ireland. Arm yourselves as we are doing in America and stock pile ammo. Get ready to fight for your land
fuck islam says
Peter35 says
So now I guess it’s “ERIN GO ISLAM” instead of “Erin go bragh?”
sragonfGIRE01 says
it will be unless the immigration flood stops
Steven says
I find the hypocrisy of Islam to be unbelievably outrageous. Looking at the poster on this article, muslims claim shariah would end paedophilia, despite the fact their so called prophets example allows sex with children. It would end prostitution, yet they have temporary marriage whereby on payment of a dowry a man can marry a woman for a few hours to a few weeks! Isn’t that prostitution in all but name?
An end to injustice, yet non muslims live without rights under shariah? An end to greed, yet there prophet insisted on massive hauls of war booty from his terrorist attacks on neighbours? I could go on but seeing as we all know the truth of the vile cult, I’m sure we can all see the hypocrisy on show. Disgusting. We must resist this in the west with every ounce of our strength, with every part of our being. Or future generations will rightly despise us.
Judi says
A case of ‘don’t do what I do, do as I say’. Another country lost to islam.
Emma dela Cruz says
These immigrations remind me of the scarabs crawling out by the thousands in those “Mummy ” movies. Poor Ireland. Only at peace since the start of the century and now importing a new instrument of unrest. Expect to see the IRA rise again. If history is correct, didn’t they have some certain “skills ” themselves? Who wants to wager that this time it won’t be Protestant vs. Catholic? or have the Irish pussied out also?
Mohammed Zuqzdiq says
I think you are right about a resurgent IRA. Two Euro countries that islam should steer well clear of are Ireland and Germany.
Geo says
“Qatar, one of the leading funders and supporters of global Islamic terrorist networks, has received the go-ahead to build a gigantic ‘mosquetrosity’
It would be interesting–and useful–to know just who gave them that go-ahead–and how it was done. Was there any public input (not that such may have mattered). Or, just another back-door Middle East-funded “secret handshake?”
This “thing” will be a hijra-driven magnet for muslims. Whoever arranged this might just as well have invited in thousands of Bubonic Plague infested rats. No, wait, this is worse…we have medicines for plague…there’s no cure for islam. They’d have been better-off with the rats…
Linda Rivera says
Native English/Brits, Irish and Europeans are the most hated people on earth. Hated by our traitor leaders and hated by Muslims whose Quran teaches Muslims to hate and barbarically mass murder non-Muslims; capture our women and girls for sex slaves and conquer our civilised nations.
Our evil leaders colonised our tiny nations with over 50 million Muslims who hate us.
What is the going price to sell out your nation? Our leaders sold their souls and sold out our people to global Islam.
May our Precious God help us in the years to come.
Join EDL and PEGIDA street rallies! Join in the fight for freedom! Join Liberty GB patriotic, anti-Islamisation party!
Winston Churchill: Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Mars says
Bàthaidh toll beag long mhòr. A little hole will sink a big ship.
Silverlady says
Well, since St. Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland it’s time to put in a call to him again to rid the country of this poisonous vermin.
German Crusader says
Multiculturalism is killing Europeans.
knight (@Knightsstrength) says
Really the extent of the take over of countries and push for Sharia law needs for all the West to see.
I never knew it was so bad in Ireland and the luck of the Irish has run out.
I guess the days of them supporting Germany during the second world war is coming back to haunt them.
Sorry to see this happening as the world is squeezed.
They really need to follow Myanmar and kick them out of Europe.
Constantine says
The funny thing about all this wonderful (muslim) “diversity” we’re importing – the more of it we get, the less diverse the West actually becomes. Islam is islam, whether it’s Ireland, the USA, Somalia or Pakistan, it always ends up looking the same (drab, ugly, lifeless and soul-destroying).
Jack says
The Irish Marxists have always been game for any anti-western ideology. Nazi-supporters, anti-American scum. Glad my ancestors fled that pig-shite excuse of a nation.
Judi says
You are right Jack. Also, in my experience with them, most Irish are anti-semitic.
Marcus Auralious says
I grew up in a Dublin suburb where there was a thriving Jewish community. Christian churches and synagogues were friends and neighbours. We danced in the streets in1967. Some very senior government ministers have been Jewish. Jewish people are very good and fair employers. With the assistance of the feminised losers, Muslims are now like never before building up a massive encampment behind the lines. Think “Patrick” was a tough nut to crack? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Squidley says
The Irish used to kill each other because they were different denominational Christians.
Why are they not killing these bloody Muslims?
Nimrod says
It’s only a matter of time before a militant Irish organization forms and starts attacking Muslims. Getting rid of Muslims ought to be the one thing that’ll really bring Irish Catholics and Protestants together like never before!
BareNakedIslam says
Have seen no signs of it yet. Quite the opposite.
Lalaland says
Orange has pushed back very forcefully. No mosques and no surrender or rollovers to darkness. So the savages head south to greener pastures where the friendlier natives can be taken full advantage of. Yes there is a mounting resentment that will take its course in time. Unfortunately Islam will have staked out its turf and won’t be open sharing or caring a whit about the losers. Turning their nouveau rich liberal snobs defenders and allies will take some time. Still you might say this is the same story all over the west. Mind boggling to see the Tower of Babble values building.
Muzzo-Lini says
This is just another desperately sad instalment in the cultural suicide of Europe. The pattern is exactly the same in my home town of Londonistan, which in many places now looks like a third world ghetto.
Native Brits who helped to build up this country are now fleeing London in droves, as the crime rate has massively increased, and schools, housing and healthcare are all now at crisis point.
I can no longer walk around my local park, as it’s solely infested by immigrants, some of whom congregate in intimidating gangs, and some of whom sleep there at night, whilst occasionally busying themselves to go out thieving , which includes stealing the milk delivery for the school in which I work.
( Oh, and I forgot to mention that in another park nearby, several dogs have been murdered by poisoned meat. Now who would do a thing like that? Of course, we know the answer to that. )
Also, what is truly enraging is that our taxes are helping to subsidise all these uncivilised arrogant intruders into what used to be our country, whilst we are pushed to the back of the queue.
Who was it said” If you let the Third World in, you will eventually become the Third World.” ?
Well, in so many areas of Europe and Scandinavia, this has already happened. And the traitor Obama is doing his utmost to implement this in the US. I call this his ” Bringing Mogadishu to the Masses ” initiative.
Just off now to buy a small island.
I will be in charge of its immigration policy.
It will be concise, but both forthright and effective: ” …. off or … ” .
Judi says
Muzzo – I don’t know whether you heard the news. The revamped government are taking a tough stance on hate preachers and wannabe jihadis. Also, they are adamant they are not taking in any boat refugees in spite of the EU telling them it is their duty to do so. Maybe the tide is turning.
Sheik Rattleandroll says
Judi….your description is that put out by the government for the people’s “use”.The real version is that Dave will huff and puff and then huff some more….then he’ll give in.Don’t forget,if you express concern over islam and muslims you will also come under the heading of “hate preacher”. Dave can’t even handle Nicola Sturgeon never mind a jihadist.Hey,I wonder if Jihadi John got his postal vote in on time…..?!
Muzzo-Lini says
Yep, I’m encouraged by the more anti-Islamic stance taken by the new Conservative government; it seems that they might actually be waking up to the terrible threat of Islam.
It remains to be seen, though, whether they will walk the walk as well as talking the talk. ( However,I’m pleased to see that the Royal Navy who rescued hundreds of Islamic entitlement parasites have no intention of bringing them to our tiny island, which is already at breaking point.)
Also,I’m a bit dubious about their motives regarding ” extremism”. We’ll need to see whether they actually crack down on Muslim extremism, rather than demonising and persecuting patriotic Brits who protest against it.
Time will tell.
Paddy's Lament says
Muslims are just the knock out punch that will see the ‘new’ Eastern and Middle Eastern and African dominated Irish into a nightmare worse than the so called ‘Curse of Cromwell’ – and soon. It’s amazing to watch a supposedly educated ‘elite’ shoot up, ravage, and ravish the population with unwashed shameless savages who’s ideological bent is to eventually colonies and destroy them. Thank you EU – for nothing.
Michael Copeland says
The EU’s policy is to break down the old nation states and de-homogenise the racial identity of the inhabitants – population engineering. The result: white genocide.
jean says
Oh Paddy. I too immediately thought of Cromwell too !!!! I am FBI, full blooded Irish…. 4th/5th generations ish.
I cannnot imagine what havoc these third worlders will wreck in the beautiful Dublin area …..AND all over Europe. From the people that gave us Book of Kells to the land of newcoming devious cretins who will just be “welfarians” on the dole. Acting out….Agitating, complaining, and demanding ……drum roll……’accommodations”
My God…..what…..what are we allowing in????
African style Boku Harem types???? Violent and Muslim crazed immigrants with ZERO interest in European Values, Traditions, OR Culture. Yeah, thats going to work out real well.
williamharvey457 says
Islam’s “Islamization of the World” with Forced Imposition of “Sharia Law, calling those who oppose it “Bigots” and “Islamophobes”, IS spreading.
Maxine Waters: Americans are Bigots for Opposing Sharia Law
Read more at “BTW if you read the Article, Maxine Waters OPPOSES Imposition of Islamioc Sharia Law”
BareNakedIslam says
WH, please don’t post articles here by affirmative action mental midgets like Waters
micheal last says
ys we are the most cultured land in world the celts are the oldest people on earth this is well a fact and ireland cant le muslims interfere in our land and culture .these people have no love for ireland only what they can get out of it. we pay nearly 1 billion EUROS A YEAR to keep these muslims and some poles lats lits nigerians and we let it happen . what right have they here seeing ireland never done them harm ? let them go back to gb or pakistan before trouble will start and we dont want that., but we cant afford to keep them and most of all we cant afford to let them ruin irish culture .i say to them . WHAT RIGHT HAVE YOU HERE IN OUR LAND ?
Bill says
Is it racist to put your family first?
It is now.
Wakey wakey
Bill says
Another blatant example of the EU at its worst and multicultural abject failure.
Say anything and you are a racist, yet this is the very scenario that creates racism.