Irish merchants are only too happy to sell their customers products from Sudan, Iran, or North Korea (assuming they ever manufactured any)…but not from Israel.
The bad side: “When it comes to Sudan, there’s that whole genocide thing going on.” The good side: “Phenomenal beaches!”
h/t Martin V
cat says
Some of my family came from Ireland and I know that the majority of Irish will side with Israel as the ‘underdog’ who defends all of us from the muslum monsters. It is not the dog in the fight that wins, it is the fight in the dog that wins. Based on that Israel will wind. Come on Irish, boycott any store that boycotts wonderfully ingenious products from Israel.
BareNakedIslam says
cat, that’s just the problem, the world sees Israel as the big bully and all the muslim countries that that threaten it, as the underdogs
jean says
So sickening to see that fat blonde Irish woman say quite clearly “We have an embargo – we dont do ANY ISRAELI BUSINESS”. Really ??? even as the undercover/fake sales guy is giving her the line….”great, great… we have a problem with Israel…..our leader wants to wipe them off the map.” And fatso doesnt even react .
Great video BNI, thanks for posting
Despicable… sad the land of my forebears has sunk for a buck and out of control political correctness.
Oh well, they and we will in the not to distant future will soon have the crazed/diabolically murderous Muzzies to deal with first hand. Wonder how she and others will feel then.
BareNakedIslam says
Jean, reminds me of the stuff James O-Keefe of Project Veritas does undercover to expose the Left.
it's me! says
i didn’t know Sudan had great beaches…..
obersturmbannfuehrer says
If Jews gtfo Israel. As they are supposed to, instead of living in a country that they stole people might stop hating them. The americunts should invade Israel, Israel has ignored far more un sanctions than Iraq ever did. But for some reason the septics love Jews. I suppose bullying nations stick together.
BareNakedIslam says
Israel belonged to the Jews many centuries before the filthy murdering paedophile mohammed and islam were even a wet dream. Get lost, you Nazi POS.
Charles Black says
Ah a muslim troll how cute. Please get lost and don’t come back. You’re not needed here.
mauricemojoT says
The irish are similar to the Romanian gypsies,no one wants them and everywhere they go they cause trouble,no matter where in the world you go,if you walk into a pub and theres a paddy their,they,ve got to raise there voice so everyone can hear their accent as if we all love them,and round about st Patricks day they all congrigate in the pub and cry about missing Ireland,but the fookers aren’t for going back home,having served three years in Belfast i respected very few ira men,most of them were school drop outs,wanna be gangsters
vigiloz says
Why not have a state that bans halal and mosques but has a jewish population of 50%? See if they will belly ache.
Bill says
Not sure the video means anything, the Irish i know could give a toss about Israel one way or another.
Gene Leone says
“Now God said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto the land that I will show thee: and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and be thou a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” (Genesis 12:1-3)
iDecimus says
Unfortunately the Irish have never been forward thinkers, preferring to chase short term anything. Their country is destroyed financially by years of splendid spending and pandering to multinationals for a few jobs and not much tax revenue. Their culture is uniquely Irish and revolves around what is in a glass ( usually half empty to match their bank accounts ). Their country is a closed society where only Irish matter and stuff everybody else. Well I guess that is why they are stuffed now. Their so called Catholicism was clearly on display recently. Deeds didn’t match the scriptures. Karma baby Karma.
IainUK says
Google Pastor James McConnell. He is an Irish 78 yr old who is being prosecuted by the Northern Ireland’s Public Prosecution Service for “The offence was one of sending, or causing to be sent, by means of a public electronic communications network, a message or other matter that was grossly offense”
This was due to an online sermon he broadcast in May 2014 where he declared that he didn’t trust the muzzie and that islam as “satanic” and “heathen”.
The police were called in to investigate the 78-year-old fundamentalist cleric for a potential hate crime
it's me! says
no such thing as a hate crime. in my opinion.
Ross Trantor says
So then is he an Irish (Eire) citizen living in the UK (i.e. Northern Ireland)?
And that must mean that “The offence was one of sending, or causing to be sent, by means of a public electronic communications network, a message or other matter that was grossly offense”” is a UK law. Is that correct – or is that law only pertinent to Northern Ireland?
The reason for asking is – if it is a UK law – then Anjem Choudary is guilty of doing this 10,000 times over. Why is the turd not aprehended and jailed?
Sheik Rattleandroll says
IainUK….yes,and for a while when it first came out about James McConnell I tried to access the Church’s website,but it was shut down due to “online attacks”! Seems this man is out on his own now and no doubt the police will make a fine example out of him.How can you be dragged over the coals for telling the truth? Yes,well 1984 is well and truly alive.
bruceps says
during World War II, the Ireland refused to declare war against Germany as a spiteful jab against the UK. Instead they served as a “neutral” area (just like Switzerland and Sweden) permitting spies and contraband from both side to pass through. A major streak of misplaced spite and rage seems to be part of the Irish temperment.
David says
Jack says
A lot of Irish immigrants to America fought against the Nazis. My Irish immigrant uncle was shot down by German machine gun fire at Normandy. Still, I wouldn’t p-ss on a modern day Irishman if he was on fire, but let the Marxist, anti-American burn.
It's in the book says
A huge number of Irish Catholics and Protestants from the self governing party of the country joined and fought with the British during WW2. Not only those English and Scots of Irish decent already serving from every social class in the United Kingdom. Jewish people were given refuge in Ireland and not turned away. The U.S. turned Jewish asylum seekers away. Ask any Jewish resident of Florida. England had a huge pro Hitler Nazi party until the war broke out. The Waffen SS British Free Corps died in the final defense of Berlin. Back then just like now nobody’s hands are swueeky clean. Remember the U.S. entered the war only after Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. Much of US aid to Britain was a loan that only recently was paid back. After the war that lend – lease debt to the US crippled Britain and drive her out of the number one spot to be replaced by the U.S. Now let’s get back to work.
amboyduke says
On a lighter note…a short anecdote:
I watched an old “Twilight Zone” episode last night.
It was entitled “The Hunt”.
It was based on an old story I’d read before, and it was one of the best Twilight Zone episodes ever.
Long story, short…{bear with me, I’ll tie this all together with islam at the end}
An old southern geezer, named Simpson, and his wife sit down for the evening meal, and he is preparing to go out into the woods that same evening with his trusty old Blue Tick coon hound, Rip, to hunt racoons. Details aren’t given, but apparently the good old dog had saved his life at some point in the past.
That event cemented an undying loyalty between the two.
His wife doesn’t want him to go, as a few days earlier, she “has seen blood on the moon”, and earlier that day, a “bird flew into their shack, and landed on his side of the bed”. She fears if he goes, he won’t return. Death is lurking.
{Events like these are still taken as omens of bad things to come by superstitious people, even today}
Her husband scoffs at that idea, and off he goes with his 16 gauge shotgun and his trusty old pooch.
They rustle up an old coon, chase him up a tree, the coon out smarts the old pooch and escapes the tree, and heads to the river, which is where coons go, if they can, to escape hunters.
The dog tears after the coon, jumps into the river after him. BIG mistake.
{As any hunter can tell you, it takes a mighty strong, good dog to beat a coon in the water…racoons can drown almost any dog}.
The old man sees his beloved hound go under, and he dives in to rescue his old pal, but he also goes under, and never comes up…alas…for the sake of the story, both the man and his pooch die.
Then, {after the commercial}, both man and dog are sleeping by the river bank, it’s daylight, they head home, realizing they were out all night and thought they would catch hell from the missus…
As they approach the shack, a couple of fellows are digging a grave. The old fellow tries to speak to these 2, but of course, they can’t see or hear him or his dog, as, you guessed it, both him and the dog were “dead”.
The 2 grave diggers had a small wooden box, and they were talking about how deep to dig the grave, since it “was only for a dog”.
The old man looks perplexed, and walks on to his shack, where he finds his wife dressed in black, and a preacher consoling her. Of course, he tries to talk to her, but the same thing happens…she can’t hear or see him…
The 2 guys come in from burying the dog, and a third fellow goes into the bedroom where they fetch out a coffin…obviously containing the old geezers body.
By now, the old boy realizes he’s someplace other than “here and now”…so his old dog and him start walking up the old road from his shack…wondering what the hells going on…
As he saunters along, he comes to a fellow outside a gate, with a little guard house.
The fellow approaches the man and his dog…addresses him as “Brother Simpson”, and indicates to the old fellow he is at the gates of “heaven”, and that he is the gate keeper, St. Peter…and there is a road leading off to what the gate keeper says is “heaven”.
The old boy is excited about getting into heaven, and asks a few more questions, and decides to head in, but the gate keeper says he can’t take his trusty old dog…!
Dogs aren’t allowed…but there is a separate place up the road a piece just for dogs.
The old boy argues with “St. Peter”, but he won’t budge…NO DOGS!
The old fellow more or less tells the gate keeper to shove it up his ass, and he’ll take his chances up the road apiece, as he doesn’t want to be in heaven if he can’t take his good old pal with him.
Try as he might, “St. Peter” can’t convince the old boy to stay with him, and up the road they go.
They sit down for a rest, and they are approached by another fellow who asks him if he is “brother Simpson”?
The old boy answers yes, and the fellow says he’s been waiting for them.
The geezer conveys the story about the first fellow he encountered, and tells the new guy he’d rather be with his dog than go into “heaven” without him.
This new fellow laughs, and tells him he is NOW at heaven’s door, and the DOG is more than welcome, and that the fellow at the first stop was guarding the gates to “Hell”, and “Brother Simpson and his dog were NOW entering heaven, and his wife would be along shortly”.
So off he went, him and his good old dog, to their eternal reward.
Here’s my point…as I watched this old show…and keep in mind this is a metaphor.
The first stop on that road to eternity had a gate keeper that wouldn’t allow dogs into “heaven”, because he was really guarding the gates of “Hell”…but was very deceptive in trying to get “Brother Simpson” to enter.
That old pup saved that guys ass, even in the hear after…!
Moslem’s HATE dogs…
I couldn’t help but put those 2 things together…a place that refuses entry to man’s best friend, and that very place being “HELL”….
ALLAH U AKBAR…ain’t he great!!??
Ain’t HE just fuckin’ great?
“Heaven comes by grace…if it came by merit, you would stay out, and your dog would go in”.
Mark Twain
“I hope there’s dogs in heaven, because if not, I want to go where they go”.
Will Rogers
BareNakedIslam says
I always loved Twilight Zone. Better than most of the junk on TV today. Brilliant in its simplicity and wisdom.
amboyduke says
Absolutely, Bonni…
They were, for the most part, well written, thought provoking, interesting and intelligently conceived.
And they stand up to the test of time.
The stories will be good 500 years from now…if we’re still around…LOL
The post was a bit long, but I just thought how fitting to tie the story to islam.
BareNakedIslam says
Glad you posted it as I hadn’t seen that one.
jean says
Amboyduke, Thankyou for that great story !!!! it made my day as I feel exactly the same way!!!!
sweetolbob says
Sorry, Got carried away. Everyone should listen to the song “Mr. Moses” by the Clancy Brothers.
sweetolbob says
Many things are wrong here. The Irish fail to see the parallels between themselves and Israel. Fighting a larger and seemingly unbeatable foe takes the courage of Israel. Ireland had the same thing fighting England for EIGHT HUNDRED YEARS. Was Ireland pro Nazi or anti English. Do you blame the Irish for cheering every bomb that dropped on
England ? Remember that England let over ONE MILLION Irish starve to death while offering no help to the bulk of the country during the potato famine.
The world rightfully canonizes Churchill, but yet he hated Ireland.
And a Jew was for years the mayor of Dublin.
Education is badly needed in Ireland to replace the propaganda and the assumed victimism of the lying posturing Arabs and Palestinians. The Irish will always fight for the underdog. They must be told that is Israel, not the untold numbers of filthy muslims that want to destroy her.
BareNakedIslam says
Bob, I, in no way, am condemning all Irish people. Probably should have qualified it with leftist Irish.
Muz Tash says
Until this past year the Irish Justice Minister was Jewish. He is still a senior serving Irish politician. In the Irish war of independence there was a very prominent Jewish hero. Ireland and England are largely reconciled today and during her visit Queen agreed ‘That there were *****ps on both sides’. The Irish are already in an increasingly high state of alertness about the Muslim reptiles slithering around the a island of Ireland. ‘Palestine’ may eventually have to be collateral damage.
No.1 Infidel says
All I can say is that society is stupid. Ostracize the one shining light of democracy and freedom in the middle east, and make it trendy to support terrorists.
Future generations will look back at us and think that we were insane.
cynical1 says
They’ll do ok.
As long as they don’t invite their new “friends” to any gay weddings…
Ross Trantor says
There’s no question that the Irish suffered under the yoke of bully boy English leaders for hundreds of years. So it seems that, now being part of the EU and friends with the UK, they needed a place to project the aggravation in their national psyche. So they bought into the ‘oppressive tyrant Israel/poor muslim paleostinian victims’ thing probably conjured up by Irish socialist/Greens. Not all of them think this way –
ClevervDick says
Poor old ‘modern progressive Ireland’ and its nu outward looking citizens. Soon to be outnumbered by hungry east Europeans social benefit seekers and more obvious unemployed African Muslim economic bandits. Trying to be all things to all people and losing their identity and country on the way. From a country so long supposedly cruelly colonized by its next door neighbor their seems to be a disconnect somewhere. Still the whole disgusting Muslim way of death and its screaming out loud agenda and intent is taking its time to connect elsewhere as well.
Hadenoughalready says
I’m just shaking my head over this BDS crap.
Anyone who supports this shit should hand over their cell phones and lose their computers. And when they come down with diabetes or cancer, they can suffer.
Right now, Israel is the foremost innovator in medical science regarding diabetes and cancer research with tangible strides being made in both using plant extracts and nano-technologies that target the cancer cells by boosting the human immune system.
Go to (go to their technology section) and look it up for yourselves. Or just google it…
Plant discovery offers new hope for diabetics
Israeli Company’s Vaccine Blocks 90% of Cancer Types
In tech to make Ebola vaccine, Israeli firm was there first
Huck Folder says
Can anyone explain where the virulent irish antisemitism comes from?
Which morphs into unthinking paleostiniophilism and islamophilism.
Ultimately accepting the zombie creed of mo and joining his poisonous cult.
The McGuires and Corrigans and thousands of others.
Is it the unthinking catholicism that drives them?
Anyone know?
BareNakedIslam says
HF, a lot were pro-Nazi back in the day, too.
james spackman says
BFN Not just pro Nazi, they openly sheltered nazis during ww11, and many were volunteers for the german armies, hoping to get =their 6 counties back when hitler defeated England..Abit like the catholic church ie the vatican who helped hundreds of nazi war criminals to escape by providing them with fake identities. also colluded with the grand mufti of jerusalem to have jerusalem as its new “vatican”
Nervous O'Toole says
James Spackman this is pure unadulterated bs. Quote your sources please. There are lots of easy to find books and written documentation on the British Royal Family Nazis, British Free Corps Waffen SS regiment and of course the massive anti Jewish British Nazis led by ‘Mr’ Mosley who loved to storm the Jewish community neighborhoods of East London – back in the day. So James put up or shut up. We have enough PC lies without your pathetic negative ‘contribution’.
mauricemojo says
I’m pretty sure i watched a documentary whilst being a member of H.M.Forces of Irish republicans being trained in terrorism by the Palestinian Liberation Organisation Huck,so this collusion probably goes back 30/40 years.
We should penalize them,and free western countries should refuse to do trade with them if this is their attitude,their economy wasn,t that great last time i heard and the E.U had to bail the banks out,although they have one of the most generous welfare systems in the west with job seekers getting 188 euros a week compared to Britains 75 pounds a week,maybe a few flyers stating this in Calais are in order lol
Hadenoughalready says
No different than when they sided with the Nazis against England. Known fact!
amboyduke says
I wouldn’t be surprised if much of it was motivated by that ridiculous old idea…
“the Jews killed Christ, ergo, we hate da Jew….”
That thought still permeates some “Christian” thinking.
Shameless Sharia says
I will say that I don’t know, but I suspect some of the following:
1) There is a long-time Catholic-derived hatred of the Jews as the killers of Jesus and all the negative stereotypes that are in the N.T.. Even though Vatican II officially took away that charge, (Northern) Ireland’s been a staunchly Catholic country with a long history of that hatred.
2) I’ve been told stories from first hand victims of coming out of (U.S.) public school near Catholic churches and schools and having stones thrown at them every day for being Jewish in the 1940s. One such victim said he used to be angry at them, until he found out that they were all probably being sexually abused by the priests and then felt sorry for the kids..
3) Of course there was a long “occupation” and oppression of the Irish people by the British, and there may be a sympathetic/empathetic feeling amongst the Irish for the unearned and habitual victimization of the Fakestinians.
4) The IRA (Irish Republican Army) had a long, cozy, cooperative relationship.
5) I personally love Irish music, especially from the group, Solas. As much as I love it, I’m inclined not to listen.
Here are a couple of articles on the subject:
6) Found out a couple of years ago that the reason traditional Irish dancing ONLY involves using the feet, was because the British refused to let the Irish use their hands while dancing. Not sure about the truth of this, but it could be.
7) There may be some psychological phenomenon of Irish Catholics having been the lowest man on the totem poll for so long, that they needed someone else to kick around.
Just some thoughts…….
Charlotte says
It has always been there. Ireland allied itself with Nazi Germany during WW2. Some Nazis lived in Ireland-Catholic priests helped them. Ireland welcomed them during WW2
Otto ‘Scarface’ Skorzeny, once described as Hitler’s favourite soldier and the most dangerous man in Europe, was feted by the Dublin social glitterati.
Fourteen years after he had rescued Mussolini from a hilltop fortress in 1943, Skorzeny arrived at a reception in his honour held at Portmarnock Country Club.
I wouldnt be at all surprised if any of the Grand muftis followers were there too. I think Catholic Ireland always regarded Jews as Christ killers
How did Hitlers scar faced henchman become an Irish farmer:
and Ireland sheltered Nazis war criminals after WW2: