Over the past few years, Americans have gradually begun to realize that something’s rotten in the state of Michigan. After numerous incidents, there is no denying that Michigan has a problem, and it’s coming from its fast-growing Islamic community.
Truthfeed By now, many Americans have heard the horror stories coming from certain areas in Michigan, specifically Dearborn and Hamtramck, which have become inundated with Islamic migrants and communities.
In fact, Hamtramck is listed as a majority-Muslim city, and is governed by only Muslims, while Dearborn is considered the “Muslim capitol of the US,” at over 50% Islamic, and is home to America’s biggest Mosque.
The annual Arab-American Festival in Dearborn (below) was permanently cancelled a few years ago after Christians were beat up and had rocks thrown at them by Muslims at the festival. The lawsuit that resulted from the attack rendered the festival impossible to insure after that and forced its cancellation.
Now, Michigan may be headed towards becoming the first state in American history to elect a Muslim governor, a man named Dr. Abdul el-Sayed.
At only 32, el-Sayed has accomplished a lot already; he’s a doctor, a teacher, and a possible candidate for the governor of one of the largest states in the US.
What’s troubling is that el-Sayed is backed by the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization, and would be stepping into a position of extreme power in a state that is already experiencing a massive threat of Islamic takeover.
The thing is, the Muslim Brotherhood, who has been quite clear on their goals of taking over the United States, uses people like Doctor el-Sayed to achieve power, and then begin working to dominate host areas.
El-Sayed is the perfect candidate for them: he’s well received by many, speaks well, without an accent, and has a very “Barack Obama” like charisma that will certainly be used to his advantage.
By using a “Trojan horse” figure like Dr. Abdul el-Sayed, the Muslim Brotherhood is one step closer to achieving their goals for an Islamic takeover of the United States, as was clearly outlined in documents found by the FBI years ago.
A governor like el-Sayed, in an already Islamic-heavy area such as Michigan, could be just the foothold the Muslim Brotherhood needs to begin establishing laws that are formed around Islam, and then working towards their implementation in the rest of the country.
Similar events have unfolded across the world, throughout history, and many Western countries are experiencing their own struggles with this very thing to this day.
The Muslim Brotherhood has clearly outlined their plan, and believe that it would take them 30 years to completely take over America in the name of Islam.
The scary part, is that they planned this some 27 years ago.
FOX News’ Jesse Watters visits Dearbornistan:
Fred says
The Islamic parasite has spread to America and will aim to consume it from within like in Europe. The Muslim savage plots conspires and deceives his aim to destroy the West and install Sharia. When this is done he will systematically oppress and then destroy the non Muslim.
https://youtube.com/@blackdogspeaks1293 says
This is true to some extent given the religious idea of “Taqiyyatan” after all a Muslim to protect themselves in religion can pretend to be any religion or no religion at all while being inwardly still Muslim in belief or even lie about the religious beliefs or interpretation of them to deceive naive individuals. Thus, they can even practice as sheep while inwardly they are ravening wolves. However, this makes them religious spies for the cause of religion of Islam only. Given the historical militant and violent oppression of Islam and intolerance to other religious beliefs they can be an issue too. They won’t likely take over the United States in 30 years nor even 100 years as the population of the country nearing 300 million. What you’d end up with mostly Muslim ghettos that may cause a problem to outsiders. Thus, they’d just be another mafia gang with their own corner in the U.S. which already takes place with African Americans, Mexicans, Chinatown, Irish areas, French quarter of New Orleans etc. and so forth with their own social customs. Given also the wealth of information on the internet Islam as a religious belief would likely decline as any reasonable intelligent person can obviously debunk Islam as anything truthful on examination. So no, Islam is not going to as a whole take over the U.S. with a desert death cult. However, more extreme versions of Islam do contain dangerous indoctrination that are at odds with the U.S. Constitution and this is why technically the cult is illegal to fully practice.
Kristi Ann says
The FALSE PAGANISM OCCULT–IDEOLOGY of islam-nazism FASCISM is a POLITICAL TOTALITARIANISM ploy to take over SOVEREIGN Nations and destroy them from the inside out!!
( Exodus 20:13 KJV )”Thou shalt not kill.”!!
( Matthew 5:21 KJV ) “Ye have Heard that it was Said by them of Old Time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in Danger of the Judgment:”!! ( Of GOD YAHWEH and JESUS ( YESHUA ) CHRIST!!
( Deuteronomy 5:17 KJV ) “Thou shalt not kill.”!!
The FALSE PAGAN moon god allah-satan-baal is just one of over 360 FALSE PAGAN gods that came out of the Middle East Arab nations, ans these FALSE PAGAN gods are NOT the gods of ABRAHAM . ISSAC and JACOB!!
( Exodus 20:3 KJV ) “Thou shalt have No other gods before ME.”!!
( Joshua 24:15 KJV ) “And if it seem evil unto you to Serve the LORD, Choose you this day whom ye will Serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and My House, We Will Serve the LORD.”!!
( Deuteronomy 5:7 KJV ) “Thou shalt have None other gods before ME.”!!
Please PRAY for Our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America and the Holy Land of Israel-Yisrael Everyday!! “Pray Without Ceasing.” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV )!!
Love Always and Shalom ( Peace ) Everyone, YSIC \o/
Kristi Ann
Cleavis Nowell says
There seems to be speculation right now over whether Donald Trump will use laser weapons or a neutron bomb on North Korea. I favor using a a small neutron bomb on Dearborn,Michigan
BareNakedIslam says
Don’t know if it’s true, but it is said that George HW Bush destroyed all our neutron bombs.
Dave says
It was an unpractical weapon. No country currently has ERWs.
BareNakedIslam says
Dave says
They realised it would be ineffective against tanks. The Russian propaganda against it also worked. Hence, decommissioned.
Flintoid says
For many years now, when you call state of Mich numbers like unemployment benefits lines, you hear “press 3 for Arabic”. I first had that experience in 2003.
Robert Ritchie for Senate may help (KidRock), but we need IN-HOUSE people. We definitely need to DUMP DEB.
Michael Petch says
Well there is a lot more to it. Neutron weapons on the battlefield would have been intended to kill the people inside the armor. You had to effectively saturation bomb an area for enough radiation to guarantee an outright kill of infantry in a tank. They were effective weapons, but inefficient.
The real reason you don’t see tactical weapons like neutron artillery/neutron bombs/short and intermediate range neutron missiles is almost entirely political. First off these were suppose to be tactical weapons (not strategic). NATO (commanders in the field would have had authorization to use them if they felt their positions were going to be overrun by soviet mechanized division. Neutron eapons were meant to be morally superior because it was originally believed that you could have a limited war on the battlefield with them.Unfortunately the use of these weapons would almost in all likelihood lead to exchange of strategic nuclear arsenals – game over.
So why use a weapon that would decentralize power of usage in a way that might be seen as more morally justified and would inevitable lead to all out nuclear conflict? You make the proposition of starting a limited war more inviting but you basically end up up with strategic arsenals being used at the end of the day.
Neutron weapons and tactical battlefield nukes are limited to limit our chances of doing something stupid. You can probably thank the anti-nuke protesters of the 70s and 80s for actually winning the war against their governments. Basically every NATO ally in Europe refused these weapons on their soil because the battlefield would have been much of Eastern Europe. If it hadn’t been for successful lobbying efforts by anti-nuke protesting we likely wood have seen neutron weapons deployed on the battlefield in Europe.
In the end the US had no real support, and it was seen as a weapon that could be morally justified leading to a global strategic exchange. At the end of the day, there was little upside to these weapons from a perspective of humanity and civilization.
Flintoid says
Bonni, no wonder you are non-grata in Dearborn
My offer of safe haven in Flint or farther north still stands.
BareNakedIslam says
There are more and more muslims right here in my hometown – NYC. Mr. BNI’s old neighborhood in Brooklyn is swarming with them.
Emma de la Cruz says
Offer’s good for Montana. TWO experienced horse people AND a Marine brother and his wife. Perfect. Have empty stalls so you can even bring your horses!
Flintoid says
If you’ve ever seen Abdul el-Said live, you will understand the truth of this post. I saw him on a local PBS show, “Off The Record” hosted by longtime Michigan commentator Tim Skubick. That was a few months ago (April 28 2017). I knew immediately that this “democrat” would be our next governor unless the repubs get their act together. We HAVE NO CANDIDATE… Our current guy Snyder will be totally ineffective against Abdul. Here’s the link to Skubick’s broadcast :
BareNakedIslam says
Flint, here’s more on him: http://www.barenakedislam.com/2017/07/21/beware-this-devout-muslim-running-for-governor-of-michigan-is-the-new-diversity-sweetheart-of-the-left/
GFWSR says
Always remember; wherever there are muslims, there are problems!
glnman says
Muslims that don’t know what Sharia law is? Right!
Dennis Young says
If it is well-known now that the islamics are working to take over the US (and Canada, the UK, etc.) then why are the political leaders, media, etc., not putting their full forces behind thwarting their ambitions?
tran says
Use your free speech to fight this, before they take your freedom of expression away!
Harland says
Before these bagheads get all comfy in their status, they need to ask themselves, “Could we (mooslims) have built the wealth that exists around them. Remember that Ford Motor Company is based there along with all the support industries that enable an industrial economy to begin and flourish. These mongrols come from countries where the majority of peasants live on dirt floors, few if any public utilities, libraries? non existent. Like all other dictatorships before them they do not innovate, invent, develop economies. ONLY a Judeo/Christian free market economy can do that. Islam always destroy what they take over. They’ll take over , suck the life out of whatever is there . They’ll execute, murder, rape, pillage or do whatever the hell they want, ….SHariah never ever produces wealth. That was never mohammeds’ intention…that murdering , pedophile dog is dead and in hell. So that’s where the fools who sign up for islam will end up if they don’t turn to Christ. Who IS alive and defeated death. It is Christ who is God, the Lord Creator
Adam says
Of all the things that the last US president did, this is definitely the worst and that is truly sad as Obama was a f**k up of a leader. I often wonder if he loved America at all? Its not even integration, its sheer butchery of one of America’s states. The so called experiment didn’t need Nostradamus to see it would be a total failure.
If educated non hijabd or burkah wearing muslims would accept and respect the law of the land and were allowed in small numbers, Islamophobia wouldn’t even exist. Anywhere these savages gather en masse is a death penalty to the local communities. I curse you Mr oBummer.
BareNakedIslam says
Adam, don’t blame Obama for this. Dearborn was bad long before Obama took office. You have Henry Ford to thank for this. He was a huge antisemite and hated Jews so much, he imported thousands of Arab Muslims to work in his factories because he could get them cheap. And they would breed large families of future workers. Back then, the Muslims who came here actually did work because there wasn’t much welfare.
Lincoln Applegate Hahn says
Michigan is so Islam friendly …. the Muzzies don’t need to emigrate to Canada ?
ronyvo says
WOW. How on earth Pres. Trump would cleanse this state of the Islamic filth?! Watching these videos brought me back to my Islamic country Egypt, even much worse. I am speechless from anger and frustration, not with the criminal Muslims, but the naïve ignorant Americans, who sold their once great country to the Devil. Amazing, in my life time I personally watched two once great countries are being destroyed by this poisonous system ISLAM.
Jay Dillon says
Islam is not allowed in the USA under the McCarran Act. Why is Islam allowed in the USA today? It’s totalitarian. It does NOT belong in a free country. If you think Islam is okay in this country, then you don’t understand anything about freedom, democracy and the American way.
earl commins says
The Act, at least the registration part was repealed in 1968. Without the registration the rest is toothless.
Brenda B Beggs says
That’s odd because…”During the 1970’s and 1980’s, a number of highprofile cases highlighted the “undesirable aliens” section of the McCarran-Walter Act. Under this provision, visas were denied to such “undesirable aliens” as Colombian novelist and Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez, British author and later Nobel laureate Doris Lessing, Chilean poet and Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda, British author Graham Greene, and Canadian writer Farley Mowat. All these distinguished persons were denied normal visas to enter the United States because they did not meet the ideological-exclusion provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.”. And that is according to http://immigrationtounitedstates.org.
Jay Dillon says
Dearborn and other moslem hellholes need to be attacked and retaken by the US Army. Moslems there need to be shipped back to the Middle East in prison ships.
liberalassistance says
1)Brilliant article, nicely written, gripping supporting documentation.
2)Had to kick-start heart.
3)All of these video files need to be saved, backed up, and put on a server that hasn’t surrendered to islam.
As we have been warned, this is an information and influence war, islam is winning it. I would much rather fight the islamo-fascists with words and idea’s, than with fire and steel. The side of light is making headway, finally, at ground level. The pressure must be maintained, and increased.
The marxists strangling the Right to Free Speech are removing the means, and even the language to resist and fight by civil discourse.
This fight is 50-50, right now. Mr. Trump has a full scale palace revolt on his hands. If Mr Trump looses, the citizen will loose the means to resist tyranny within the bounds of civil society, and the social contract is null and void.
The cheese-eating surrender monkey’s to the north are on the verge of that, as M-501 will be C-Dhimmi Law before the next general election.
Then you have come down to fire and steel, or slavery. Probably you’ll have both.
The UNUDHR says you have the basic human right to defend yourself from tyranny.
Of course, this declaration, and indeed, all the festoons of constitutions and charters of rights have no value except as tinder unless the citizen is willing to defend the ideas and values set down in those documents.
It’s time for the citizen to be thinking and planning for contingencies.
Michael Petch says
The supportive documentation doesn’t include the full 1 hour 10 minute video that shows what precipitated what happened after. Let us say it started with a non-Islamic group that has never read the New Testament and the teachings of Christ, or are willfully ignorant of the teachings.
EAL says
Such a shame. The Islamic filth has spread to Port Huron. They have infested the lake front parks.
Az gal says
It used to be in the past, that if you were looking for a job, you could always find one in Michigan. The population was low. The Muzzturds filled in the vacuum. We can’t criticize Europe- we have our own no-go state! And other areas as well. Michigan has gone to the dogs (so to speak).
Christine t says
Syrian female refugees aged 14 and 15 who have fled their country to Jordan and Iraq are being forced into “pleasure marriages” [Nikah al-Mut’ah] – a pre-Islamic custom allowing men to marry for a limited period. Apart from being a cover for legalized prostitution (the marriage can last for as little as 30 minutes), Nikah al-Mut’ah deprives the wife of many rights. No divorce is necessary in “pleasure marriages,” for instance, and the husband may void the marriage earlier than agreed
Az gal says
That’s a Shiite practice.
Jeanie Jane says
It is time Americans wake up very fast, The western Societies are so naive and stupid to let this garbage in. First Europe than America, this is the goal, to take over. This Muzzslime are the dirt of human being. We open our borders and let them in without a fight.
southern knight says
send in the boys in BIKES with no rules.
Sirippou Singaram says
Gradually, will the United States became an Arab country?
Steve S says
The problem with raw sewage being released is that it tends to contaminate everything that it comes in contact with. When they opened up the toilets and sewers of the Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia and flushed them into Europe and other Westernized countries, they got shit all over everything and now everything, everywhere is contaminated with shit.
Jules says
LOL, great analogy
Peter35 says
Excellent analogy! And right from day one, when a murderous, illiterate paedophile crawled out of a sewer in Arabia 1400 years ago. They haven’t changed, nor have we, but our so-called ‘leaders’ have, by inviting this moslem filth into our countries.
Sirippou Singaram says
This is a sad time for the United States