It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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FRANCE: Archbishop Marcel François Lefebvre’s dire warning about islam
“As long as Muslims are an insignificant minority in a Christian country they can live in peace. But as soon as their numbers multiply, they become aggressive and hostile to European civilization. Examples are abundant. They will transform churches into mosques. They will infiltrate government. When they reach 25 – 30% of the population, we will either have to convert, leave the country, or become their slaves. This is the profound nature of Islam and it never changes.” ~ Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
1. Many couples desperate to adopt? Let them adopt from the institutions in the UK holding 50,000 unwanted babies, who will never be adopted. Some are very severely disabled. No doubt their mothers were persuaded by the anti-abortion brigade not to have an abortion even though the foetus was severely disabled.
2. How many anti-abortionists give up their leisure time to help care for a disabled child? Have you and your friends seen 17yrolds who have spent all their life lying on their back suffering blindness, deafness and paralysis, because the propaganda about abortion stopped the mother having an abortion.
When prodded, Catholic cardinals gave little bundles of nappies and baby wipes to mothers whom they had bullied into not getting an abortion. Big deal!
3. I know about the Muslim plan to breed more kids than non-Muslims. Anti-abortion is not the answer. It is a straw clutched by those who desperately want to find reasons for their need to follow the bullying by popes and their cronies. Close our borders to Muslims and stop giving them free housing and child benefit.
If an angelic force wants to make abortion a ‘sin’ let them give a bit more help to those already in this troubled world that we did not design.
4. Pregnancies can cause psychosis in some women. One child and unreliable contraception is sometimes enough. Something the size of a seed has more rights than a woman?
The late Robin Williams used to tell the audience that anti-abortionists harass pregnant woman with ‘please, please keep that baby’ so the woman feeling guilty has the baby. At this point Robin would spin round and turn his back on the audience, imitating the attitude of anti-abortionists, and just say ‘Thanks’ and walk away.
The HORROR and TERROR that comes with Islam! SLAVE TAKING!
Slavery is the Most Evil Crime on earth. It must be fought with all of our might. Inhuman Slavery and Sex Slavery of non-Muslims has always been a huge part of Islam.
British and European leaders know the horrifying history of Muslim barbarian invaders capturing Brits and Europeans for slaves.
Our God-hater leaders know that Muslims highly revere the founder of Islam, Gang Rapist and huge Sex Slaver of non-Muslims, paedophile Warlord Mohammad, as the PERFECT MAN and role model.
Knowing this terrifying fact, our excessively wicked leaders colonised Christian Britain and Europe with Muslims.
Unlike our moral, ethical leaders of centuries ago who fought to stop barbaric Muslim slavery; for decades, excessively wicked British ruling elites have supported the Gang Rapes, Tortures and Sex Slavery of Britain’s little white non-Muslim girls perpetrated on a WAR TIME Scale by the Muslim fiends they massively imported.
Desperate sex slave child victims begged the authorities for help and were ruthlessly ignored.
The cruel response has always been to greatly increase Muslim immigration in order to increase Muslim Sexual Terrorism of Britain’s little white, non-Muslim girls.
In Britain, please attend the Justice for Chelsey street rallies!
Young English girl, Chelsey, was kidnapped, beaten, and gang raped by Muslim monsters. The authorities have all the evidence for the violent beating and gang rape but refuse to prosecute their adored Muslim gang rapists.
Statistics reveal that in two decades, Muslims will be the majority in Britain and Europe. We’ll be ruled by Muslims and barbaric sharia.
There will not be one safe place in all of Europe and Britain for our women and children.
Muslims have 56 countries they can safely return to and live under their adored sharia.
If we lose our very few, cherished Christian countries to Muslim conquest and sharia, we’ll have nowhere to escape to!!! We must not let this happen!
Britain’s little non-Muslim white girls live in fear. Muslim sex slavers have nothing to fear.
British Schoolgirl’s Testimony Muslims Threaten Children With Violence Rape Outside School Daily
NOW is the time for all good men to come to the aid of THEIR country. Of course the Archbishop is correct, but to little to late, the ONLY thing left is to defy the “law” and buy guns for your selves and quietly find like minded folks.
This was said some 40+ years ago. Very prophetic. I don’t suppose the Commie Pope will want to watch this, would get in the way of his kissing muzzturd arse or fellating them.
He understands the deceptive nature of islam. Muslim communities are simply following their prophet’s example when they act like that. Peaceful when weak. Ruthless as they get stronger. Only to act “peaceful” again when they have complete control of a land.
Too bad most people can’t see the forest from the trees.
They’re NEVER peaceful, only conniving. Even when they’re in complete control, they’re still savages and violent. Look at Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi, Somalia, etc. Their violence is always there, turned outward or inward. If they’re not killing each other, they’re killing us and vice versa.
They reached the tipping point early and a long time ago. Time for some drastic action, monsieur le President de France, or the Eiffel Tower will be soon be tipped over, the Louvre will be looted and destroyed, and Madame Guillotine will once more grace the blood soiled ground of Place de Concorde.
The mus slums can ignore this warning as they did Churchill’s warnings in England. Nothing will change because the mus slum’s, with taqiyya, lies, have convinced the governments that they are all about peace. This is the Trojan horse win all over again.
The difference between today and the past and the only hope nowadays is the widespread and fast information exchange (and travel), especially Internet until not totally censored, which can be widely manipulated but not so easily and only up to a point. Many people are now showing to be waking up. Some hope
I doubt it makes any difference since the left/libs/dems are only attuned to their own opinions and their own “facts”. You can lead a “jackass” to “water” but you can’t make him/her/it drink in truth and facts.
But information is what made us progress in the ages. It would only be far worse with no …water at all… .
The world is not divided in 2 well delineated groups: stupid and smart. There is a whole range of… stupidity gradients and reasons, and many who would not be able to reach water by themselves, might neverthless drink it if we bring it to them.
Unless they are the hardcore leftists with no more thirst or straight the enemy.
Wrong only two groups. Believers and non believers. The Bible says that our battle is between spirits not men. Good and evil. If your not born again the Bible says this is all gibberish to you and you can not understand. The war with the Muslims is with satan himself. Muslims will be used in the end days read revelations.
Churches turned into mosques? What do you expect when you’re not making enough babies to replace yourselves, let alone fill the churches? Get busy in the bedroom.
Giovanni, forbid abortions? How many pregnancies have you had?
In N Ireland, part of the UK, abortion is forbidden. Pregnant women with TREATABLE cancer are forbidden to have an abortion, treatment or painkillers to avoid harming the foetus.
These women have died in agony, their screams heard outside the hospital. Some have left a man to bring up the toddlers with no help from the Church.
What stupidity! Something the size of a seed has more rights than a mother with children?
I have not yet met an anti-abortion Catholic because Catholics are not allowed any opinion that is contrary to the Pope’s deluded ones. I have never heard of a priest offering to look after children born blind, deaf and disabled while the parents have a break.
Not many years ago,in Ireland, women with large families queued outside the priests’ houses to receive any scraps from the overfed misogynists’ table.
I believe it was Jesus who spoke of ‘whited sepulchres’. And a very clever man once said ‘When everyone in a group thinks alike, then someone is not thinking’.
Thank you, Etti. Christianity, the “religion of love”, apparently cares nothing for a woman’s life as soon as an egg is fertilized inside her. This should not be surprising in a religion so focused on virgins. To have worth a female must be either a virgin or a mother. Anything in between, apparently, is a slut with no rights.
Revereridesagain, thanks. It is also perfectly ok for a 13 yr old child in modern Ireland to be raped by a psychopath and forced to bear his baby. The13yr old’s mother forced to bring up the child, too. And that is only one case.
Well fed, mindless men who clearly do not like women, put on a long frock and tell everyone else that all children are made by God.
So He arranges to have an innocent child raped?
Hi Etti, I believe very deeply in human rights for babies! Many couples are sterile and very desperate to adopt babies!
Why should adoptive parents be denied from having the babies that mums don’t want? And why should the expectant mums be prevented from giving the Most Beautiful Gift – her baby? !!!
Back in the nineties I was part of a pro-life group. The leader was
Catholic. We counseled the women going into the abortion clinic.
Many pregnant women experience the MOST INTENSE PRESSURE from parents, boyfriends and friends to have an abortion!
One day an Arabic looking male started to walk up the steps of the abortion clinic with his beautiful white girlfriend. We told her we could get her help with the baby.
The young woman walked back down the steps and walked down the street.
The man went into a big rage screaming at us and telling us that he was going to call the police. He was shouting so loud that people down the street came out of their office buildings to see what was happening.
He went inside the abortion clinic. We went to talk to the young woman. The first words that came out of her mouth was” I told him not to bring me here!”
Many pregnant women are not strong enough to stand up to their controlling, aggressive boyfriends and need help!
The pro-aborts always came to the abortion clinic to oppose us. One of them said she had an abortion as her baby was a PARASITE!
The pro-aborts would make make a lot of noise seeking to drown out the words of help we offered to the pregnant mums.
One of the women who came out of the abortion clinic suddenly and without warning, pushed one of our women violently with all her might so that she ended up hitting the concrete on her spine. We took her to be checked at the hospital.
Radical ACT UP gay organisation who also came out to oppose us, did the same thing to another woman. She was rushed immediately to the hospital.
The leader of our pro-life group had a big album with pics of smiling, happy parents and their babies who the group had saved from abortion.
One Christian lady in our group took pregnant mums who needed a lot of help, into her home until such time they could make it on their own.
White people are not having babies! White people (and in Japan) are having LESS than 2 babies per couple. Our replacement level is NOT being achieved. Many white people are having none!
A VERY DANGEROUS situation for Western Civilisation!!!!!!!!
Anne Marie Waters of the new patriotic British party is reported to be an abortion activist!!!
Muslims triumphantly declare: The WOMBS of our WOMEN will give us VICTORY! Muslims are having huge numbers of children! Financed by non-Muslim taxpayers!
We either have LOTS of children or are Conquered!!! The choice is ours!
50 Million Muslims In Europe,80% Are Beggars Living on Western Welfare
Linda, our culture in the US does not really value children. As you know, If the Europeans had more children, the Muslums would not be allowed to invade this way! Although I hate abortion, the idea was to make it legal & safe because women were dying from “back alley” or coat hanger jobs. It’s a very emotional issue. I think the change has to come from people’s hearts, not the law.
I think Etti misunderstood me. What she describes happens in N Ireland is wrong too but for other reasons. A balance and logical approach must inspire the law, if not, if laws are stiff and go their own way, we are with those absurd consequences that Etti describes.
My post was too short to lay out the proposal properly.
Of course medical conditions such as cancer HIV and others, and even the pregnancy being a proven result of rape, could and should exempt the biological mothers from being foribidden abortion. Lots of exception to forbidding abortion would still leave way over half abortions forbidden and that would have a big impact on our birthrates.
The key is that the biological parents (the mum for pregnancy, the dad, if detectable and solvent, for the costs of it otherwise covered by the taxpayers) would only be supposed to deliver the baby, but not obliged to bring it up.
We might give a buffer time lapse of 1 or 2 months for the biological mum/dad to change of mind (or provide some requirements) for adopting. ..his own baby, but WHAT MATTERS NOW IS THAT BABY IS INDEED DELIVERED AND BROUGHT UP WITHIN THE NATIVE CULTURE (and not by parents with less civilized alien or even incompatibile culture).
THAT is our target.
Adoption needs to be allowed ONLY to (probabile sterile/unfit for pregnancy) ETHEROSEXUAL NATIVE couples (of 3rd generation, thus with local culture).
That is key.
Btw adopting more unwanted newborn natives than third world kids would also cater for survival of our race, on top of our culture.
Mine about abortion is not a religious position, since I am an Agnostic (though still of Catholic roots), but rather a practical proposal (on the table since months at the Italian parliament), and partly a moral stand, to counter FAST our unstoppable Western demographic decline and maybe straighten up a moral approach about pregnancy as a total freedom without responsability, as it became over time in Italy and many other Western countries (though, I find out, not in The Catholic stronghold of Ireland).
Once set (let’s reset it better if we wish) an age of the fetus after which contraception becomes abortion, if you focus on it, abortion is actually still a kind of murder, maybe a minor one but still murder.
And when there aren’t even medical conditions to allow it and if we don’t force the parents to bring up and foster their kids after birth, why should we keep allowing abortions while by now we even need more kids to just keep up our population replacement rate at level zero?
Linda, I agree with you! Over 60 million abortions since Roe vs. Wade. If we had those children in the US now – there would be no need for muzzies coming over here.
Just because abortion is legal, does not mean women are any safer having an abortion today! Women die from abortions even now because of medical malpractice/ negligence – Dr. Kermit Gosnel, Philadelphia USA, who got a life sentence in recent years, comes to mind (horrifying).
Why do you need 2 bil. people in Europe ? 500 mil are more than enough. Never was Europe so populated.
It is about quality, not quantity. And, in next 10-20 years, a lot of people will be jobless because of industrial robots. Why do you want more kids ?
And what good will it do to tie all those white Christian women to beds and force them to have babies every year, if the kids will grow up going to schools infected with Marxism and, increasingly, Islam? Does anyone fantasize that in 18 years this will breed an army of real Crusaders that will take back Europe? If you do not fight for your rights and freedom now, don’t put your faith in enslaving millions of women to do it for you in your old age.
Revere, again great comments from you. So many disabled children born because of anti-abortionists’ religious or unrealistic parroting.
How will those children and their parents fight a crusade?
Here’s a novel idea…instead of rearing more children, how about annihilating the undesirable Islamic vermin that infest our countries?
Or at the very least infect them with some form of severe chemical sterilization in the halal section of their food stores?
I’m certain that an attempt at doing this will soon be in the works…
Yes, talk is cheap, but one can only hope.
vasile, Britain and Europe’s white Christians and Jews are being replaced with imported Muslims. Many Muslims have four or more wives, giving each Muslim male 20 or more children — ALL financed by non-Muslim taxpayers!
Muslim Conquest and Sharia will transform Britain and Europe into a LIVING HELL just like Pakistan where Christians, Hindus and Sikhs suffer EXTREME PERSECUTION from Muslims.
Hartmut says
A wise guy for sure.
robbydot says
Will it do any good at all? I doubt it.
Etti says
LINDA thanks for your reply to my comments.
1. Many couples desperate to adopt? Let them adopt from the institutions in the UK holding 50,000 unwanted babies, who will never be adopted. Some are very severely disabled. No doubt their mothers were persuaded by the anti-abortion brigade not to have an abortion even though the foetus was severely disabled.
2. How many anti-abortionists give up their leisure time to help care for a disabled child? Have you and your friends seen 17yrolds who have spent all their life lying on their back suffering blindness, deafness and paralysis, because the propaganda about abortion stopped the mother having an abortion.
When prodded, Catholic cardinals gave little bundles of nappies and baby wipes to mothers whom they had bullied into not getting an abortion. Big deal!
3. I know about the Muslim plan to breed more kids than non-Muslims. Anti-abortion is not the answer. It is a straw clutched by those who desperately want to find reasons for their need to follow the bullying by popes and their cronies. Close our borders to Muslims and stop giving them free housing and child benefit.
If an angelic force wants to make abortion a ‘sin’ let them give a bit more help to those already in this troubled world that we did not design.
4. Pregnancies can cause psychosis in some women. One child and unreliable contraception is sometimes enough. Something the size of a seed has more rights than a woman?
The late Robin Williams used to tell the audience that anti-abortionists harass pregnant woman with ‘please, please keep that baby’ so the woman feeling guilty has the baby. At this point Robin would spin round and turn his back on the audience, imitating the attitude of anti-abortionists, and just say ‘Thanks’ and walk away.
A woman’s body is no-one else’s damned business.
Pray Hard says
And Macron’s dog peed on the fireplace.
Linda Rivera says
The HORROR and TERROR that comes with Islam! SLAVE TAKING!
Slavery is the Most Evil Crime on earth. It must be fought with all of our might. Inhuman Slavery and Sex Slavery of non-Muslims has always been a huge part of Islam.
British and European leaders know the horrifying history of Muslim barbarian invaders capturing Brits and Europeans for slaves.
Our God-hater leaders know that Muslims highly revere the founder of Islam, Gang Rapist and huge Sex Slaver of non-Muslims, paedophile Warlord Mohammad, as the PERFECT MAN and role model.
Knowing this terrifying fact, our excessively wicked leaders colonised Christian Britain and Europe with Muslims.
Unlike our moral, ethical leaders of centuries ago who fought to stop barbaric Muslim slavery; for decades, excessively wicked British ruling elites have supported the Gang Rapes, Tortures and Sex Slavery of Britain’s little white non-Muslim girls perpetrated on a WAR TIME Scale by the Muslim fiends they massively imported.
Desperate sex slave child victims begged the authorities for help and were ruthlessly ignored.
The cruel response has always been to greatly increase Muslim immigration in order to increase Muslim Sexual Terrorism of Britain’s little white, non-Muslim girls.
In Britain, please attend the Justice for Chelsey street rallies!
Young English girl, Chelsey, was kidnapped, beaten, and gang raped by Muslim monsters. The authorities have all the evidence for the violent beating and gang rape but refuse to prosecute their adored Muslim gang rapists.
Statistics reveal that in two decades, Muslims will be the majority in Britain and Europe. We’ll be ruled by Muslims and barbaric sharia.
There will not be one safe place in all of Europe and Britain for our women and children.
Muslims have 56 countries they can safely return to and live under their adored sharia.
If we lose our very few, cherished Christian countries to Muslim conquest and sharia, we’ll have nowhere to escape to!!! We must not let this happen!
Britain’s little non-Muslim white girls live in fear. Muslim sex slavers have nothing to fear.
British Schoolgirl’s Testimony Muslims Threaten Children With Violence Rape Outside School Daily
Debra gravett says
Don Spilman says
NOW is the time for all good men to come to the aid of THEIR country. Of course the Archbishop is correct, but to little to late, the ONLY thing left is to defy the “law” and buy guns for your selves and quietly find like minded folks.
Az gal says
A voice of truth out of the wilderness..
catphish says
Had the honor of meeting his holiness in the 70’s, when he Confirmed three of my children. He was spot on !
Az gal says
Lucky kids!
Mohammed Wazza Paedophile says
This was said some 40+ years ago. Very prophetic. I don’t suppose the Commie Pope will want to watch this, would get in the way of his kissing muzzturd arse or fellating them.
Peter35 says
Wrong!! moslems can/will never live in peace with us–anywhere.
Brian Carter says
And where is the queen? How can she stand silently by and allow her nation to be obliterated without a fight?
Rotary Chicken says
The old bat is 90-something – I suspect her priority is simply dying peacefully. Charles, on the other hand, can’t wait to convert.
Murad says
They also become aggressive when they find out that the country and continent they were invited to has no men … only zombies.
Nikki says
He understands the deceptive nature of islam. Muslim communities are simply following their prophet’s example when they act like that. Peaceful when weak. Ruthless as they get stronger. Only to act “peaceful” again when they have complete control of a land.
Too bad most people can’t see the forest from the trees.
Pray Hard says
They’re NEVER peaceful, only conniving. Even when they’re in complete control, they’re still savages and violent. Look at Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi, Somalia, etc. Their violence is always there, turned outward or inward. If they’re not killing each other, they’re killing us and vice versa.
David says
They reached the tipping point early and a long time ago. Time for some drastic action, monsieur le President de France, or the Eiffel Tower will be soon be tipped over, the Louvre will be looted and destroyed, and Madame Guillotine will once more grace the blood soiled ground of Place de Concorde.
cat says
The mus slums can ignore this warning as they did Churchill’s warnings in England. Nothing will change because the mus slum’s, with taqiyya, lies, have convinced the governments that they are all about peace. This is the Trojan horse win all over again.
Giovanni says
The difference between today and the past and the only hope nowadays is the widespread and fast information exchange (and travel), especially Internet until not totally censored, which can be widely manipulated but not so easily and only up to a point. Many people are now showing to be waking up. Some hope
glnman says
I doubt it makes any difference since the left/libs/dems are only attuned to their own opinions and their own “facts”. You can lead a “jackass” to “water” but you can’t make him/her/it drink in truth and facts.
Giovanni says
But information is what made us progress in the ages. It would only be far worse with no …water at all… .
The world is not divided in 2 well delineated groups: stupid and smart. There is a whole range of… stupidity gradients and reasons, and many who would not be able to reach water by themselves, might neverthless drink it if we bring it to them.
Unless they are the hardcore leftists with no more thirst or straight the enemy.
It is a hard work though…
Lyle Boliou says
Wrong only two groups. Believers and non believers. The Bible says that our battle is between spirits not men. Good and evil. If your not born again the Bible says this is all gibberish to you and you can not understand. The war with the Muslims is with satan himself. Muslims will be used in the end days read revelations.
Diesel Strongboy says
Churches turned into mosques? What do you expect when you’re not making enough babies to replace yourselves, let alone fill the churches? Get busy in the bedroom.
Giovanni says
We need to forbid abortions again and open for adoption of unwanted newborns by sterile native couples
Etti says
Giovanni, forbid abortions? How many pregnancies have you had?
In N Ireland, part of the UK, abortion is forbidden. Pregnant women with TREATABLE cancer are forbidden to have an abortion, treatment or painkillers to avoid harming the foetus.
These women have died in agony, their screams heard outside the hospital. Some have left a man to bring up the toddlers with no help from the Church.
What stupidity! Something the size of a seed has more rights than a mother with children?
I have not yet met an anti-abortion Catholic because Catholics are not allowed any opinion that is contrary to the Pope’s deluded ones. I have never heard of a priest offering to look after children born blind, deaf and disabled while the parents have a break.
Not many years ago,in Ireland, women with large families queued outside the priests’ houses to receive any scraps from the overfed misogynists’ table.
I believe it was Jesus who spoke of ‘whited sepulchres’. And a very clever man once said ‘When everyone in a group thinks alike, then someone is not thinking’.
revereridesagain says
Thank you, Etti. Christianity, the “religion of love”, apparently cares nothing for a woman’s life as soon as an egg is fertilized inside her. This should not be surprising in a religion so focused on virgins. To have worth a female must be either a virgin or a mother. Anything in between, apparently, is a slut with no rights.
Etti says
Revereridesagain, thanks. It is also perfectly ok for a 13 yr old child in modern Ireland to be raped by a psychopath and forced to bear his baby. The13yr old’s mother forced to bring up the child, too. And that is only one case.
Well fed, mindless men who clearly do not like women, put on a long frock and tell everyone else that all children are made by God.
So He arranges to have an innocent child raped?
Etti says
Revere, interesting. Something I had not considered. My view is it is no-one else’s damned business.
Linda Rivera says
Hi Etti, I believe very deeply in human rights for babies! Many couples are sterile and very desperate to adopt babies!
Why should adoptive parents be denied from having the babies that mums don’t want? And why should the expectant mums be prevented from giving the Most Beautiful Gift – her baby? !!!
Back in the nineties I was part of a pro-life group. The leader was
Catholic. We counseled the women going into the abortion clinic.
Many pregnant women experience the MOST INTENSE PRESSURE from parents, boyfriends and friends to have an abortion!
One day an Arabic looking male started to walk up the steps of the abortion clinic with his beautiful white girlfriend. We told her we could get her help with the baby.
The young woman walked back down the steps and walked down the street.
The man went into a big rage screaming at us and telling us that he was going to call the police. He was shouting so loud that people down the street came out of their office buildings to see what was happening.
He went inside the abortion clinic. We went to talk to the young woman. The first words that came out of her mouth was” I told him not to bring me here!”
Many pregnant women are not strong enough to stand up to their controlling, aggressive boyfriends and need help!
The pro-aborts always came to the abortion clinic to oppose us. One of them said she had an abortion as her baby was a PARASITE!
The pro-aborts would make make a lot of noise seeking to drown out the words of help we offered to the pregnant mums.
One of the women who came out of the abortion clinic suddenly and without warning, pushed one of our women violently with all her might so that she ended up hitting the concrete on her spine. We took her to be checked at the hospital.
Radical ACT UP gay organisation who also came out to oppose us, did the same thing to another woman. She was rushed immediately to the hospital.
The leader of our pro-life group had a big album with pics of smiling, happy parents and their babies who the group had saved from abortion.
One Christian lady in our group took pregnant mums who needed a lot of help, into her home until such time they could make it on their own.
White people are not having babies! White people (and in Japan) are having LESS than 2 babies per couple. Our replacement level is NOT being achieved. Many white people are having none!
A VERY DANGEROUS situation for Western Civilisation!!!!!!!!
Anne Marie Waters of the new patriotic British party is reported to be an abortion activist!!!
Muslims triumphantly declare: The WOMBS of our WOMEN will give us VICTORY! Muslims are having huge numbers of children! Financed by non-Muslim taxpayers!
We either have LOTS of children or are Conquered!!! The choice is ours!
50 Million Muslims In Europe,80% Are Beggars Living on Western Welfare
Az gal says
Linda, our culture in the US does not really value children. As you know, If the Europeans had more children, the Muslums would not be allowed to invade this way! Although I hate abortion, the idea was to make it legal & safe because women were dying from “back alley” or coat hanger jobs. It’s a very emotional issue. I think the change has to come from people’s hearts, not the law.
Giovanni says
I think Etti misunderstood me. What she describes happens in N Ireland is wrong too but for other reasons. A balance and logical approach must inspire the law, if not, if laws are stiff and go their own way, we are with those absurd consequences that Etti describes.
My post was too short to lay out the proposal properly.
Of course medical conditions such as cancer HIV and others, and even the pregnancy being a proven result of rape, could and should exempt the biological mothers from being foribidden abortion. Lots of exception to forbidding abortion would still leave way over half abortions forbidden and that would have a big impact on our birthrates.
The key is that the biological parents (the mum for pregnancy, the dad, if detectable and solvent, for the costs of it otherwise covered by the taxpayers) would only be supposed to deliver the baby, but not obliged to bring it up.
We might give a buffer time lapse of 1 or 2 months for the biological mum/dad to change of mind (or provide some requirements) for adopting. ..his own baby, but WHAT MATTERS NOW IS THAT BABY IS INDEED DELIVERED AND BROUGHT UP WITHIN THE NATIVE CULTURE (and not by parents with less civilized alien or even incompatibile culture).
THAT is our target.
Adoption needs to be allowed ONLY to (probabile sterile/unfit for pregnancy) ETHEROSEXUAL NATIVE couples (of 3rd generation, thus with local culture).
That is key.
Btw adopting more unwanted newborn natives than third world kids would also cater for survival of our race, on top of our culture.
Mine about abortion is not a religious position, since I am an Agnostic (though still of Catholic roots), but rather a practical proposal (on the table since months at the Italian parliament), and partly a moral stand, to counter FAST our unstoppable Western demographic decline and maybe straighten up a moral approach about pregnancy as a total freedom without responsability, as it became over time in Italy and many other Western countries (though, I find out, not in The Catholic stronghold of Ireland).
Once set (let’s reset it better if we wish) an age of the fetus after which contraception becomes abortion, if you focus on it, abortion is actually still a kind of murder, maybe a minor one but still murder.
And when there aren’t even medical conditions to allow it and if we don’t force the parents to bring up and foster their kids after birth, why should we keep allowing abortions while by now we even need more kids to just keep up our population replacement rate at level zero?
I am trying to spread the idea
Irving says
Linda, I agree with you! Over 60 million abortions since Roe vs. Wade. If we had those children in the US now – there would be no need for muzzies coming over here.
Just because abortion is legal, does not mean women are any safer having an abortion today! Women die from abortions even now because of medical malpractice/ negligence – Dr. Kermit Gosnel, Philadelphia USA, who got a life sentence in recent years, comes to mind (horrifying).
vasile sculeru says
Why do you need 2 bil. people in Europe ? 500 mil are more than enough. Never was Europe so populated.
It is about quality, not quantity. And, in next 10-20 years, a lot of people will be jobless because of industrial robots. Why do you want more kids ?
revereridesagain says
And what good will it do to tie all those white Christian women to beds and force them to have babies every year, if the kids will grow up going to schools infected with Marxism and, increasingly, Islam? Does anyone fantasize that in 18 years this will breed an army of real Crusaders that will take back Europe? If you do not fight for your rights and freedom now, don’t put your faith in enslaving millions of women to do it for you in your old age.
Etti says
Revere, again great comments from you. So many disabled children born because of anti-abortionists’ religious or unrealistic parroting.
How will those children and their parents fight a crusade?
Amboyduke says
Here’s a novel idea…instead of rearing more children, how about annihilating the undesirable Islamic vermin that infest our countries?
Or at the very least infect them with some form of severe chemical sterilization in the halal section of their food stores?
I’m certain that an attempt at doing this will soon be in the works…
Yes, talk is cheap, but one can only hope.
Linda Rivera says
vasile, Britain and Europe’s white Christians and Jews are being replaced with imported Muslims. Many Muslims have four or more wives, giving each Muslim male 20 or more children — ALL financed by non-Muslim taxpayers!
Muslim Conquest and Sharia will transform Britain and Europe into a LIVING HELL just like Pakistan where Christians, Hindus and Sikhs suffer EXTREME PERSECUTION from Muslims.
Rotary Chicken says
Maybe some people think industry is here to provide quality of life, rather than life being here to provide quality to industry.
xenonman says
Il a beaucoup de raison!