It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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GOOD FOR QUEBEC! Elementary school Muslim teacher removed for wearing an Islamic supremacist hijab in the classroom
Montreal Gazette(h/t Rchard S) Parents were sent an email Dec. 3 telling them the teacher would no longer be in the classroom. They learned later that it was because of Bill 21. The woman is still working at the school in “another function,” but the school board would not say what type of work she is now doing.
Muslims and their bleeding heart, leftist useful idiots placed green ribbons on a fence outside the school as a sign of support for the teacher.
“It’s shocking as a parent to see this come into action within our small little community,” parent Amanda DeGrace told CTV News. “It’s very sad to me that we’re seeing Bill 21 come into action and the impact that it’s having on everyone involved.”
Reader Interactions
This is nothing but band aids on bullet wounds because once the moslames are a significant proportion of Quebecois voters they’ll just undo this law and begin implementing Sharia — in whole or in part.
I just watched a documentary on women in Iran from 2017. Women who dont wear the hijab and black cloak are routinely beaten by muslim men who hit them who are strangers. Many are arrested by hijab nuns and put in evil prisons up to 20 years. Many die in jail or have to escape Iran. We cannot let this evil practise happen in Canada land of the free.
Her signs says we should not have to choice between her faith and her job. Well that also applies to laws made against Christian women. We cannot wear a cross of Jesus to our workplace. Our Christmas was practically taken away from us, we cannot say merry christmas that is discriminatory. In muslim nations you arent allowed to work so shut your face!
Funny they can ban any religion even Christianity and crosses in a nation founded on it. They also said saying Merry Christmas offends people. If you dont like to hear that then leave Canada. I am not changing for you and you cannot push you culture and language on us. Its bad enough when you have people around you not speaking any english. You are suppose to dump your culture when you move here just like we had to do out of respect.
One woman said the kids see what they have in their heart, not on their head.
Well, I am sorry, but the kids see what they have on their head. And often, these muslimas make it into a fashion item hoping it will catch on. Regardless, the goal is subtle indoctrination.
Good job, Quebec.
I’m against Islam, but this is a blatant violation of liberty of conscience and personal liberty.
As long as the face isn’t covered, I don’t see any issue.
I can understand Burkas being a problem because the face is completely covered, but banning the hijab is a bit too authoritarian and a violation of liberty of conscience.
I’m a big critic of Islam, but I’m strongly libertarian when it comes to stuff like this.
My Christian ancestors came to North America to escape the tyranny under the Roman Catholic papacy and the Antichrist Pope.
North America was the first continent to have true liberty and freedom, liberty of conscience, freedom of speech, religious liberty, and church-state separation.
Giving government the power to regulate Islamic practices is very dangerous because that means the government has the power to infringe on the liberty of other religious people as well.
We see this in China and North Korea, they don’t have Church-state separation (which is key to protecting liberty of conscience and religious liberty), they have state-enforced atheism, and Buddhists, Christians, Religious Jews, and Muslims and other religious people are being persecuted.
What Quebec is doing is getting into the waters of state-enforced secularism, which is a blatant violation of church-state separation and liberty of conscience.
Just my food for thoughts.
Again, not defending Islam, I’m a big critic of Islam, but I am very much for liberty of conscience for all including Muslims, Hindus, and others I would disagree with and be critical of (simply because I know the history of the persecution my Christian forerunners faced in Europe).
Yeah, I get that. and they can keep their rules. But giving government the power to violate liberty of conscience like that will backfire. Communist China and North Korea is the end result.
Try actually READING the Bill passed against displaying religious symbols in School and tell me again why muslims should get a free pass…. I have as yet not seen nor heard from Christians,Jews,Hindus,Buddhist or Sikhs complaining about this, only muslims… weird huh?
Actually, there have been Sikhs protesting it as well, because the law would ban their turbans as well. There is a difference between Church-state separation (which I’m fully supportive of), and state-enforced secularism. My stance has always been that as long as their face isn’t covered, than these measures are a violation of liberty of conscience.
Burkas cover the face, but Hijabs don’t. So my stance is simply that as long as the face is showing, than liberty of conscience should prevail.
LoL, tbh, I thank Jesus that I’m not in charge either. Because I’m not good at being a leader. When I was in elementary school, I always opted out of being the leader of any activity during gym class, and if I was doing a group project, I backed out from being in charge.
So I thank Jesus that I’m not in charge either.
My only point is that I’m very much pro-liberty of conscience, and I don’t care what religion somebody is, they have a right to liberty of conscience.
My Baptist ancestors fought hard to preserve liberty of conscience in North America.
I’m Canadian, and this law is being enacted not far from me. I’m not condoning that, all I’m saying is that the Muslim woman should choose if she wants to wear it. Banning it is every bit as authoritarian and controlling of women as those who would force her to wear it. If she wants to wear it, she can. I’ve spoken to Muslim women who choose to wear the Hijab. Plus, there are other religions where women wear head coverings. Hindu women often wear head coverings, Catholics wear head coverings. The Bible itself says women can wear head coverings in 1 Corinthians 14 (although unlike Islam, head coverings are optional in the New Testament).
I’m very strongly for 100% liberty of conscience. Mainly because I’ve read about the persecution that my Baptist ancestors faced in Papal Europe, and also the fact that the Baptist parts of America were the only nations that had liberty of conscience and they thrived because of it.
Liberty of conscience is fundamental to a functional society. I’m strongly for very limited government, and giving the government the power to control what women wear on their head is giving the government way to much power and is just as bad as the Islamic nations who force the Muslim women to wear it.
Basically, I’m for 100% liberty of conscience, and completely anti-big government and completely anti-authoritarian.
China and North Korea are what happens when there is no liberty of conscience.
As I started already women in Iran are beaten and put in prison for up to 20 years if they dont wear these tribal age scarfs and black cloaks. Some even die in prison and many have to leave the country. I dont want these muslims having any more rights to push that on other women here living in peace and having their choice of what to wear.
You are well-meaning obviously, but sadly misguided. Please, make an effort to acquaint yourself with Islam as it really is, not as Muslims want you to see it. There are enough sites out there that will explain what Islam is and what it isn’t. Cheers to you.
The enjoinder for a muslim woman to wear the rag on her head is not found within the quran but rather in the hadith, a supplemental muslim book. The hijab represents a political statement of separateness from the larger host kafir society which is targeted for eventual subjugation. It’s not a neutral religious article.
To say it’s a civil rights issue is to minimize its meaning and purpose. A civil society has the obligation to maintain a non-intimidating, non-threatening environment throughout its government offices and public schools. This means the young Catholic student should not be able to whip out his/her rosary beads during the final exam, that religious Jewish students not wear sectarian clothing and that muslims not wear their hijabs, chadors and burkas. Such sectarian dress and symbols create distraction on instruction and a chilling effect on other students’ expression.
Quebec Bill 21 is valid and necessary to maintain the secular neutrality of public education. It does not suppress any one’s rights to believe anything. To repeal it would be to open up the public school system to accommodation of other religious enjoinders from innumerable religious groups and thereby disrupt the instructional system paid for by all taxpayers. The proponents of repeal are insincere in that they really want that accommodation in order to undermine the secularism of the free society into which they moved.
Well done to the school in upholding the law. That mulsime is only whining now because it is looking for a mega payday for it’s hurt feelings, repression or anything else her ‘soon to make an appearance’ CAIR representative can conjure up.
I don’t understand, why the praise of any place of employment for following the law.
At any rate, look at the banner those Muslims are displaying, they show ignorance and discrimination from their part.
WE THE PEOPLE must act to eliminate the existence of our hateful enemy in our country. They have gone way way too far. Enough is enough.
The ‘FAITH’ that Muslims vehemently protest for has the BLOOD GUILT of hundreds of millions of our precious non Muslim brothers and sisters on their hands.
Non Muslims were, and are, barbarically slaughtered for the sole reason the innocents didn’t believe in Warlord Mohammad’s DARK DEATH god of MASS MURDER.
There’s no such thing as ‘moderate’ Islam. Over 1,400 years, Islam has NOT changed.
Daily Jihad. Muslim Terror Attacks. Muslim barbaric slaughters of non Muslims continues around the world and in our Western countries.
Under GOD HATER Islamic Sharia, non Muslims have No Freedom. Non Muslims are despised, intensely hated and demonized. And deprived of their human rights.
Barbaric Islam. It’s what the protesting Muslims want.
Don’t worry cair will be there with a lawsuit. I can’t believe that pussy Justin would allow this??? That teacher will be paid handsomely. why was this creature around kids wearing that oppressive clothing in the first place?
Your not in the middeleast we dont waer religus cloadting in PUBLIC you ideologi is private. YES the Kids see what on your head you dum.. A. Maby the want to ware it or maby you influze them and No idlamofobia is nor a thing but kaffir phobia is!!!!
MuhahahahahahahahahaMAD says
This is nothing but band aids on bullet wounds because once the moslames are a significant proportion of Quebecois voters they’ll just undo this law and begin implementing Sharia — in whole or in part.
Mary Marquis says
I just watched a documentary on women in Iran from 2017. Women who dont wear the hijab and black cloak are routinely beaten by muslim men who hit them who are strangers. Many are arrested by hijab nuns and put in evil prisons up to 20 years. Many die in jail or have to escape Iran. We cannot let this evil practise happen in Canada land of the free.
Mary Marquis says
Her signs says we should not have to choice between her faith and her job. Well that also applies to laws made against Christian women. We cannot wear a cross of Jesus to our workplace. Our Christmas was practically taken away from us, we cannot say merry christmas that is discriminatory. In muslim nations you arent allowed to work so shut your face!
MuhahahahahahahahahaMAD says
Do normal women wear head scarves anymore? I know it used to be a thing back in the 1950’s and 1960’s…
BareNakedIslam says
Not really, unless it’s a very windy day, and then it’s usually older women. I wear cowboy hats a lot.
ToxicWhiteMale says
Right on….Quebec is basically a liberal shit hole, but it looks like they go something right
Mary Marquis says
Funny they can ban any religion even Christianity and crosses in a nation founded on it. They also said saying Merry Christmas offends people. If you dont like to hear that then leave Canada. I am not changing for you and you cannot push you culture and language on us. Its bad enough when you have people around you not speaking any english. You are suppose to dump your culture when you move here just like we had to do out of respect.
Classy Infidel says
One woman said the kids see what they have in their heart, not on their head.
Well, I am sorry, but the kids see what they have on their head. And often, these muslimas make it into a fashion item hoping it will catch on. Regardless, the goal is subtle indoctrination.
Good job, Quebec.
Pray Hard says
Justin will give her $10Million.
BareNakedIslam says
Why not? He gave that much to a terrorist who killed American troops.
Crusader 666 says
ONLY $10 million? The Gliberals are so keen on kissing the asses of the Mudslime invaders that nothing is beyond them!
FaithfulServantsofChrist says
I’m against Islam, but this is a blatant violation of liberty of conscience and personal liberty.
As long as the face isn’t covered, I don’t see any issue.
I can understand Burkas being a problem because the face is completely covered, but banning the hijab is a bit too authoritarian and a violation of liberty of conscience.
I’m a big critic of Islam, but I’m strongly libertarian when it comes to stuff like this.
My Christian ancestors came to North America to escape the tyranny under the Roman Catholic papacy and the Antichrist Pope.
North America was the first continent to have true liberty and freedom, liberty of conscience, freedom of speech, religious liberty, and church-state separation.
Giving government the power to regulate Islamic practices is very dangerous because that means the government has the power to infringe on the liberty of other religious people as well.
We see this in China and North Korea, they don’t have Church-state separation (which is key to protecting liberty of conscience and religious liberty), they have state-enforced atheism, and Buddhists, Christians, Religious Jews, and Muslims and other religious people are being persecuted.
What Quebec is doing is getting into the waters of state-enforced secularism, which is a blatant violation of church-state separation and liberty of conscience.
Just my food for thoughts.
Again, not defending Islam, I’m a big critic of Islam, but I am very much for liberty of conscience for all including Muslims, Hindus, and others I would disagree with and be critical of (simply because I know the history of the persecution my Christian forerunners faced in Europe).
BareNakedIslam says
It’s none of YOUR business. Their city, THEIR rules.
FaithfulServantsofChrist says
Yeah, I get that. and they can keep their rules. But giving government the power to violate liberty of conscience like that will backfire. Communist China and North Korea is the end result.
Andrew+Blackadder says
Try actually READING the Bill passed against displaying religious symbols in School and tell me again why muslims should get a free pass…. I have as yet not seen nor heard from Christians,Jews,Hindus,Buddhist or Sikhs complaining about this, only muslims… weird huh?
FaithfulServantsofChrist says
Actually, there have been Sikhs protesting it as well, because the law would ban their turbans as well. There is a difference between Church-state separation (which I’m fully supportive of), and state-enforced secularism. My stance has always been that as long as their face isn’t covered, than these measures are a violation of liberty of conscience.
Burkas cover the face, but Hijabs don’t. So my stance is simply that as long as the face is showing, than liberty of conscience should prevail.
Bubba Grump's Nutz says
Thank you JESUS! that you aren’t in charge.
FaithfulServantsofChrist says
LoL, tbh, I thank Jesus that I’m not in charge either. Because I’m not good at being a leader. When I was in elementary school, I always opted out of being the leader of any activity during gym class, and if I was doing a group project, I backed out from being in charge.
So I thank Jesus that I’m not in charge either.
My only point is that I’m very much pro-liberty of conscience, and I don’t care what religion somebody is, they have a right to liberty of conscience.
My Baptist ancestors fought hard to preserve liberty of conscience in North America.
Az gal says
Are you aware of how many MUSLUM women have been killed, beaten, imprisoned for not wearing that damn head bag? It should be BANNED!
FaithfulServantsofChrist says
I’m Canadian, and this law is being enacted not far from me. I’m not condoning that, all I’m saying is that the Muslim woman should choose if she wants to wear it. Banning it is every bit as authoritarian and controlling of women as those who would force her to wear it. If she wants to wear it, she can. I’ve spoken to Muslim women who choose to wear the Hijab. Plus, there are other religions where women wear head coverings. Hindu women often wear head coverings, Catholics wear head coverings. The Bible itself says women can wear head coverings in 1 Corinthians 14 (although unlike Islam, head coverings are optional in the New Testament).
I’m very strongly for 100% liberty of conscience. Mainly because I’ve read about the persecution that my Baptist ancestors faced in Papal Europe, and also the fact that the Baptist parts of America were the only nations that had liberty of conscience and they thrived because of it.
Liberty of conscience is fundamental to a functional society. I’m strongly for very limited government, and giving the government the power to control what women wear on their head is giving the government way to much power and is just as bad as the Islamic nations who force the Muslim women to wear it.
Basically, I’m for 100% liberty of conscience, and completely anti-big government and completely anti-authoritarian.
China and North Korea are what happens when there is no liberty of conscience.
Mary Marquis says
As I started already women in Iran are beaten and put in prison for up to 20 years if they dont wear these tribal age scarfs and black cloaks. Some even die in prison and many have to leave the country. I dont want these muslims having any more rights to push that on other women here living in peace and having their choice of what to wear.
Mary Marquis says
Christians are still the majority in Canada and they love to wear their gold crosses its part of their faith.
DonT says
You are well-meaning obviously, but sadly misguided. Please, make an effort to acquaint yourself with Islam as it really is, not as Muslims want you to see it. There are enough sites out there that will explain what Islam is and what it isn’t. Cheers to you.
Cleavis+Nowell says
Canada needs a Bill 21 in all Provinces to keep sharia warthogs out of schools !
Jack Rider says
The enjoinder for a muslim woman to wear the rag on her head is not found within the quran but rather in the hadith, a supplemental muslim book. The hijab represents a political statement of separateness from the larger host kafir society which is targeted for eventual subjugation. It’s not a neutral religious article.
To say it’s a civil rights issue is to minimize its meaning and purpose. A civil society has the obligation to maintain a non-intimidating, non-threatening environment throughout its government offices and public schools. This means the young Catholic student should not be able to whip out his/her rosary beads during the final exam, that religious Jewish students not wear sectarian clothing and that muslims not wear their hijabs, chadors and burkas. Such sectarian dress and symbols create distraction on instruction and a chilling effect on other students’ expression.
Quebec Bill 21 is valid and necessary to maintain the secular neutrality of public education. It does not suppress any one’s rights to believe anything. To repeal it would be to open up the public school system to accommodation of other religious enjoinders from innumerable religious groups and thereby disrupt the instructional system paid for by all taxpayers. The proponents of repeal are insincere in that they really want that accommodation in order to undermine the secularism of the free society into which they moved.
DonT says
Me says
Well done to the school in upholding the law. That mulsime is only whining now because it is looking for a mega payday for it’s hurt feelings, repression or anything else her ‘soon to make an appearance’ CAIR representative can conjure up.
Bill 21 … gotta love it 🙂
ronyvo says
I don’t understand, why the praise of any place of employment for following the law.
At any rate, look at the banner those Muslims are displaying, they show ignorance and discrimination from their part.
WE THE PEOPLE must act to eliminate the existence of our hateful enemy in our country. They have gone way way too far. Enough is enough.
Mary Marquis says
This could be called tyranny by the minority.
Linda Rivera says
The ‘FAITH’ that Muslims vehemently protest for has the BLOOD GUILT of hundreds of millions of our precious non Muslim brothers and sisters on their hands.
Non Muslims were, and are, barbarically slaughtered for the sole reason the innocents didn’t believe in Warlord Mohammad’s DARK DEATH god of MASS MURDER.
There’s no such thing as ‘moderate’ Islam. Over 1,400 years, Islam has NOT changed.
Daily Jihad. Muslim Terror Attacks. Muslim barbaric slaughters of non Muslims continues around the world and in our Western countries.
Under GOD HATER Islamic Sharia, non Muslims have No Freedom. Non Muslims are despised, intensely hated and demonized. And deprived of their human rights.
Barbaric Islam. It’s what the protesting Muslims want.
canuckguynbgmailcom says
The ‘other function’ that the headbagged teacher was assigned is the ‘diversity program’ I am not kidding, I just saw it in the news.
BareNakedIslam says
LOL, why am I not surprised?
Jack says
Be vigilant Canadian leftists, and prepare for a 2014 Moscow-style school invasion and massacre. But keep enjoying your kebobs.
Hoyt says
Don’t worry cair will be there with a lawsuit. I can’t believe that pussy Justin would allow this??? That teacher will be paid handsomely. why was this creature around kids wearing that oppressive clothing in the first place?
Richard S. says
Pussy Justin Trudeau-Castro will allow this if it happens to francophones. If it happens to anglophones he will take action.
canuckguynbgmailcom says
Pussy Justin has too many votes in Quebec to lose if he squawks about this.
Anette says
WHERE do My repllied go
BareNakedIslam says
All comments have to be approved here first.
Anette says
Your not in the middeleast we dont waer religus cloadting in PUBLIC you ideologi is private. YES the Kids see what on your head you dum.. A. Maby the want to ware it or maby you influze them and No idlamofobia is nor a thing but kaffir phobia is!!!!