From Jan. 2021, shrieking like a hyena, Omar laughs at Americans who are protesting against her and her virulent anti-Semitism while at the same time, spinning her unwelcome presence in Congress as having something to do with Islam being so ’empowering of women.’
mjazzguitar says
They didn’t let these people into the country because they feel sorry for “refugees”.
They brought them here to destabilize America.
Pray Hard says
I hope she gets smeared like peanut butter by a moslem peace truck.
lucratiamacevil says
Omar is seen here mocking the American people, and speaking in defence of Islam, spouting garbage about how ’empowering’ Islam is for women. She comes from a country where, according to UNICEF, 98% of the females have been made to undergo Female Genital Mutilation with almost half of that being Infibulation, the most severe form of all. How very empowering! Ilhan Omar certainly has an unconventional sense of humor.
Ted says
Omar. what a dunce. she is as anti semetic as you can get . She is also dumber than dirt. She married her brother to get him into America. Amazing she said what she needed to get into America, now she badmouths. I think she needs a return trip back to see her Al Shabab boyfriend. All that needs to be done is to get her out at the next opportunities. This can be done by votes, or by digging more dirt on her that would be enough to trigger getting her thrown out for lying on her forms to get in
David Grisez says
Since Ilhan Omar is so anti-semitic, it clear that she follows the Islamic teaching of hatred of the Jewish people. Also she hates the United States of America, the nation that gave her opportunities that she never would have had in Somalia. I would really like to see this ungrateful woman removed from Congress, stripped of her United States Citizenship and deported back to the ruined country of Somalia that she came from.
BareNakedIslam says
You and millions like you.
Runner7500 says
Taqiya at its best.
GreekEmpress says
Do you know where that demonstration was?
BareNakedIslam says
I think it was in Washington DC but not sure.
GreekEmpress says
Thanks—it looked HUGE. Don’t know how I missed hearing about it.
BareNakedIslam says
That’s easy, the MSM don’t like to cover these stories.
Steve S says
“It’s very entertaining to me…”
What I find entertaining is the sheer and utter inconsistency and hypocrisy of Islam and Islamic society.
Islamic society, for example claims to treasure and uphold womanhood, yet advocates treating women like only half humans. A woman is legally only half that of a man. Her testimony in a court of law is given only half the weight of a man’s testimony. She only gets half a man’s inheritance. Islam claims that God (or Allah) is beneficent and merciful, yet the Quran advocates and commands some of the most cruel punishments for even minor offences. Amputating a hand for theft? Really? How is permanently disfiguring and maiming a person beneficent and merciful? Is any consideration given as to why the person might have been stealing? Stealing is a crime, but the punishment must fit the crime and we must avoid excessive punishments or extremely cruel punishments.
What I find entertaining too is the sheer lack of entertainment in Islamic societies. Islam condemns virtually all forms of art and entertainment as sinful. Music and dancing are of the devil in Islamic teaching. Visual arts are the making of graven images and an invitation to idolatry, so statues, paintings, and drawings of humans, animals and other lifeforms are forbidden, and only abstract art and calligraphy are allowed, and calligraphy focuses almost entirely of scripting passages from the Quran and other sacred texts. How dull!
Ilhan Omar has an unintentional sense of humor!
Steve says
Omar left out a very important fact. She is in Congress in the United States where women are allowed. Duh!! Now how about the laughter of the Taliban when asked if women could be in the Gov’t? I guess Omar is too, too stupid or shall I say intentionally deceptive to understand the idiom of “comparing apples and oranges.”
eshetchayil says
EXACTLY! She was voted (maybe?) into a government position in a non-muslim country where women are accepted in such roles. Like to see her try to get elected in Iran or make this speech in any muslim country. Apples and oranges – very apt.
sixlittlerabbits says
Good that you were able to get this video. Omar convicts herself with her own words! The scenes of Muslim violence and cruelty expose her as a liar and sadist.
Az gal says
Since Muslums are now able to cheat, steal & con their way into our Congress, they need to require English proficiency tests, which Omar would fail as well. Maybe the only way to keep her kind out.
Andrew+Blackadder says
That was the speech where she said on ” 9/11 some people did something”…
Its a sign that the USA is in deep doo doo when such a moron as this stupid stupid wee lassie can stand up and denigrate the American public and do it with such a smirk.
I will celebrate the day she gets kicked out of Office along with her Squad of evil bitches.
Nancyelizabeth Green says
Only thing more vile than this demon is obama> who snuck her voter block into america!
sdanliggerlandet says
And who Lie cheets is not i USA legal was Marrid to her brocher and yes she can Lie to disbelivers she is iligaly in congres she brugt votes and trethned others she should be sent back home why isent she
chimera52 says
good god sometime I think this one will not be around for much longer back to somalia to enrich her people
BareNakedIslam says
Millions of Americans would pay to send her back to Somalia…for good
Linda Rivera says
Rabid American hater, anti white racist, Some People Did Something, Merciless, EVIL Omar is the BIG FAVOURITE of George Soros, Bill Gates, Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala, Biden and the entire Democrat regime.
INHUMAN Muslims CELEBRATED with SATANIC JOY and DELIGHT over the MURDERS of our precious 3,000.
I will never forget.
Palestinians celebrate at Damascus Gate
mjazzguitar says
I saved that; I’ve never seen that one before.
So many people commenting at youtube that are so misinformed.