Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid believes that Muslims were in America before Columbus and spread their religion to the Indians, and that a California earthquake was Allah’s warning to America. The Imam defended his refusal to celebrate July 4th by comparing the founding of America and Israel to dropping atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Rashid suggested that the Charlie Hebdo terror attack and the ISIS attack on the Mohammed cartoon contest in Texas were “examples of ‘chickens coming home to roost.’”
FrontpageMag – Daniel Greenfield The Imam expressed support for a variety of terrorists, including Aafia Siddiqui aka Lady al Qaeda, Al Qaeda medic Rafiq Sabir, and Sami Al-Arian who was tied to Islamic Jihad.
He defended former Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s call for destroying Israel and killing millions of Jews as a “sentiment born of the legitimate anger, frustration, and bitterness”, and accused Muslims working with the NYPD of being “collaborators” and “house negroes”. The Imam also falsely claimed that Black Friday got its name because “the day after Thanksgiving… slave traders would sell slaves for a discount.”
The site for Rashid’s Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood reportedly once featured the motto of the Muslim Brotherhood, “Allah is our goal. The Prophet Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah is our leader. The Koran is our constitution. Jihad is our way.”
Imam Rashid endorsed Eric Adams in the mayoral election, although about half of the statement which he co-signed was dedicated to virulent attacks on Israel and the United States.
And Mayor Adams has named Rashid to a role on his civic engagement transition committee.
Twenty years after the Islamic terrorist attacks of September 11, the members of the transition committees for the city that experienced the worst of the carnage reflect the growing dominance of Islamists and their political allies and operatives in New York City’s Democrat politics. Unfortunately Rashid’s presence on Adams’ transition committees is not an isolated incident.
Imam Umar Abdul-Jalil, who appears on Adams’ clergy committee, a top clergyman in the city’s prison system and former drug dealer who converted to Islam, had declared during the Bush administration that “the greatest terrorists in the world occupy the White House”, ranted about allowing “the Zionists of the media to dictate what Islam is to us”, and urged that Muslims must be “compassionate with each other” and “hard against the kuffar (non-Muslim).”
An FBI memo noted that Jalil admitted that he was paid “to be a good Muslim, but [was] propagating the true Islam through his job.” Even the Bloomberg administration temporarily suspended Jalil. Adams however drew him in.
Former CAIR Community Affairs director Faiza Ali, whom Linda Sarsour described as a “close friend”, serves as a “lead” in the civic engagement transition team. Ali had come out of the Muslim Students Association which, like CAIR is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, and was involved in the campaign to support the Ground Zero Mosque and in attacks on the NYPD.
Ghulam says
What’s with the cartoon? You make this Imam dude look like a DC Comics villain.
I do think a lot of Muzzies need to work on their appearance. They look shabby and full of third world crap. I prefer a clean cut look. When I wear a suit and tie, noone will imagine I’m unemployed. 🙂
I inherited this looks obsession from my late mother. She always used to be so conscious of her appearance. Modestly dressed but rarely covered her hair. Always looked young and full of life till her last breath. Unfortunately I couldn’t be there for her in her last moments.
BareNakedIslam says
There are no cartoons in this post. What are you referring to?
Ghulam says
Not on this page.
I see a cartoon profile pic of Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid on the homepage.
Why don’t you cover some handsome, good-looking Muslims for a change? Like film actors & actresses, models, celebrities.
BareNakedIslam says
I think Omar Sharif is dead. Don’t know any others.
Ghulam says
Check David Letterman’s interview of Shah Rukh Khan. It’s on Netflix. He’s a #1 muslim actor — with a really wicked sense of humor. He makes situational jokes but doesn’t put anyone down. Graceful.
There’s another video of Shah Rukh Khan and Brad Pitt shooting the breeze.
Few other Muslim celebs that are good but I personally like Shah Rukh more since he’s a distant relation of mine (we originate in the same province paternal side).
BareNakedIslam says
Linda Rivera says
The Imam expressed support for terrorists, including Aafia Siddiqui aka Lady al Qaeda, Al Qaeda medic Rafiq Sabir, and Sami Al-Arian who was tied to Islamic Jihad.
Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid believes that Muslims were in America before Columbus and spread their religion to the Indians.
Mayor Adams has named Rashid to a role on his civic engagement transition committee.
Among other nefarious, profoundly evil statements, the Imam spews forth the WICKED LIE that other Muslim LIARS perpetrate.
Muslims were NOT in America before Columbus.
Muslims did NOT spread Islam to our Native Americans! That’s a vicious attack on Native Americans and the most EVIL and horrifying SLANDER.
Native Americans do NOT believe in barbarian savage, warlord Mohammad’s dark, death god of MASS MURDER.
Native Americans are a beautiful people who Almighty God used to bless Europeans who came to the new land. Native Americans showed the Europeans how to survive in America.
Our precious Native Americans believe in, and worship the HOLY ONE, our Precious, Wonderful, Awesome Creator.
Cleavis Nowell says
The NYC mayor is new khmer rouge allied with moslem terrorists (very little difference).
Linda Rivera says
Quran (9:5) – “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush….
Democrat American Haters! ANTI HUMAN TRAITORS!!!
Democrat House Members unanimously vote to empower the Sharia law edict that prohibits criticism of Islam.
Click here to send your email to encourage US Senate leaders and members of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to oppose the Combating International Islamophobia Act S3384.
livingengine says
A taste of Eric Adams –
BareNakedIslam says
Thanks LE, moved video to Main page.
sixlittlerabbits says
The NY Post endorsed Adams for Mayor, and I hoped that he would be a law-and-order mayor from his statements and his being an ex-cop. He seemed more intelligent than Warren Wilhelm, Jr., AKA Bill De Blasio But I am wrong again!
As a native of New York City, I am appalled to see this latest Democrat POS Mayor continuing the downfall of one the greatest cities in the world. He, like his fellow Dems, can’t do enough to crush and destroy the city of my birth. Glad I’m out of that hellhole now. Sympathy to all the decent New Yorkers stuck there.
BareNakedIslam says
I never trusted Adams for one reason. His fellow cops would not endorse him, and I’ve heard they hated him.
US infiidel says
Hard to believe New York era would vote crud like that in the first place. Maybe time to go to the land of endless turban must be dirty
BareNakedIslam says
De Blasio was tight with the Muslims, too. He made the cops stop spying on potential Muslim terrorists.
Dan says
This is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever read. For me black Muslims are the stupidest of all Muslims, And why if any black person stands alone away from victimhood are they called ‘House negroes’ ‘Uncle Tom’s’ ‘Oreos’ and the like?
The ‘Black American Hebrew Israelites’ or whatever they think they are have always astounded me with their wild claims. They have to be stupid.
BareNakedIslam says
They seem to think their ancestors lived in Israel before there were any Jews there. So why do they call themselves Hebrews? Nutjobs, all of them
canuckguynbgmailcom says
Good grief! It’s only getting worse. Hard to believe this islamic crap is tolerated.
Martelson says
Well, this new mayor is sure putting forward who he really is. To be an Democrat today really means all of this, and so much anti-American stuff.
Sgt Mitchell says
We shall have our day
ME Infidel says
This same mayor claimed, after the woman was murdered, that the NYC subways are safe. Neither the city nor its subways are safe with stealth jihadists in his administration!
Manos says
That Islamist mayor said that Turks are the greatest civilization to man kind. Their needs to be a regime change in the USA urgently. Forget about the threat from Russis.
Linda Rivera says
So the new NYC mayor approves of the EXTREMELY SATANIC Armenian genocide (and so many other genocides) where millions of Christians were starved, raped, gang raped, horribly tortured and barbarically slaughtered by Muslim Turks.
Christian girls were raped and crucified.
Bible, Romans 12:19
Andrew+Blackadder says
Well Eric Adams seems even worse than the prick before him.. Who knew that would even be possible.
These people really do hate everything about America but I never see any of them leaving… for Canada, Saudi, Ghana, Mali, Senegal, ”Palestine”, Kuwait, Indonesia, Morocco, Brunei, but they stay in the USA and whine like the wee low life bitches they are.
Daniel Less says
The USA is really turning into a complete lunatic asylum, and it would seem that so does Western Europe, Canada under Justin Trudeau, and now also Australia, just to name a few countries around the Planet! Soon we will back to the Middle Ages, where anyone will be burned at the stake, just like under the Spanish Inquisition, for challenging “The Authorities”!
I am so glad my parents are no longer around to see what the Western World has turned into, and that I have no children of my own who are stuck with the consequences of having to clean up the mess of what the “woke elite” are doing to our societies today!
Maemae77 says
This sinister medieval cult has to demonize anything that is a threat to their dominance. So they will make up any story to make it happen. The end justifies the means in Islam.