Quebec’s secularism law, commonly known as Bill 21, which enjoys majority support amongst the French speaking Quebeckers, is based on the province’s commitment to secularism. It extends to state employees in positions of authority including teachers, police, healthcare workers, and judges by requiring a non-religious dress code for several categories of public servants.
I bet I could list about 56 countries in which Muslims wouldn’t be subjected to this law. Pick one and move there.
For example, Article 6 of the law prohibits wearing “clothing, a symbol, jewelry, adornments, accessories or headwear” that is connected to any religious belief or could be “reasonably considered” as such. Ever since its passage, Bill 21 has stoked the fires of those opposed to it, especially Muslims who believe that it is based on some form of so-called Islamophobia although the law extends to all religions including Sikhs, Christians and Jews. (Yet it’s only Muslims who seem to be having mental disorder problems over it)
The Star“There is no doubt that … the denial by Bill 21 of the rights guaranteed by the Charter has severe consequences for the persons concerned,” wrote Superior Court Justice Marc-André Blanchard. In plainer language, the law is blatantly discriminatory. It excludes some people from full participation in society. It violates the Charter guarantee of freedom of religion. It’s cruel and dehumanizing — two other words that Justice Blanchard applied to Bill 21.
Using the notwithstanding clause seems “excessive” in this case, the judge wrote, but it is “legally unassailable in the current state of the law.” Not just or fair, but constitutional.
Bubba Grump's Nutz says
“Thank you for calling the Muslim Suicide Hot Line. Your call is very important to us. There are ……7,122…..callers ahead of you. Please wait for the next available Operator.”
Andrew+Blackadder says
”Some people” seem to love the victim blame game and suggest that a Law that is for every person in the region is somehow mysteriously pointed at them, and them alone.
This would suggest paranoid delusions, but then ”some people” that follow such a Fascist Religious Cult would indeed be under a delusion that they think they are special and separate from everybody even as they themselves dress, act, and sound, in a very different manner from those around them and so wish to be even more separated from the society they live in.
Go figure.
Classy Infidel says
Take it off your head, you’ll feel better. I cannot imagine spending one’s life with a skull and neck wrapped up. Give me a break.
Az gal says
Muslums like to throw baby fits to get their way. Unfortunately, they will never commit suicide. They will kill us, if anything. They will never go live in a Islamic shithole country either, where they can live under the Islamic laws they love so much.
Just whine, cry & beg for their demands while they outbreed us. Then our countries will become Islamic shitholes, too.
Reader says
The next step is always to demand “reparations” for people not bowing before their ever increasing demands.
Ghulam says
What is it with Frenchies and secularism? Why do they hate God so much?
Linda Rivera says
The French DON’T HATE the HOLY ONE, our Precious, Wonderful, Glorious, Awesome, Merciful Creator who gave His Laws and Ten Commandments to His faithful Jewish servant, Moses, thousands of years before the Conquest Cult of Islam was invented.
To the One True God, be the Glory forever and ever!
Az gal says
“Frenchies” do not hate God. They hate Allah.
Bubba Grump's Nutz says
Just your ‘Allah-Allah-Outs-In-Free”…..