Minnesota’s total population in 2020 was estimated to be 5,706,494, while the total Muslim population of Minnesota in 2020 is only about 140,00. Yet the city of Minneapolis passed a resolution allowing the Muslim Call to Prayer to be played 5 times a day, EVERYDAY, from 7 am to 10 pm during the month of Ramadan. Despite this excessive accommodation, designated terrorist group CAIR doesn’t think the city is being inclusive enough to Muslim needs. And they wonder what so many people hate them.
James says
Meanwhile India is comtemplating banning loudspeakers at Mosques.
BareNakedIslam says
Not only that, Saudi Arabia has banned loudspeakers blasting the Call to Prayer everywhere but from the main 2 mosques in Mecca and Medina.
Pray Hard says
A 22 with a silencer and a night scope would take care of that in short order.
vtology says
After other wars get sorted out, we need real war against islam. Not against moslems, they should just be deported.
Shawn says
I find it comical,that there are so many black Muslims.When I see Black Muslims I think what a weak people as they are a people that were truly conquered by the Cult and turned without much of a fight.
Linda Rivera says
Replying to Muslim Ghulam whose comment is further down:
You state that non Muslims must tolerate the INTOLERABLE from Muslims who entered our non-Muslim countries from their Muslim countries!!!
In Christian countries we have always had Christmas Carols. We NEVER blast them out. We wake NO ONE up with our Christmas Carols. It would be inconsiderate, shocking and cruel. Such a thing never enters our mind.
The O.T. Bible is part of our Bible. Judaism — the Bible, teaches that KINDNESS is God’s requirement for ALL humanity.
Bible, Micah 6:8
He has told you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?
Beautiful Saviour, Merciful Jesus Christ, constantly performed acts of kindness and compassion. Jesus healed the sick, cast out demons, made the blind to see, the deaf to hear and the lame and paralyzed to walk. And raised people from the dead.
Jasmine says
and what did mohammad do ? LOL
he ordered that the woman accused of adultery be allowed to give birth and after the child was weaned that she be stoned to death thus lliving the child motherliess…what a compassionate prophet.
and further he ordered that his henchman kindle fire on the chest of one of the tribesman to make him reveal where he had hidden his wealth …what a kind prophet
and further after killing the father and brothers of the banu quraish tribe he forced himself on the beautiful daughter of the chieftain and took her concubine ..what a moral prophet
and Linda I can go on and on for ever telling about the disgusting atrocities committed by this monster that muslims rever as their prophet …indeed the prophet of Doom.
and this is not infidels trying to besmirch the good name of the prophet of islam..it is their own muslim chroniclers who recorded all these dastardly deeds that incriminate him LOL
are you surprise that muslims become moral failures and savages when they try to emulate a monster such as Mohammad ? duuuuh
Sister Jasmine of SingaPura
ME Infidel says
The people of Minnesota need to remove the likes of Ilhan Omar and vote for Royce White for starters to shift the trend.
Linda Rivera says
Quran (3:56) – “As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.”
The rights of Americans in the formerly free, safe nation of America are shamefully and wickedly DESTROYED when the percentage of Muslims is ONLY 3%.
David Grisez says
One of the things that needs to be considered is the symbolism of the Muslim Call to Prayer. The Muslim Call to Prayer symbolizes that a land has been taken over and is now controlled by Muslims. This should not be allowed in the United States. This Muslim Call to Prayer is to be expected in Saudi Arabia where Islam started, but not in the United States.
revereridesagain says
How do 140,000 slaves of Allah manage to elect whores of Allah to Congress over the will of nearly 6 million people? Think about what kind of leverage they are using. If this wasn’t an issue of “faith” would they get away with it? We can shriek into your ears all day because it’s for “god”?
canuckguynbgmailcom says
I guess the Dems will vote for anything the party apparatus runs as candidates. There is no accounting for taste.
petervburrows says
Why don’t they fight back?
BareNakedIslam says
Minnesota is full of Leftists.
GarlandRemingtonIII says
Wrong. You, are dead wrong my man. The city, of Minneapolis and across the river Saint Paul is, the vast majority full of extreme far left. This is why, “ Ilhan Abdullahi Omar” got elected and elected again. She is the U.S. representative for Minnesota’s “5th congressional district” since 2019.
And, here’s the kicker. She is not only a member of the Democratic Party, She is a member of the “Minnesota-Democrat-Farmer-Labor-Party.” And it’s strongest support comes from “Minneapolis and Saint Paul”. The 5th congressional district in the state of Minnesota is it even a farming district anymore. Not for a very very long time. And she doesn’t know jack about farming.
Now, you take North Dakota, it is a vast farming state. That’s why the, “ North Dakota Democratic–Nonpartisan League Party”, (abbreviated Democratic-NPL, D-NPL) is such a big powerful party inside the state because of its deep farming roots.
Every board member of it is an actual farmer. Every board member over in Minnesota not only is not a farmer they’re white collar lawyers / car dealership / truck dealership owners / 2 doctors. But even in ND, With the rise of Trump that party has started seriously bleeding members. And they need too. The entire nationwide Democrat Party is flat out evil and it needs to be abolished.
The DFL, once was also dominant in the traditional working-class rural areas, like the Iron Range. But, starting in 2010, the state-wide DFL Began bleeding members. Either moving over to the Republican Party, or simply dropped off the registered rolls of the DFL and went independent.
The biggest and the fastest hemorrhaging of voters really kicked in high gear when she was elected. You get 50 miles outside of both cities, heading north, they absolutely hate her with a passion. They really, seriously would love, love 💕 love ❤️ to hang her illegitimate citizenship behind.
BareNakedIslam says
Garland, you know better than I do about the demographics there. But let me ask you this: Why did Minnestota elect Keith Ellison, a radical Muslim, as their Attorney General?
FYI: I am not a man.
Jasmine says
Bonnie….black americans need to clean up their shit big time….why in God’s name would a people who have been traumatized by islam *( they keep talking about the western slave trade..what about islamic slave trade of africans which is just as heinous if not more insidious and damaging …i’m not excusing western involvement in slave trade which is a moral failure in itself..but let us be honest and expose islams horrific history of slavery )
some american blacks think that it is just fashionable to switch to islam as a slap in the face to christianity which they identify as the white man’s religion…nothing can be further from the truth lol…. and did they do their due delilgence to find out what the heck this islam and mohammad is all about LOL..duuuh
there is another african american turn muslim from Indiana..i forgot his name..he was praising sharia laws and say that if he had his way he would model american education after that of the madrassahs…talk about idiots in politics in America LOL
I’m sure Ghulam would love to send his boy to an american Madrassah .
Ghulam ..why dont you send your son to me , i will be his personal governess and tutor and i will transform him into a decent human being ..who knows he might even become prime minister of singapore one day …what do you have to losse? ,..if you send him to pakistani madrassah he will most likely blow himself up in due time as a jihadist ….jihadist are a dime a dozen these days LOL
BareNakedIslam says
Jas, I have done many posts here asking the question “Why do so many Blacks convert to Islam/remain in Islam?” And I’ve shown the atrocities, racism, and slavery Blacks have suffered and CONTINUE to suffer to this day in many Muslim countries, especially Africa.
I never could come up with a good answer to this question except that they and their Muslim persecutors share a common hatred for white people.
Ghulam says
Hey Jazz
I’m not sending him to Pakistan, at least (but I do use that as a threat to make him finish his homework). “Finish your Math sums or you’re going to Pakistan next week.” 😀😀😀😀😀WORKS LIKE A CHARM.
Have changed my mind on Pakistan as that country’s security situation is deteriorating with each passing day. It’s an unlivable place. The radical Sunnis recently blew up a mosque filled with Ismailis. So much hate and intolerance in that environment, and I wouldn’t expose my kid to that climate.
I might send him to India though as I want him to know that country well. Plus the quality of Islamic education is much better in India as most of the top-notch Islamic scholars call it home. Our mutual friend, Dr. Zakir Naik, for example.
I’m not sending him to a Madrassah just like you see in those videos. Have you heard of Azaan International School in Hyderabad?
Now I wouldn’t send him to that exact school or city as I can’t tell you which one it is for security reasons, but it’s certainly going to be one of the best Islamic schools in India. Their core curriculum is in English.
They have all kinds of facilities – basketball courts, swimming pools, gymnasiums, computer labs….yes they lack co-education but I anyway don’t want my son to start dating at age 12-13. I believe in gender segregated schools. Those schools punish homosexuality with several CANE raps in the bum which is something I APPROVE.
Guess what they even have Hindu students so he will be exposed to non-Muslims on a regular basis.
I don’t want him to become a jihadist unless he feels extremely dedicated to the cause of fighting for Islam.
Thank you for caring for my son. I will consider your application as a governess: maybe I should pack you off to India along with him (F&B included).
Brother G.
GFWSR says
“The entire nationwide Democrat Party is flat out evil and it needs to be abolished.”
I fully agree! I left Minneapolis in 1969, and never looked back! It used to be a beautiful city, but in the late ’60’s, it began to change for the worse!
Ghulam says
As a genuinely nice man, I wish I could do something on alleviating the frustration of non-Muslims being forced to listen to our prayers 5 times a day.
But I’m also a Muslim so it actually gladdens my heart. It’s an integral aspect of our DEAL with Islam. For the record, I find the sound of Adhaan very soothing because it elevates my soul in words I can’t describe. You wouldn’t believe it but I see unicorns and fairies every time I’m in a trance during the Adhaan.
Too bad most non-Muslims wouldn’t agree there. Why don’t the good people of Minnesota petition us to LOWER the volume. If you ask nicely, you have no idea how receptive we can be as it happened in Singapore. They asked us Muslims very nicely to reduce the volume, and oblige them we did.
We never complain when non-Muslims blast heavy metal, Hindu firecrackers during Diwali, or Christmas Carols. We GRIN and BEAR it, and we expect others to do the same. That’s what TOLERANCE is all about.
GarlandRemingtonIII says
I can assure you of this. I can. It’s a nationwide poll was taken to allow in Muslims your people would lose. Furthermore open nationwide poll was taken to kick out every single Muslim?? Once again, your people would lose.
Ghulam says
I dare you to walk the talk, try kicking out all the Saudi/Emirati billionaires and wealthy ME kids living in New York, Miami and Los Angeles. Not that I’d care for them.
You can’t do it because America is all about money. “In God we Trust” is something you just put on the Dollar but it’s empty virtue signaling. I kinda like that term.
Andrew+Blackadder says
The expression is walk the walk and talk the talk and NOT walk the talk but then I wouldnt think Ghulam would understand that. islam is THE most intolerant religion that has EVER existed and it is in fact a Fascist Religious Cult followed by morons who are afraid to think for themselves and need somebody to teach them what to think and not how to think…. Truly the motherlode of bad ideas.
We often say Singapore is a fine fine City, no matter what you want to do they will Fine you for doing it, so dont be telling people that you ”obliged” the Singapore Government by lowering the sound of your awful mosque screaming jive, you were TOLD to turn the speakers inward to the mosque so that idiots can hear the noise and we dont need too…
You really are such a liar mate, but then you are a muslim so it comes as second nature to wee soy boys like your self.
Bubba Grump's Nutz says
“We never complain when non-Muslims blast heavy metal, Hindu firecrackers during Diwali, or Christmas Carols. We GRIN and BEAR it”
NONE of those things happen 5 times a day, so your virtue signaling is *FAIL*….
Jasmine says
Hi Ghulam….. the muslims in singapore know to behave themselves ,as they have been exposed to too much common sense from other non muslims, and further they know that our nanny state Government is famous for coming up with ingenious methods and methodologies to punish them if they dont comply ..remember harmony and getting along with each other is paramount in our little island country where we dont have too much real estate to spare and we have to bump into each other LOL.
well despite the lowering of the volume, i still hear the adhaan and it bothers me,especially since i understand classical arabic ( pity they wont hire me as honorary Imam )…. so behold your future president Jasmine of the lion city may sneak into my neighbourhood mosque and insert a cassette to play Madonnas “i’m a virgin” …touched for the very first time and I swear i will turn the volume so loud that it will make our iconic merLions come alive and jostle you out of your bed LOL.
sister Jasmine
being a total ‘cunt’…remember you called me names..i have fotographic memory beware ! LOL
and i shall bear witness against you to allah on the day of reckoning ..al yaum ul quiamaat ..chuckle
Hoyt says
We do hate them , hate is a strong word but Islam does that to people . Funny not really I thought more subhumans lives up that way . They breed like rabbits so they will be the majority over time . These filthy animals need to be put down along with their call to prayer noise .
canuckguynbgmailcom says
Yup, hate breeds hate. It is Ok to return the hate. Turning the other cheek does not work regarding inaction with Muslims. Infidels are filthy dirtbag scum in their eyes.
canuckguynbgmailcom says
I just noticed a typo, grinds my gears when I do that. ‘interaction’ not ‘inaction’
BareNakedIslam says
Not to worry, we all do it.