It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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PURE EVIL: Biden Regime considers pulling health care from military veterans and giving it to illegal aliens
The Biden Regime reportedly is considering diverting doctors and healthcare workers from the Department of Veterans Affairs in order to take care of the massive inflow of illegal aliens now waiting at the southern border ready to flood the U.S when Biden lifts Title 42, the Trump-era policy designed to expedite the quick expulsion of illegals on the grounds of COVID public health concerns.
Western Journal Hillary Vaughn of Fox Business reported on the insulting slight to American veterans on Thursday, citing a source with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
She quoted the source as saying, “We’re going to take medical services away from people that really deserve that. Who went to combat … to give free medical attention to illegal migrants.”
The Department of Veterans Affairs is already notoriously inefficient, with a shortage in personnel likely to cost American veterans the care they need.
The Biden administration would redistribute the health care resources for a surge of as many as half a million illegal immigrants, according to Vaughn.
The administration is gutting immigration enforcement and deportations in favor of a system designed to check-in and ferry illegals to American communities.
Biden has consistently shrouded his border policies in secrecy, and it’s likely the administration would try to keep the use of veterans’ health care resources for illegals under wraps. The spring surge would follow the termination of Article 42, a Trump-era policy designed to allow the quick expulsion of illegals on the grounds of coronavirus public health concerns.
Reports on Thursday indicated the Biden administration planned to eliminate the border security policy on May 23, just in time to meet the late spring surge of illegal aliens.
Border Patrol chief Raul Ortiz told CNN he expects the agency to apprehend as many as 8,000 illegal aliens a day when Article 42 is removed.
Biden has welcomed a record-setting flow of illegal aliens. “Very few people within CBP believe this administration will actually secure the border, they just do not believe in it,” one agent told Fox News afterward.
“All of their actions, comments and practices are solely about pushing in as many illegal aliens as possible, not just those from the Americas but from around the world,” the agent said.
Reader Interactions
Az gal.says
This has been going on for awhile. The Mexicans are first to get medical care. Mexican Mexicans, then Mexican Americans. Then the rest of us.
That is what ive been writing for the last 8 years. All of that has happened here in the shithole called germany and soon to be called germanistan or so. Here they have taken the healthcare from us and given to the new race. We have to do without and that not only by healthcare but by all other things like haus, money, job (very seldom,they dont work) and wharever they think that they need. The hurting has only started in your country and it will get way worse, wait till you see your own hungern in the streets and the new muslim gets money food and hausing at the costs from the ones on the street. Germany lets people live on the street and she even kicks them out of their homes in order to make place for the new muslim or afro. Dont forget the thrown out german has worked and payed taxes for at least 30 years and some even 40 years of work and now they live on the street so that the muslim can feel good in the land of unbelievers.How long will we let this go through???.
Quran (3:56) – “As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.”
This is exactly like Britain where the British govt HATE veterans for their patriotism and for their love of Britain and her people.
Many thousands of jobless, homeless and hungry British vets live desperate lives on the streets. Their bed is a piece of cardboard. Some die from the freezing cold in winter. Some from suicide.
Hundreds from the huge, Muslim Third World invade tiny Britain every day. They’re escorted into the English Channel by the French Navy and then picked up by the British.
HMS government immediately lodge their ADORED MUSLIM INVADER ARMIES in 4-Star and 5-Star luxury hotels. The Muslim soldiers are lovingly given healthcare, money and 3 hot, delicious, nutritious meals every day, plus snacks.
What morally and rightfully belongs to hungry and homeless British vets is unjustly given away to the Muslim soldiers of barbarian savage, warlord Mohammad.
This is what George Soros puppet/Obama puppet Biden and their ruthless regime are doing to America’s most deserving, most loyal Americans, our precious American vets.
Should the corrupt illegal Biden government choose this path my kind will let the wrath of the real Americans defend my kind just as these same Americans relied on my kind to defend their Honor … Semper Fi
The helicopters are back over our neighborhoods again; two nights ago we thought one was going to land on top of our house. Two migrants stopped at my friend’s place and wanted to know “which way it was to Michigan”. (We’re close to the Mexican border.). They catch a few bad guys, but how many don’t get caught?
And already second Covid boosters are in short supply for seniors and immunocompromised here. But they are going to vax all the migrants coming across? The administration has no plan, except to turn them all loose in the US.
Your friend is lucky to be alive. She is alive by the grace, goodness and power of God alone.
Please, everyone, under no circumstances, open your door to strangers! If you’re in your yard and have a bad feeling, get in your home fast.
Never have your windows rolled down when driving through populated areas.
Anti American, US God hater rulers are punishing Americans for being Americans and maliciously overwhelming Americans with millions from countries infamous for hating Americans.
Greek Empress, Giving Covid shots and boosters to seniors and the immunocompromised is a nefarious act to get rid of/kill off who the govt regard as “useless eaters”. Retired seniors no longer work and pay taxes.
Democrat states also maliciously killed off hundreds of thousands in each one of their states by sending patients ill with Covid to senior nursing home facilities.
The dangerous BIO WEAPON Covid virus was invented in a lab in communist China. The US govt partnered with China. Traitor Fauci funded it with US tax dollars, using ILLEGAL Gain of Function.
The BIOLOGICAL WARFARE WEAPON Covid shots are far more dangerous.
Illegal invaders are NOT being vaxxed by the govt because the govt wants to protect the health and lives of the invaders who are consumed with hate for Americans.
Sorry but that is the plan. Let all in and let all go werever they want and we have to let them because they have given the invader rights that we dont have. This i watched as it happened allover europe especially germany. They get better healthcare and social benefits that the owner of the country doesnt have and the owner well he gets the bill and when he has no money they cut him off but the invader he gets all for free and he can even bring up to 30 people with him as long as they know his name and we get to pay for them and build hauses but for our own??. Germany has many muslims with 4 wives and twenty children and we have to take and pay all. The refugee that fled from war makes vacation in the country from where he fled, that has to be explained but no its nazi to say anything. You see we are being destroyed from our governments and we let them.
So what did I serve my country for in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? What did my father and younger pay the ultimate price for? Oh my bad. The DemocRAT Party needs more democRAT voters not only seeking freebies but to turn the U.S. into a one party country. So want to see your future just look at all the third world $hitholes that are one party countries that these people are running from.
Trudeau is on record of telling an Army veteran who lost his leg in Afghanistan that “..veterans are asking for more than we’re prepared to give just now…..”
Az gal. says
This has been going on for awhile. The Mexicans are first to get medical care. Mexican Mexicans, then Mexican Americans. Then the rest of us.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
That is what ive been writing for the last 8 years. All of that has happened here in the shithole called germany and soon to be called germanistan or so. Here they have taken the healthcare from us and given to the new race. We have to do without and that not only by healthcare but by all other things like haus, money, job (very seldom,they dont work) and wharever they think that they need. The hurting has only started in your country and it will get way worse, wait till you see your own hungern in the streets and the new muslim gets money food and hausing at the costs from the ones on the street. Germany lets people live on the street and she even kicks them out of their homes in order to make place for the new muslim or afro. Dont forget the thrown out german has worked and payed taxes for at least 30 years and some even 40 years of work and now they live on the street so that the muslim can feel good in the land of unbelievers.How long will we let this go through???.
Arlene Johnson says
Biden thinks illegals will vote for him, but he’s in for a rude surprise I think, because they have been voting Republican.
Linda Rivera says
Quran (3:56) – “As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.”
This is exactly like Britain where the British govt HATE veterans for their patriotism and for their love of Britain and her people.
Many thousands of jobless, homeless and hungry British vets live desperate lives on the streets. Their bed is a piece of cardboard. Some die from the freezing cold in winter. Some from suicide.
Hundreds from the huge, Muslim Third World invade tiny Britain every day. They’re escorted into the English Channel by the French Navy and then picked up by the British.
HMS government immediately lodge their ADORED MUSLIM INVADER ARMIES in 4-Star and 5-Star luxury hotels. The Muslim soldiers are lovingly given healthcare, money and 3 hot, delicious, nutritious meals every day, plus snacks.
What morally and rightfully belongs to hungry and homeless British vets is unjustly given away to the Muslim soldiers of barbarian savage, warlord Mohammad.
This is what George Soros puppet/Obama puppet Biden and their ruthless regime are doing to America’s most deserving, most loyal Americans, our precious American vets.
BLR says
Should the corrupt illegal Biden government choose this path my kind will let the wrath of the real Americans defend my kind just as these same Americans relied on my kind to defend their Honor … Semper Fi
The Proclaimer says
Joe Biden wants to give illegal aliens the entire country of The United States of America.
GreekEmpress says
The helicopters are back over our neighborhoods again; two nights ago we thought one was going to land on top of our house. Two migrants stopped at my friend’s place and wanted to know “which way it was to Michigan”. (We’re close to the Mexican border.). They catch a few bad guys, but how many don’t get caught?
And already second Covid boosters are in short supply for seniors and immunocompromised here. But they are going to vax all the migrants coming across? The administration has no plan, except to turn them all loose in the US.
Linda Rivera says
Your friend is lucky to be alive. She is alive by the grace, goodness and power of God alone.
Please, everyone, under no circumstances, open your door to strangers! If you’re in your yard and have a bad feeling, get in your home fast.
Never have your windows rolled down when driving through populated areas.
Anti American, US God hater rulers are punishing Americans for being Americans and maliciously overwhelming Americans with millions from countries infamous for hating Americans.
Linda Rivera says
Greek Empress, Giving Covid shots and boosters to seniors and the immunocompromised is a nefarious act to get rid of/kill off who the govt regard as “useless eaters”. Retired seniors no longer work and pay taxes.
Democrat states also maliciously killed off hundreds of thousands in each one of their states by sending patients ill with Covid to senior nursing home facilities.
The dangerous BIO WEAPON Covid virus was invented in a lab in communist China. The US govt partnered with China. Traitor Fauci funded it with US tax dollars, using ILLEGAL Gain of Function.
The BIOLOGICAL WARFARE WEAPON Covid shots are far more dangerous.
Illegal invaders are NOT being vaxxed by the govt because the govt wants to protect the health and lives of the invaders who are consumed with hate for Americans.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Sorry but that is the plan. Let all in and let all go werever they want and we have to let them because they have given the invader rights that we dont have. This i watched as it happened allover europe especially germany. They get better healthcare and social benefits that the owner of the country doesnt have and the owner well he gets the bill and when he has no money they cut him off but the invader he gets all for free and he can even bring up to 30 people with him as long as they know his name and we get to pay for them and build hauses but for our own??. Germany has many muslims with 4 wives and twenty children and we have to take and pay all. The refugee that fled from war makes vacation in the country from where he fled, that has to be explained but no its nazi to say anything. You see we are being destroyed from our governments and we let them.
Tim h says
So old git Biden don’t give a f_ck about own people and to the people who gone to war show you this guy is subhuman
Steve says
So what did I serve my country for in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? What did my father and younger pay the ultimate price for? Oh my bad. The DemocRAT Party needs more democRAT voters not only seeking freebies but to turn the U.S. into a one party country. So want to see your future just look at all the third world $hitholes that are one party countries that these people are running from.
Major Tom says
Trudeau is on record of telling an Army veteran who lost his leg in Afghanistan that “..veterans are asking for more than we’re prepared to give just now…..”
Shivers says
I’m glad I’m old.