For 40 years, young British girls have been the victims of mostly Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim sexual grooming/rape gangs and the police have done virtually nothing about it, in fear of being labeled “racists” or “Islamophobes.” Tommy Robinson has been jailed for trying to expose them. Now, he has produced a shocking documentary about the horrific problem nobody wants to talk about in ‘polite society’ and his car was firebombed after he announced its impending release.
This is the second installment: The Family business
Please support us. Together lets stop child sexual exploitation.
See Part 1 here: “THE RAPE OF BRITAIN” Damning exposé of Muslim sex grooming gangs by Tommy Robinson
John says
If the parents of British girls in these stories had any morals, they would NEVER let their daughters go near any fucking Muslim men at school or out of school. I’m assuming The parents of these girls were all drug addicts or alcoholics and this is the result of their truancy.
I’m assuming the British authorities consider them all white trash so let the Muslims fuck their brains out. Who gives a shit.
Linda Rivera says
I’m native English. Every day, I’m grieved and filled with anger at what Dirty, Demonic beings, Muslim Sex Slaver Gangs perpetrate. They’re no longer human. Demons clothed in human flesh. Part demon, part human. They stalk NON-Muslim nations voraciously seeking NON-Muslim prey.
The parents of the child sex slave victims are not drug addicts or alcoholics. The children and parents are threatened and terrorized by the gangs. The children and parents beg the police for help. The ruthless police refuse to help them.
One sex slave child victim turned up at school, visibly beaten up. The teachers ignored it. The monsters didn’t care and offered no help or protection.
One grief stricken father discovered where his precious daughter was being held against her will by the Muslim FILTH. When the father tried to rescue his beloved daughter, the police ARRESTED her father for attempting to rescue his child.
White, English sex slave child victims, severely abused, horribly tortured and bleeding have gone to hospitals. No one cared. Doctors and nurses and hospital workers didn’t care.
Do you know what it’s like to be a severely abused, tortured, sex slave child in this world, completely helpless and defenseless?
Donald (loser) Trump says
Calm down, fuck boi. I hate muslin behavior, too, but damn
Linda Rivera says
Courageous Tommy Robinson is a huge, British hero!
The British govt are morally and ethically responsible to provide Tommy and his family with bodyguards and 24/7, 365 days a year protection. Instead the corrupt, excessively wicked govt have imprisoned Tommy a number of times on made-up, false charges.
The SATANIST, MUSLIM GANG RAPISTS-SEX SLAVERS of Non-Muslim children Lover British govt arranged for Tommy to be violently attacked by Muslim prisoners in jail.
The sex slave child victims are the subjects of the Queen. But the entire Royal Family utter not one word of protest because the sex slave child victims are not the children of multi millionaires and billionaires.
The People’s Princess, assassinated Princess Diana, would have strongly and publicly protested. Her sons have despicably not followed in heroine Diana’s footsteps.
Wonderful Muslim, Majid Nawaz, spoke out very strongly against the Muslim Sex Slavery of Non-Muslim children. May Almighty God bless this man throughout all of Eternity.
Linda Rivera says
It’s a HUGE SIN Against the HOLY ONE, our Precious, Merciful, Awesome, Wonderful Creator who cares deeply about the children He gave as precious gifts. And a Terrible CRIME against Britain and Europe’s defenseless children. There is NO excuse to not save Non-Muslim children severely persecuted by Muslims.
The cruel, wicked, perverted, sexual torture SATAN’S SPAWN Muslim fiends perpetrated on innocent, defenseless Non-Muslim children is SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE.
Courts, judges, police, CPS (Crown Prosecution Service). British Prime Ministers starting with Prime Minister Tony Blair and every prime minister after him. Britain’s current Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Scotland Yard, Non-Muslim and Muslim politicians. The Royal Family.
All are GUILTY. All are complicit in the BARBARIC RAPES, GANG RAPES, HORRIFYING TORTURES-SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE, and Forced Prostitution and SEX SLAVERY of Britain’s Most Precious Possession — her Non-Muslim children.
They could have stopped it when it was discovered decades ago in the sixties. The monsters allowed it to continue. The sex slave child victims and their families begged the authorities for help.
Wicked British governments responded to their desperate pleas by constantly increasing Muslim importation into Britain knowing this would create huge numbers more of sex slave child victims.
All EVIL Perpetrators and Enablers will spend ALL of ETERNITY in FIERY HELL.
Bible, Romans 12:19
Jack Rider says
One additional thought: while I do not know what the age of consent is in the UK, it seems to be that the referred to “consent” mentioned to the adolescent victim’s father would be an issue of fact. If the victim says she did not consent and the perpetrator will defend the charge by alleging consent then it’ll be up to a jury to decide.
Sharon N says
The age of consent in the UK is 16.
Jack Rider says
It’s obvious that the mindset of Islam cannot be part of a free western-style democracy. Islam is supremacist and anti-democratic. The purported pronouncements of an eight century thief, murdered and child molester are accepted as divine revelation by the muslim faithful. Muslim presence is intrinsically anti-social to the larger non-muslim host society no matter how peacefully individual Muslims present themselves publicly. Islam instructs its faithful to not take non-Muslims as friends. Muslims are free to lie if it advances islam. Basically it’s not a religion that promotes peace.
Jack Rider says
The multiculturalism game is all based on a liberal notion of “hey let’s be nice,” which flows from the liberal decades after world war 2 when western democratic societies reviewed the horrors of nazi genocides. The Nazis became the well deserved paradigm of evil. The Nazis principal competitor, the Communists, knew how to exploit this model throughout the Cold War period as the positioned themselves as liberation movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Meanwhile, a prevailing sense of guilt overcame the now redeveloping and re-emerging economies European societies of the 1950s when war crimes trials and denazification absorbed those societies attention. This guilt became a pervasive social construct throughout the West. It also impacted the US with the civil rights movement. So the West has come to the point where opposition to marxist-based initiatives are denounced as racist, white supremacist and nazi-like. The elites echo this as virtue signaling while they continue their non-competitive enrichment through conglomeration and monopoly. Borders are thrown open, illegal migrants take jobs of lower economic native workers and a vast public welfare system takes earned income away from the native middle class. The elite prosper as tools of marxists while economic misery and poverty spreads. At the tipping point the nations are demographically destroyed from within. A fight for civilization is already begun.
Stewart - South Africa says
There ya go! Years and decades of PC indoctrination whereby none are allowed to judge others by their beliefs and behaviours whether cultural or religious, leads DIRECTLY to the sort of human scum we see here allowed to run rampant in Britain!
This was never the case if we go back to the norms of British society up to the 1960s. Such low-lifes were excluded from all society of any importance and in fact those underclass people hardly existed in Britain, being deliberately and knowingly kept out of the country. As for rising to any position in politics or authority this was unheard of, so clearly and overtly alien and unacceptable were their beliefs and culture.
Ted says
I see this not going to court but i see payback happening. Robinson still learning his craft bit awkward. His video s need to stay up for all to see. . Good work snagging this video
newsupplements says
Being gang raped is a serious nasty assault. The victims don’t usually like to even remember it if possible forcing it as far as is possible from their minds in order to survive. To be able to talk so passively about such an event is an amazing achievement, especially for one so young.
Anette Jakobsen says
On the 11 This montj movie 3 comming
Hartmut says
Does anyone really think grooming gangs are a Britain only problem?
And if not so why don’t we hear more about it?
Anette Jakobsen says
Bc people dont know about it, Did u
Pray Hard says
The Brits have a terminal case of multiculturalism and political correctness. Britain will collapse sooner than later.
Hartmut says
What if I tell you that the Brits are even more reasonable than their counterparts from (western) Europe mainland?
ML says
Need to take the fight to these undesirables and the establishment…. Lib-lab-com will do nothing….