A day that was supposed to be fun and exciting turned into a nightmare for six Italian girls returning by train to Milan from their trip to Gardaland amusement park. The young women, four from Milan and two from Pavia, all aged 16 to 17 years old, were sexually assaulted by a large group of North African Muslim migrant males while traveling on board the 2640 regional train from Peschiera del Garda to Milan, according to Italian news reports.
REMIX News We were surrounded. The heat was suffocating, and some of us passed out. While we were looking for a conductor, the sexual harassment took place,” said one of the victims. They then recalled that their attackers, while laughing, had told them: “White women don’t come up here.”
The incident took place in the late afternoon of last Thursday, June 2. The girls claimed that just before 6 p.m. they were in the train station of Peschiera. Over a hundred boys and a few girls, mostly North Africans of similar age or a little older, invaded the platform and the tracks, according to Italian news outlet il Giornale.
“They screamed and ran. They also spat on the windows of a train that arrived before ours,” said one of the victims.
According to the mayor of Castelnuovo del Garda, Giovanni Dal Cero, those young people were probably part of the crowd that had poured onto the beach of Peschiera earlier in the day. After a party was organized on TikTok, nearly 2,000 young people descended on Lake Garda, which resulted in a number of brawls and stabbings. Riot police were deployed to control the crowds, and by the evening, there were hundreds of intoxicated teens boarding trains in the area, both Italians and a number of migrant groups.
When the mass sexual assault took place, the train to Milan was full of passengers. The girls say that the group of about 30 men were groping them in turns and hurling sexual insults at them. The six victims of sexual harassmentdid not alert the police right away for fear of being beaten by the perpetrators, but they decided to call their parents who arranged to call the police. The mothers and fathers, however, reported that no one intervened to stop the sexual assault until one boy came to the rescue of the victims and helped them get off at the next stop.
Another parent commented, “We called 112 [Italy’s emergency number] but no one intervened. The young women were helped by a boy who made them get off at the next stop.”
The news also comes after a harrowing sexual assault that was caught on video earlier this year during a New Year’s celebration in Milan, with migrant men filmed sexual assaulting numerous females. According to police statistics, foreigners are responsible for nearly half the rape cases in Italy but only account for a small portion of the country’s population.
League Party leader Matteo Salvini produced multiple posts about the latest incident, writing sarcastically in one post: “A shame, a disgust. I expect an effective intervention from [Interior] Minister Lamorgese and harsh condemnation from the left and feminists. Do you think I’ll wait a long time?”
Maria Teresa Bellucci, a deputy of the Brothers of Italy party and the head of the social affairs commission, wrote that “the events of Desenzano are group violence, along the lines of those that occurred in Milan on New Year’s Eve. The gang phenomenon must be contained, Italy cannot experience situations similar to those of the suburbs. The government needs to tell us if there is an anti-gang strategy.”
Luca Zaia, governor of the Veneto Region, commented on what happened: “We continue our daily battle for not only individual but also social freedom. It is inconceivable that women and girls would be harassed and threatened in this way in this country. I appeal for zero tolerance and that the police put their utmost effort into finding those responsible.”
Italy: Shocking rape cases involving migrants leads League party politicians to call for ‘chemical castration’
Pray Hard says
Monkeypox, the results of Muslim from Nigeria having sex with animals like monkeys.
Linda Rivera says
At age 54, Mohammad married six-year-old Aisha, and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.” The Islamic Hadiths confirm this:
“The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)” (Bukhari 7.62.88).
One of the Muslim GANG RAPISTS SEX SLAVERS of non Muslim sex slave child victims in Britain declared that it was his “religious right” to have sex (RAPE) under age non Muslim girls.
RAPES, GANG RAPES and SEX SLAVERY of Non-Muslims is LEGAL in Islam and a Big part of SHARIA.
Western governments and intelligence agencies are neither ignorant or naive. They know these facts. Our SATANIST, excessively wicked governments have allowed Muslims to Wage All Out BARBARIC RAPE WAR on British and European Non Muslim children, teenagers and adults for many decades.
In Britain alone, there are one million non Muslim sex slave child victims severely persecuted by Muslim sex slaver gangs.
In the Bible, murderers, kidnappers and rapists are to be given the death sentence.
PROTECT our women and children!
MASSIVE Deportations of Muslims now.
The Bible warns, “IT IS A TERRIFYING THING TO FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE LIVING GOD” And, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?”
All EVIL perpetrators and evil enablers will spend all of Eternity in FIERY HELL.
Hartmut says
Before the Muzzrats played the Taharrush game with the girls they engaged in mass brawls at Lake Garda where the train came from as the report correctly stated, making themselves thoroughly unwelcome already.
Smooth Lee says
At the end of the day when all (or as much is allowed) is said, but (virtually) nothing legally appropriate is ever done, it will be, when factually attributing barbarous and assaultive behavior to Muslims, the same old proverbial “Move along, nothing to see here.”
Jack Rider says
It’s a misconception to think this is just a case of sexual harassment of women. It’s larger than this. This is a cultural assault on Italy itself . The target is the national state, the culture and the heritage of the Italian people. The liberal inclinations of the Italians who live in a constitutional republic prevent them from seeing the insidious character of the offenders. The offenders believe they are not just entitled to do these acts but obligated by their “superior” religion to challenge and defeat the infidels on their own territory. The immediate criminal act may be a simple acute manifestation of this clash of civilizations, but the offenders are really in it for the long haul.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
There you have it right in front of you. This is what i mean by writing that this kind of behavior is what the politics and friends import to us and the outcome is here for all to see. Shit the outcome was there years ago but nobody wants to be a raccist or nazi do they, instead they sit and watch as these problems are dumped into our countries for us to pay and to tolearte the freedom bringing religion and her prophets. This is what is happening allover europe, in every country, city, and town but we are the bad nazis and we have the moral need to work on forgivness. WE ARE SOWHAT FROM SCREWED and that from our own. But what am i writing, in this minute the inlandminister is crashing our asyl laws so that all can come and all can stay no matter what and the foreighn minister is doing all so that germany can welcome up to 100.000 afgahnen and yes the ukraine must be helped and this minister said there will be about 10 million and germany will feed and hause all at the cost of her own people. Nice future aint it?.
TED says
The use of lethat force on these rapists and assaulters will drastically reduce the number of occurences. Italian Police are chicken shit and do not want to upset the migrants. Where did all the real men go in Italy, the ones with Lupara who would defend a woman
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Question. Would you be a chickenshit when you know that as soon as you do anything to one of these then you have the whole ngo,nwo,proasyl , media and all of the migrant clubs on your ass and to top it off you have the politics against you because the politics want this import to go on forever. So what would you do run or fight a lost fight. I know this because i have to live in the shithole called germany and i see whats going on soThink about it before you write.
GGbox says
Don’t give up! Put pressure on your progressive politicians. Form gangs if yiou must, but protect your country from these savages..