The “New Swedes,” of course, being the Muslim economic freeloaders from North Africa and the Middle East, most of whom will never assimilate, because they are there to eventually dominate. The video is correct about one thing: the country will never be what it once was – one of the the safest and most prosperous countries in the world.
The Old Sweden vs the New Sweden:
Jack Rider says
How does one say, “you’re fucked,” in Sverige?
Bubba Grump's Nutz says
Yer Fucked. It’s sort of Universal.
Lars says
It’s all true, and even worse. We need a Trump here to clean Sweden from the stupid Left Liberals who put Sweden and Swedes last and cancel Swedens old culture and old traditions. Sweden is completely lost and destroyed and I see how the Democrats in US is destroying US in the exactly same ways. The Liberals in both Sweden and US has gone Socialists and the only real Liberals left are the Conservatives protecting the old traditional Liberal freedom, values and policies as they once were.
BareNakedIslam says
Lars, whatever happened to the Sweden Democrats? They seemed like the only party trying to put the brakes on Muslim immigration, and I used to do a lot of stories on them, but lately not much, if any.
Abdul says
Most indigenous Europeans are not attracted to Africans or middle eastern men.
BareNakedIslam says
Abdul, have you seen this? Actress Lindsay Lohan marries Arab Muslim businessman from Kuwait. She should talk to Janet Jackson who married a rich Saudi businessman. She was lucky to escape with her son.
Abdul says
Most Muslim “refugees” are not rich or good looking or both, also some of them are unemployed and living on welfare from the working white people in Europe.
BareNakedIslam says
More than “some of them.” At least half.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Yeah right from 100 that came and come maybe 10 will work but as soon as they see that their brothers in arms get all for free well then thats the end of working. Germanys social system is crashing and that not because of the many germans in it no its because of the 5 million that came and the next 5 million that come. The german medical and welfare are falling apart because we cant feed the world at our costs but our politicians are trying to do this at our costs. How long will the people of nations sit and watch while they are taken out like a christmas turkey.
Hartmut says
Maybe you should lower your expectation of indigenous European women then.
You will be stunned how many of them flock towards (Muslim) Middle Easterners and even Africans only to be solidly ill-treated or beaten up if trying to break free again.
ME Infidel says
Apparently, the leaders of the modern day Varangians have become Pajama Boys. Has anyone noticed that Western politicians such a Obama, Trudeau, Sarkozy, etc. all trend in the same direction? They can all go Metissage themselves!
The Thinker says
To the government of Sweden: Are you scared fantatically by the Muslims? This is what you need to do for now. Tell your Muslims that for every act of violence, every armed rebellion, every attack on churches that material; financial benefits all Muslims receive from the Swedish government will decrease by 10 percent. And if eventually the Muslims have no money at all; that is their problem and they can leave Sweden to live in Muslimland where other Muslims can materially; financially support them. Free housing, free education, free health care must also start to diminish with every attack, threats of attack, church vandalism or worse made by Muslims. Also, Muslims who will not allow any type of debate on their religion and consider it as an insult; and make Muslims ready to bloody violence; their physical benefits are to vanish. Sweden, you need to start these reforms in your country and quit being a bunch of frightened jack rabbits. Defend your country against the aggressors and destroyers.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Good idea but it wont work. First problem is that sweden has done this since the 80s and it is run by a bunch of socialist women and the socialist would never ever say that he was wrong no its allways the other one who is wrong. Second problem is that the eu and the politics stop all trys to save your country and folk. Shit they are talking about taking hungarys money and voice away because they wont let the muslim in. That is the sad truth about it and as you can see we are screwed and that massive. The muslim has the majority in sweden so sit back and watch what happens because this will happen in your country too very soon.
Linda Rivera says
Quran (8:12) “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
Via Massive Muslim Colonization of our Christian nations by our traitor governments, the SATANIST UN, the SATANIST EU and SATANIST British and Western European governments seek MURDEROUS GENOCIDE of the WHITE RACE.
It’s what the SATANIST Obama-Biden regime also lust after.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy orders white-race French people to racially interbreed with blacks or face state sanctions. ( Maybe prison ? )
Nicolas Sarkozy orders French people to racially interbreed — Tommy Robinson
Piece says
Still. I often detect a slight tinge of terror in the passing Muslim eye. They know they are plucking with people. They also know that many times on different continents the local populations just had enough and out of pure rage took them out. Truly peaceful Buddhists in SE Asia, Communist Chinese today. All over Africans. Europeans of all races and faiths. Islam is AIDS. Will it have to be another
fight the demise of this evil cult.
BareNakedIslam says
sixlittlerabbits says
Unbelievable that the native population has not risen up against it woke and evil politicians! EWWW.
Jack Rider says
Perhaps the kindling needs a spark
Reader says
BareNakedIslam says
Love it! Added to the post.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
This kind of bull is the last try to save something from their country because sweden is islamic and all know it. The knowing ends here because their countries are next, countries such as france, italy,greece,germany and many more. Do all think that the overrun from the muslim will end before he has the whole world.. wrong thinking. The islam has wandered into 57 countries and not a single one is not in the hand of the islam bunch but by us it will be different wont it…no it will be the same as in those lost countries and africa is the next country to fall and then what…GAME OVER PLAYER DEAD.
The Real Prophet says
Hey Swedish government, the Muslims are Not new Swedes. The Muslims are Not Swedes at all and never will be. The Muslims will never assimilate. The Muslims are your worst enemies. The Swedish government does not have the intelligence to see this fact, but other observers can clearly see it. The Muslims, when numerous enough, will start a genocide against the Swedes. Realize this: the Muslims want Sweden so badly for themselves that the Muslims will take Sweden away by any means possible, no matter how utterly horrible, after the Muslims have gained sufficient numerical superiority; so you Swedes need to now take care of the problem; you Swedes need to “nip it in the bud”.
The Real Prophet says
Hey Swedish Government, the Muslims are there and keep coming into your country to completely conquer you. When that happens the people of Sweden will see great racial hatred and ethnic hatred against them. The Muslims think the Swedes are a bunch of crazed fools who give them, the Muslims, free material benefits from the Swedish taxpayers, for absolutely nothing in return. The Muslims are 100% ungrateful rats and will “play the Swedish government to the tilt”. And the very stupid Swedish government falls for the crap of the Muslims “hook, line, and sinker”. The Muslims will start trying to form a military, start taking over your government, begin to run for political offices, depose your government officials by replacing them with Muslim government officials, the Muslims will cause horrendous crime waves, cause massive poverty in Sweden, destroy your education system and replace it brutal, evil, false religion Islam, make slaves of the Swedes, especially with the young females, destroy all your churches regardless of ancient and historical, and you will discover the Muslims will even fight each other for gang turfs, control of Sweden, etc. What Hilter was doing to the Jews, the Muslims will do to you Swedes, when the Muslims keep coming and coming and amassing more and more power, if the Swedish government keeps allowing the Muslims to have everything they want. The Swedish government lives in a psychotic state of denial and a total imaginary world on Muslims and their religion that completely conflicts with reality, as proved by 1, 400 years of bloody, warfare world history regarding the Muslims and their Satantic, perverted, evil religion.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
You can put the name of any european country in your comnent and it would be right then this what you write is happening allover europe. GOOD COMMENT.
Hartmut says
‘It’s time so see what they bring positively’
Oh yes, all the enrichments such as freeloading, rioting, bullying, (gang) rape and murder (sorry, mean to say mental illness).
It is no wonder that Swedes, as well as Germans, are leaving their native country in droves.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
To leave the country in droves is nothing but the run from the highest taxes and energy prices in the world and the many ideologys that want to be payed. A german when he takes a look at his wages he sees that over the half goes to ..yep the muslim because germany alone needs about 100 billion eiuros to pay this and daily arrive more of them to feed clothe and hause. The german works from 16 to 65 and now they want us germans to work up to 70 years old . why is that well the german has to finance the eu and all of the many nwo,ngo, and more, he has to pay for the climate and migrant and werever there is a problem in the world all run to germany with open hands, should germany not want to pay then they are nazi and antisematic and newly islamophobic. That is why the germans leave their land and the migration is the second thing because who would like to see his children get raped or killed or to see how his money feeds the ones who hate him and his way of life but were will we run to when the islam has taken over.Think about these words. A coward runs and a man stands his ground, wich are you.
The Observer says
In the USA, where I live, Joe Biden , at tax payer expense, keeps dumping more and more and more unvetted and poorly vetted Muslims into the country. Like Germany, for at least a few years now, the age of full retirement has been raised. USA full retirement benefits went from age 65 to 67. As Biden keeps flooding the USA with Muslims, the full retirement age will most probably go to 70 like what you have currently in Germany. And if the Democrats are still in power within the years to come, I believe that in the foreseeable future, the age of full retirement will get “bumped up” (raised) to past 70 to pay for more and more Muslim immigrants to the USA.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Yep but you forgotten a very important fact. The fact is that the rightous President of the United States of America is on his ass and the republican party is not put down like in europe, there they are rightwing nazis and so. This and the right to bear arms will give you the chance to save America as you know it but here in good ole germany i sit and watch how they desrtoy my country and all that makes our westworld worth living in. I sit and wait for my hour of power and let me tell you my hour will come and as soon as the startgong goes off i will hunt the faulty and i learned my hunt in America and in its service (i did very well). Take care and never give up the fight. Give me liberty or give me death. No more no less.
andrewblackadder says
Meanwhile the muslims laugh and laugh in the faces of Swedish men as they think these men cannot defend their own country, traditions or religion… muslims respect force, like standing up for your own culture, and they see these Swedish men as weak kneed girly boys.
I wish somebody could explain to me what was wrong with the Old Sweden that caused them to destroy it and bring in a backward low IQ people that despise their very way of life in every way.
It truly is insane.
Linda Rivera says
Sweden has one of the Most Evil politicians, leaders and govt on earth.
A nation where Muslims are allowed by the govt to GANG RAPE white European Christian children in school and are not prosecuted. Still enrolled because the SATANIST principal says that the Muslim gang rapists are the VICTIMS.
Muslim gang rapes of white, European Christian children and adults are supported by the SATANIST Swedish govt and the SATANIST judges and courts.
The Swedish govt is ENRAGED whenever native Swedes complain about Muslims raping and gang raping white, Christian Europeans and fine and/or imprison the courageous Swedes for speaking out and telling the truth.
The Evil Swedish govt is consumed with rage that non Muslims would criticize their BELOVED MUSLIM RAPISTS and GANG RAPISTS.
The vile, sick, twisted, perverted, demented Swedish govt is a Government of Devil Worshipers.
Az gal says
“Rapists are victims too”? Obvious which the Muslums are.
Bugsy278 says
My head was stuck on that one too. WTF is wrong with society when a school principal says such a thing? We’ve been saying it over and over…Sweden is lost.
Pray Hard says
Pray Hard says
One big unicorn rainbow pie …
Climate Change says
Hey Ali. Go for it! Meanwhile the Russians and east Europeans know better. Ripe for conquest. These Swedes couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery. Poor dumb Swedes.
Cleavis Nowell says
Moslem crescent hyenas are not visitors – they are invaders always and need to be dropped on volcanic islands where high winds would blow them out to sharks !
John says
I imagine if I was a blood thirsty Muslim savage
right now I would be licking my chops. Free ride.