Hungary’s populist leader Viktor Orban doesn’t care that his country has been accused by the European Union of violating EU laws by refusing to accept Muslim economic migrant-wannabes while opening its borders t0 thousands of real refugees from Ukraine. Tensions have increased between the EU and the government of Hungary due to many violations of European laws regarding human rights, especially the rights of Muslim illegal aliens.
The Court of Justice had convicted Hungary in May of the year 2020 for the systematic detention of Muslims in the “transit camps” (Röszke and Tompa) on its southern border, which led the Hungarian authorities to close the aforementioned transit camps, although Orban opened his country’s borders to welcome Ukrainians fleeing the war.
Government spokesperson Zoltán Kovács is unapologetic about Hungary’s attitude to migrants and its strict anti-immigrant legislation.
“Migration is not a human right,” he says. “Illegal migration is a risk. It carries dangers to public security, the danger of terrorism, and eventually the danger of cultural conflicts, which we see now in western Europe.”
Hartmut says
The reporter sounds like a pig-headed bitch fully entangled in her own stupid ideology and wishful thinking.
Verk says
Well done, Hungary. Stay strong. Protect yourselves and your nation from the vermin at your border.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Laws dont count and nothing can stop the ideology of the green left. The law is there for us to abide and for them ..well they have the freecard to do all here even murder and get away with it. The green lefts will tell you all and they even have a reason for ignoring the law, its ideology and their little bubble of happy happy clap your hands world but should you insist that they abide by our laws , well then you are a old white man or nazi. Find the failure in that.
andrewblackadder says
I watched muslims attack the Hungary International Border Fence, throw rocks, stones, bottles etc at the Hungarian Border Guards, they tried to pull down the Border Fence and the Guards responded with throwing Tear Gas at them, even fighting some of them hand to hand to try and stop them from INVADING their country….. Headlines on CNN….. Border Guards serious attack and hurt migrants..
In what universe is it acceptable for a people to attack an International Border Fence and then blame the Border Guards from protecting their country, as I would have thought that was the actual job of the Border Guards, however that appears to be a rather old fashion idea of common sense.
Meanwhile muslims around the World laugh and laugh and laugh at the PC Liberals and the feminist in the Western World.
Hartmut says
I wish we had an administration like Orban’s.
Not only does he stop illegal migrants unwilling to integrate but looking to freeload on their hosts but also does not participate in the useless sanctions against Russia which does not hurt latter by any means but cause severe havoc to western European economies.
Abdul says
Great news.
TJ says
The government of Hungary has a right to protect its people from deranged islamic attackers. The actions of the writer of the qu’ran are dubious. He made dumber parables than those of Jesus. He attacked evidence people can be raised from the dead when he said Jesus did not die on the cross. He destroyed prophesies which fulfilled the choice vine spoken of by Jacob in Genesis 49. The words in this choice vine were created to produce evidence God will intervene against murder. He threw out all of the quotes of Jesus. His only quote in the qu’ran is an irrelevant fable. This is robbing Jesus of His identity. He created a fable about Moses to use as evidence muslims should kill their kid for rejecting islam. He exaggerated against Jews saying most of them are treacherous. He acted like the Jews were guilty of rejecting islam, after he exchanged the rich accounts of the lives of biblical figures found in the Jewish book for his own sparse accounts. There is no chance God will ever validate this behavior. The only people who get excited over the qu’ran are those who have no ability to make honest, critical judgments about what is really going on in this book. No Hungarians should die at the hands of some pervert who thinks they are guilty for wanting to live freely from the author of the qu’ran, a guy who who never had any talent.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Please send your comment to the eu headquarters so that someone might wake up. Should you live in the eu then dont send it because you will overnight turn into a islamophob, homophob, nazi, and even a antisemite and the inlandminister will ock you up. That is the eu today, patriotism is nazi love for your country and folk is nazi but a germany hater can make a big proffesion here. The spook will soon be over because germany is about broke and its industry is about ruined for climate and so . Who will step up and say i pay…we will see soon wont we.
Linda Rivera says
URGENTLY NEEDED in AMERICA, CANADA, BRITAIN, Western Europe and other NON-Muslim nations:
The Stop Soros legislation, passed by the Hungarian parliament in June 2018, prohibits helping illegal immigrants to seek asylum and apply for residency within the country, with penalties of up to a year in prison for anyone accused of this “crime.”
Condor 18 says
Asylum is guaranteed to the first safe location only. How many safe nations have these refugees crossed trying to get all of the benefits of western Europe. This is cultural Jihad and nothing more. Hungary recognizes this and is doing the rest of Europe a huge favor.
weewayne says
nothing wrong with fearing a cult that want’s you dead
Tim h says
Maybe she could take a couple of Muslims home with her watch her get rape and kill her. I bet she one nice leftist. Good luck with that.
BareNakedIslam says
She’s of Iranian heritage.
David Grisez says
The president of Hungary, Viktor Orban is one of the few wise leaders in this world that understands putting the needs of the country they are leading first is important. Viktor Orban realizes that his nation should not have a wide open border, such as the United States. He realizes that he should not let Muslims immigrate to his country, because their Islamic ideology calls on them to commit acts of terrorism and to do what they can to turn Hungary into a Muslim country. Viktor Orban also realizes that he should not let George Soros influence what goes on in Hungary