It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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TRENDING ON TWITTER: Anne Frank is being accused of having “white privilege”
Anne Frank is certainly one of the most famous victims of the Nazi Holocaust, but Twitter users have decided that the reason she survived two years in hiding and her journal, The Diary of Anne Frank, became a legend is because of her “white privilege.”
TheJC Critical Race Theory cannot cope with the Holocaust so it pretends those killed were oppressors.
On Twitter, Anne Frank’s alleged “white privilege was trending — meaning it was being discussed by thousands of people — because of the contention that Jewish victims were “lucky”. Why? They could hide from the Nazis because they had white skin, apparently. The fact that this was insufficient to save six million of them was ignored.”
Anti-Semitism killed Anne Frank. And anti-Semitism now means that learning about the Holocaust is seen as “Jewish privilege” as well. There is no room for Anne or the millions of others who had white skin but were still targeted by a race-based genocide, because it ruins the theory that white people cannot be victims of racism.
No doubt, most of those supporting this crap are Leftists and Muslims, who themselves should be considered the Nazis and IslamoNazis of the 21st Century.
Don’t tell me it’s them bloody lowlife scumbags wankers leftist who no idea what the jews went though in the second world war. Millions was gassed and shoot. Them leftist are dumb
This accusation is nothing other than an effort to invert morality as we commonly recognize it by Judeo-Christian values. The accusation emanates from the marxist revolutionary perspective to fuel the erosion of society & to corrode the connection of individuals to common decency. When you can get people to believe absurdities then you can get them to commit atrocities.
I read “The Diary of Anne Frank” when I was 13. My mother gave me the book. Her story touched my young heart and has stayed with me all my life. The evil that walked this earth when Anne was a young girl, is still with us.
Those stupid morons! She was a Jewish girl who hid with her family and others in a small place for two years. Then they were taken and she starved in a concentration camp. That’s not what I would call white privilege
Just when you think The Left cannot get any more insane they now call Ann Frank,s situation white privilege, so did the white people that killed her had even more white privilege?… Im confused…
Tim h says
Don’t tell me it’s them bloody lowlife scumbags wankers leftist who no idea what the jews went though in the second world war. Millions was gassed and shoot. Them leftist are dumb
Linda Rivera says
The Non-Stop Propaganda War Against Whites is created to provoke extreme hate, violence and murder against white innocents.
By demonizing Anne Frank, the Satanic Filth slander the character, goodness, purity and innocence of beautiful child Anne Frank.
Their hate-filled, evil words cannot damage her beautiful soul.
Jack says
Jews have done everything to support Black Christians and Black Muslims against Whites. Soem thanks they get.
Jack Rider says
This accusation is nothing other than an effort to invert morality as we commonly recognize it by Judeo-Christian values. The accusation emanates from the marxist revolutionary perspective to fuel the erosion of society & to corrode the connection of individuals to common decency. When you can get people to believe absurdities then you can get them to commit atrocities.
BareNakedIslam says
“When you can get people to believe absurdities then you can get them to commit atrocities”
Never heard that before, but it makes sense.
annilinn says
I read “The Diary of Anne Frank” when I was 13. My mother gave me the book. Her story touched my young heart and has stayed with me all my life. The evil that walked this earth when Anne was a young girl, is still with us.
Az gal says
Breaking news: Yaser Said gets life for “honor” killing his daughters.
BareNakedIslam says
mosckerr says
LOL stupid is as stupid does.
Peter Marshall Haugo says
Those stupid morons! She was a Jewish girl who hid with her family and others in a small place for two years. Then they were taken and she starved in a concentration camp. That’s not what I would call white privilege
andrewblackadder says
Just when you think The Left cannot get any more insane they now call Ann Frank,s situation white privilege, so did the white people that killed her had even more white privilege?… Im confused…