It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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GERMANY: Far-Left Greens Party setting up reporting centers for people to secretly snitch on fellow citizens whose behavior is not politically correct
Josefine Paul, the minister for children, youth, family, equality, refugees, and integration of North Rhine-Westphalia for the Greens, wants to push through a project that encourages Germans to report their fellow citizens, according to the German publication Focus.
REMIX NewsReports suggest that Paul intends to set up four reporting centers where people can anonymously report other people who are behaving politically incorrect through hotlines. For example, “incidents hostile to Middle Eastern/African migrants, Muslims, Blacks, Roma, and homosexuals are to be reported, even those that are not criminal.
The government of the most populous federal state will spend €140,000 to establish each center. Paul, a former teacher, lives with Katja Meier, the Saxon justice minister and also a member of the Green Party.
“As I will continue to reject non-Christian gender language and gender ideology, it is already foreseeable that some zealous left-wing whistleblower will turn me in in East German Stasi-style. So be it,” responded Dirk Kalweit, vice-chairman of the CDU Christian Democracy faction in the Landtag (State Diet).
Reader Interactions
Classy Infidelsays
Young people are the power base of the Fascist Far-Left movement. Give too much power to a person with no life experience and they become evil.
This is to make cancellation easier. It even bypasses any due process whereby the reported individual can protest and defend himself. Totalitarianism is making a strong comeback.
Josephine Paul is a butt ugly bitch who tries to make up for her short falls by rabid radical left extremism.
Former East German Stasi members and even the Third Reich SA would be proud of her.
In this respect she follows minister of interior Nancy Faeser who denounces the indigenous population protesting against her flooding the country with illegal migrants and driving a stringent reverse integration agenda.
This i wrote earlier but nobody heard. I sit in the source (germany) were all of the bull comes from. Germany is a socialists sate and that since the 40s because the reeducation was done by the frankfurter high school (marxixt 100%) so why wonder or bitch about it. Yes germany has a snitch reporting center. This was not new . Soon there will be gulags (prison) for us denunciated and as i write for years here you lose home job and family should you say any negativ things against the best germany of all times. As i say watch germany then here is were the bull started and here is were the beginning of the end starts then when germany stands up who pays the eu, half of the third world, migration on the planet, and vorall the gendern in jemen or arabia or nigeria or or or the list is long but back to my question who will step up and pay at the cost of the people and country, who???? Your country?. Stay tuned folks .
Classy Infidel says
Young people are the power base of the Fascist Far-Left movement. Give too much power to a person with no life experience and they become evil.
Linda Rivera says
Hitler lives.
God-Hater Hitler and his God-Hater Nazis are re-born in Germany.
The Greens Party must be truthful about their Party and give their Party the correct name, The NAZI PARTY.
Jack Rider says
This is to make cancellation easier. It even bypasses any due process whereby the reported individual can protest and defend himself. Totalitarianism is making a strong comeback.
Pray Hard says
Straight back to the 1930’s.
Jason Grant says
Sounds like the Gestapo is making a comeback there! People need to rise up against this type of totalitarian control before it is too late!
Hartmut says
Josephine Paul is a butt ugly bitch who tries to make up for her short falls by rabid radical left extremism.
Former East German Stasi members and even the Third Reich SA would be proud of her.
In this respect she follows minister of interior Nancy Faeser who denounces the indigenous population protesting against her flooding the country with illegal migrants and driving a stringent reverse integration agenda.
The country is done.
Keith Ellerby says
I bet if someone reports one of the NEW Germans the report will be ignored
Daniel Erbstoesser says
This i wrote earlier but nobody heard. I sit in the source (germany) were all of the bull comes from. Germany is a socialists sate and that since the 40s because the reeducation was done by the frankfurter high school (marxixt 100%) so why wonder or bitch about it. Yes germany has a snitch reporting center. This was not new . Soon there will be gulags (prison) for us denunciated and as i write for years here you lose home job and family should you say any negativ things against the best germany of all times. As i say watch germany then here is were the bull started and here is were the beginning of the end starts then when germany stands up who pays the eu, half of the third world, migration on the planet, and vorall the gendern in jemen or arabia or nigeria or or or the list is long but back to my question who will step up and pay at the cost of the people and country, who???? Your country?. Stay tuned folks .
Hadehoughalready says
This is great! Where this is an anonymous reporting center, this can go both ways and really screw up their ratting system.
Two can play at this game…