It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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GUESS WHO IS THRILLED that there are no more straight white men working for Virgin Atlantic Airlines
I guess Richard Branson is ashamed of being a Caucasian Heterosexual Male.
Once upon a time on Planet Earth Virgin Airlines was a really great way to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, London to JFK…. Great music, great movies, decent airline food, ah yes these days are long gone like so much else these days.
Im just glad to be 74 and not much longer for this world as I really cant take much more of this woke shit.
Linda Rivera says
Vile. Despicable. Disgusting.
The Extreme HATE for straight, white males is DEMONIC.
ME Infidel says
What is it with self-proclaimed marketing wizards that dancing is going to make me buy a product or service I wouldn’t buy in the first place?
Pray Hard says
Stevo says
I finished with Virgin Atlantic way before all the wokery because they tried to blackmail the place I lived in.
BareNakedIslam says
How did they do that?
Stevo says
The link explains it better, but, basically Virgin said, ” Pay us a huge subsidy over 3 years, or we won’t fly to you anymore.”
BareNakedIslam says
I see. Certainly are all full of themselves, aren’t they? I hope they lose a lot of business over this ad campaign.
Major Tom says
….”and God gave them over to a spirit of delusion…..” When the mental institutions were emptied……were they ever refilled?
BareNakedIslam says
andrewblackadder says
I guess Richard Branson is ashamed of being a Caucasian Heterosexual Male.
Once upon a time on Planet Earth Virgin Airlines was a really great way to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, London to JFK…. Great music, great movies, decent airline food, ah yes these days are long gone like so much else these days.
Im just glad to be 74 and not much longer for this world as I really cant take much more of this woke shit.