A horrific video has gone viral on social media showing a young Muslim woman getting brutally punched and kicked by her own brother for the ‘crime’ of going on a date with a non-Muslim man. No doubt, the next video we see will be of her “honor” killing by a family member.
The brother drags the sister into the middle of the kitchen floor where he punches and stomps on her to the point she nearly passes out. He then tosses water on her to revive her only to try and assault her some more. If you think this happened in Pakistan, guess again, this was the United States. The language seems to be Russian so mostly likely, these are Chechen Muslims.
h/t Vidmax
Fear The Legion says
Words fail mer. I hope that brother gets the snot knocked out of him, or better yet run over by a steam roller.
Pray Hard says
Well, what more can be said? This is simply part and parcel of islam in at least all moslem countries on the planet, every minute of every day. In Pakistan alone, three shame murders per day, documented. Now think about 56-57 OIC countries and the ones that aren’t documented. Moslems are a disgrace on the human species.
Amboyduke says
Can you IMAGINE living with pus like this?
Cultural diversity at its best…how do you rid the world of such filth???
Kathy Hochul says
You answered your question with the first sentence in your comment I believe……
Amboyduke says
LOL You are correct, and you certainly cannot be the REAL, TWISTED Kathy Hochul…
These things should be culled from society as fast as possible…
Travis R says
You idiots import this and then are shocked by it.
Maybe Christians should try this then Biden will let us be.
Ghulam says
Mary C says
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, if Islam truly was the “religion of peace and love” folks claim it is, it wouldn’t matter if a Muslim woman fell in love with a non-Muslim man.
Pray Hard says
If frogs could fly, they could bonk butterflies too.
Bob says
Nothing like beating the love of Allah into a defenseless women to show you are a real lover of mankind!
sixlittlerabbits says
Hope this girl will head for a shelter far away and get away from her Muslime relatives before her brother beheads her and runs through the streets with his “trophy”!
Linda Rivera says
Muslim Males MASSIVE ABUSERS can NEVER be called Men.
Smooth Lee says
Almost, but not quite yet, a real man, not until he finishers her off will he finally prove his coming-of-age, true Muslim manhood.
Hartmut says
Warm, fuzzy feelings arise after seeing such display of Muslim style sibling love.
Tim h says
His did this coz he the scumbag lowlife wanker Muslim wanted to shag her himself as they normally do
FaithfulServantsOfChristKJV says
This is completely Satanic, no other way to put it. More proof that Islam is completely Luciferian!
Satan is connected with murder and death (John 8:44; John 10:10; 1 John 3:12; Hebrews 2:14-15; Job 28:22).