No charges will be filed against the police officer who blew away Ali Naji, 33, after he entered the lobby of a police station in Dearborn, Michigan, then pointed a gun at an officer behind the desk and pulled the trigger. The gun, however, malfunctioned or jammed and the officer shot the would-be Muslim terrorist 17 times, killing him instantly.
Down River Sunday Times (h/t Angela S) Ten days ago, his family filed a $10 million lawsuit against the Dearborn Police Department, claiming excessive force and wrongful death (which they don’t stand a chance in Hell of ever winning, or even going to trial).
Naji, of Dearborn walked into the lobby, 16099 Michigan Ave., at 3:32 p.m. Dec. 18 and within seconds of entering pulled out a handgun, pointed it at the officer on duty and pulled the trigger. When the gun failed to fire, Naji removed the magazine and reinserted it.
The officer on duty, who was behind a bullet-resistant acrylic partition, retreated, then returned five seconds later with his own firearm. He then slid open a window and fired 17 times at Naji, killing him. Following the incident, which occurred in 13 seconds, it was discovered that Naji’s gun had a round in the chamber and the gun’s safety was off.
Within 20 seconds of the start of the incident, other police officers arrived in the lobby, secured the scene and called for medical assistance for Naji, who suffered multiple fatal gunshot wounds.
A Michigan State Police investigation later discovered that Naji had stolen the gun from a local barber shop where he had once worked.
It is believed that the incident may be the result of a mental health episode. (Oh, here we go, the usual Muslim mental issues “Get-out-of-Jail-Free-Card’ excuse)
More people than normal had been in the police station lobby that day, dropping off toys for the annual Toys for Tots campaign. No non-police personnel were in the lobby when Naji brandished the firearm.
On Thursday, the Wayne County Prosecutor determined that no charges will be filed against the officer, saying Naji posed an immediate threat.
“We may never know why Mr. Naji walked into the Dearborn Police Department with a loaded weapon attempting to fire it at a police officer. My office will not be issuing charges in this case. Although extremely tragic, this is a clear case where the officer acted in lawful self-defense and in the defense of others,” said Prosecutor Kym Worthy.
Here’s a longer version from Twitter:
This video footage is important, because IF you can enlarge the video of this muslim man when he first enters the building, you need to look at his white hoodie and “what” is under it. It appears to be a bulletproof vest. It’s bulky and it shows. When he tried to pull up his saggy jeans, you can actually see the “vest” ride up on his torso. “This is why they needed to shoot him more than once.”
JUST IN: Dearborn Police Department releases surveillance video showing the moment an ARMED MAN walked in the police station and was killed by officers..
Ali Naji, 33 was killed after walking in, pointing a gun at an Officer and pulling the
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 17, 2023
Richard S says
Now he is a good muslim… dead!
Hartmut says
Good job.
Over here this would be all over the news questioning to fire 17 times and press charges against the police officer.
GymS says
The only thing the hero Officer should have done was reload, then empty the new one also. Can’t shoot a scum like that enough times.
Az gal says
Suicide by cop? No matter, that was a good day!
99pct says
Reader says
I have good news for Ali, and I have bad news. 🙂
Me says
Aww wasn’t it nice of that mudslime POS helping to catch all 17 of that officer’s bullets for him …
BareNakedIslam says
kathykounselor says
Yaaaayyyyyyyyy! Feel-good video of the year Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Promote that cop and give him a bonus. Heck: Make him a Lt. on the spot!
canuckguynbgmailcom says
Shot 17 times. Geez, I am not saddened by a loss of an islamic idiot but CAIR will go nuts over this example of overkill. Was the cop that bad of a shot? I would think there will be an inquiry. Three bullets max should have been enough.
BareNakedIslam says
I would have done the same thing, just to be sure he was good and dead. 😂
Dan says
I loved that sheriff thst one time.
“Sheriff, why did you shoot the perp 56 times?”
“Well Missy that was all the bullets we had”
Something along them lines.
BareNakedIslam says
BadFrog says
You keep shooting until the threat no longer exists. As simple as that
Muhammad A says
Pure evil can never be dead enough. Keep shooting until you run out of ammo!!! That’s what the assailant would have done, I’m sure…if he wasn’t such an idiot.
kathykounselor says
F CAIR. And they’ve already got you, worrying about their lying mudslime a_s. I’m just sorry their whole legal team didn’t walk into that Police station, and get the same result. Would that be OK with you-only 2 or 3 bullets apiece?
Ghulam says
If this cop shot him 17 times, it was likely because he had pent up anger against Muslims.
I have been to Dearborn. I remember this huge Muslim gathering outside the main city mosque. The whole place looked like Saudi Arabia with hijabi women and bearded Momins everywhere.
A few American cops were stationed right outside the mosque. They were like stone statues — the Muzzie youth were teasing and tormenting them but they didn’t flinch.
Sonny Smith Jr. says
The Spanish got it right. So did some progressive African countries.
David says
Allah was not on the side of his adoring disciples this time!
kathykounselor says
Yeah: And apparently dead muz didn’t want to be a martyr given his bulletproof vest. Bummer! No pedophilia for all eternity for him I guess (their version of Heaven).
They’re so sick they stay perverted even after they die.
Conrad Calvano says
Good for the officer, he had such presence of mind! That said, this is Dearbonistan, overrun by Muslims. I would not be surprised if the City settles a huge amount in favor of the family of the dead terrorist!
Beard Hairs Drop says
Leave no doubt. Screw the ducking’ an’ divin’ bobbin’ an’ weavin’. How long before the first major shipments of arms and ammo are intercepted. Crazy mixed up messages and massages.
Anette says
Good police work 👍
Reg says
Tim h says
Quick get cair in this to sue the dead Muslims family and get them to say sorry to the police man
And don’t forget compensation
Stewart - South Africa says
This action accords with my own doctrine of self-defence which is there can be no such thing as “excessive” force or “disproportionate” response when scum threatens life – especially mine and those close to me!
The law here where I am, would see this use of a full magazine as both excessive and disproportionate which to anyone but a lawyer, is gross idiocy!
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Man give that police officer a medal and prize money then he saved other peoples lives. Super work and keep it up.
gunnerbubba1776 says
“When in doubt… empty your magazine!!!!!!!!!
Ramez Fekry says
One Koranimal down, 2 billion more to go!
alaskabroxson says
Outstanding!! what I say next I am very serious about it, this is not a joke. If this would’ve happened in one of the police stations throughout the entire United Kingdom, I’m seriously wondering if they would’ve had to go unlock a certain room or a cabinet, where they keep the firearms?
Because I know the officers that work the streets and go in and out of these police stations do not carry firearms, so I’m seriously wondering if they would have to go unlock Anything. A certain room / cabinet / firearm stand etc etc.
And, I’ve often wondered why is it they don’t carry firearms and only special tactic type officers do. Nobody has ever been able to give me a valid answer why they don’t carry firearms. All I’ve ever seen is goofy, snarky reasons that are supposed to be a joke.
BareNakedIslam says
That policy probably dates back to before the Muslim invasion
Shivers says
The muslim invitation.
Fluffy Bunny says
Speak it, Brother
Keith Ellerby says
The police here in the UK have never carried fire arms as a matter of course. There have always been some officer who were licenced to carry weapons and of course the rules have been tightend over the years.
I am assuming that this dates back to the mid 19th century when the Metropolitan police was set up by Sir Robert Peel. Unlike in many countries the UK has never really had a gun culture especially like the US where guns were needed for defence during the expansion across the continent.
Stewart - South Africa says
Most Brit cops are not qualified or allowed firearms at any time. They have to call in the “Firearms Unit”. How long that may take is anyone’s guess!
Unarmed police has been a long tradition in Britain where respect for the law was at one time, not long ago, strong, and armed criminals the exception. Going armed to commit a crime – never mind actually using a gun – would get you a lengthy sentence which acted as a deterrent. Of course today, it is all out of control, judges do not understand any concept of deterrence via sentencing, and it is therefore guaranteed to get even worse.
BareNakedIslam says
Same here in NYC with the Soros-funded DA and judges who won’t even send murderers to jail. But all the cops have guns and will use them when necessary. Of course that will change if they pass proposed legislation would allow criminals to sue police personally for using force against perpetrators. That’s one reason cops are leaving NYC in droves.
sixlittlerabbits says
Do you remember many years ago when a NYC resident was attacked by a violent neighbor who broke down his door? The victim shot and killed his attacker in self-defense, and the NYC authorities claimed he used excessive violence because he shot his assailant several times. Insane!
BareNakedIslam says
No, I don’t remember, but it’s NYC, commie central.
Stevo says
Here’s exactly what would happen in the UK.
Stevi says
Here’s what happens in the UK.
(Messed up first time)
BareNakedIslam says
I’ve never understood why all British cops aren’t armed with guns.
Stevo says
BareNakedIslam says
As long as they keep flooding the country with these kinds of migrants, I expect that policy will change.
Steve says
Mighty Fine Shooting Officer 🙂 Sorry to see you suffer a Class One Malfunction also known as running out of ammo 🙂