You render them helpless against illegal alien Muslim invaders…especially in-your-face annoying Somali Muslim freeloaders who have infiltrated Peckham…apparently a new ‘NO GO ZONE’…for British police.
Ain’t “cultural enrichment” grand? Think of this as the far-left’s Critical Race Theory in action.
Pray Hard says
They could at least carry cricket bats.
Pray Hard says
I’ve read that about 10% of Brit police are armed. 90% are unarmed most of the time. Laughable.
BareNakedIslam says
The most they have are billy clubs, if that.
Pray Hard says
I’ve watched many Brit TV detective shows. I never fail to LOL when they’re chasing a perp and yell “Stop, armed police!” …
Smoked Out says
UK police in Northern Ireland are armed. There are virtually no visible Muslims. Meanwhile the south is becoming another “Peckham.”
The Speaker says
Does the Muslim mayor of London allow the police to carry weapons and use weapons against Muslim criminals? Probably Not.
Reader says
Here is a song in celebration of the holey month… (as opposed to holy)
Siddi Nasrani says
I thought that Islam is a “Religion of Peace” but there again;
Stevo says
Peckham, just up the road from me, but the bad guys better watch out !
Daniel Erbstoesser says
That is the harmless way but here (germany) you get to see the hard stuff but you have to come see it live because the media here say its all good and all are multi culti and all are buttfucking each other and at the same time they are nice and woke. This will all fall on their feet shortly and then the crying will be loud but i say its your own fault.
Stewart - South Africa says
Back in the day, “enrichment” in such a situation would involve blood on the pavement and several K4s in prison after they had been beaten down for disturbing the peace and resisting arrest, by not two or three cops, but a busload having been called in with truncheons! Guns not needed to deal with such scum. Police in Britain have taken the idea of a police “service” way too far when a “force” is what is needed!
BareNakedIslam says
JS says
I was in Sydney, Australia in 2008. When I saw their police I was shocked! No weapons, short sleeved
and, I hate to say this but they looked weak and unathletic. Unfortunately, I don’t think they changed, even with the violence from the new scum that arrived.
ME Infidel says
Why would anyone even want a career in law enforcement these days especially without a gun? The female officer looks lost. The cultural enrichers sure have their street language down pat: “racist”, “picking on black people”, “make me shut up” but I’ll bet they’re all on the dole.
BareNakedIslam says
It’s the reason both the police and military are having big recruitment problems now.
Pray Hard says
They are.
VMS says
That invader needs a night stick to the head.