It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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GERMANY: 38-year-old Muslim climbs fence of a Christian school and stabs two girls, ages 7 and 8, yet only gets charged with attempted “manslaughter”
If that isn’t attempted murder, I don’t know what is. Thirty elementary school children were present when 38-year-old Berhan S. climbed over a fence of a school in Berlin and proceeded to stab two girls, aged seven and eight, several times with a knife. He stabbed the 8-year-old in the neck as well as the 7-year-old several times in the upper body.
REMIX News(h/t Theresa B) The two students, who attend the Protestant School in Neukölln, were nearly killed. Police report that the suspect calmly smoked a cigarette outside the school before scaling the fence and stabbing the two girls who were playing table tennis in the schoolyard.
The Muslim attacker was born in Berlin. Berhan’s name is a common name in the Middle East, but Germany does not keep crime statistics on whether suspects have a migration background through their parents.
The entire school was locked down, and officers with machine guns entered and searched the building. The children were only allowed outside by the police hours later. According to media reports, many children were in tears, and parents were called to comfort their children at the scene.
Prosecutors requested the man be placed inside a psychiatric hospital instead of being sent to prison, which the judge complied with. According to a spokeswoman for the public prosecutor’s office, the man appears to be suffering from mental disorders. (And here we go again, the infamous Muslim Get-Out-of-Jail-Free-Card’ – just say he has “mental issues”)
Police say the man admitted to the crime. He has been charged with attempted manslaughter and dangerous bodily harm. He has a long history of various crimes and has been convicted for assault, drug offenses, fare evasion, and property damages.
Germany has seen similar attacks in recent years. In December 2022, an African migrant stabbed two girls, aged 13 and 14, on the way to school in the town of Illerkirchberg.
Earlier this year, an Afghan migrant walked into a school and in a targeted attack, stabbed a 7-year-old girl in the head five times with a long butcher knife while she was eating breakfast. He told police afterwards that he targeted a child because he thought it would be easier to stab a child than an adult who could fight back.
It’s time to Rid the world of these filthy inbred Mongrels that is the Evil ones, it’s high time The German people took back their Country and it’s long overdue for the Nazis Tag to be Buried once and for all, let’s not forget the forget the distraction of dresden and the RAPE AND MURDER OF OVER 1 MILLION WOMEN BY THE RUSSIAN ARMY PLUS THE OTHER ATROCITIES BY THE ALLIES, WAKE UP GERMANY.
Wow wait a minute. I live in germany and as far as i know this bastard has not been charged yet and he is in a mental institute because he has mental problems like all other knife yielding muslims here. Not one knifer has been charged here in germany and not one ever will then all that knife and are muslim and have a mental problem and as soon as the next knifing happens then it was the bad german nazi that made him do it or he is traumatized or or. No matter he will not be named and he is not a crimminal no he is the best in the west. European media is not allowed to write the truth and that because as i have written many times before the migrationpackts stop any truthfull reports. These migrationpackts are what is letting them destroy us and our nations not to forget the marxists in germany. That is the sad truth and as soon as all except it we can do something about it but to ignore or to be afraid of it is what will make us lose all.WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
Hi Daniel. I hope you see this, but if not does anyone know about what rules or any information on the “Migration Pacts?” Can you or anyone tell us more about it? I’m going to try to research it.
Yet another crazy murderous Muslim in Europe, and it’s beginning here in the US too thanks to Biden and his Islamist invaded State Department.
I’ll never forget the story back in the early 2000’s about a child in France being stabbed at a restaurant for wearing a bikini! The child was six years old and eating with her parents at a restaurant in the outside patio when a Muslim walked over to her and stabbed her!
The Islamists are stepping up their crimes and getting ready to attack us and conquer our nations. We better get ready! They’re emboldened by what all of our governments allow them to get away with.
In the meantime, here are some links about the New Migration Migration Pact in 2020, which was supposed to update the prior one from 2015-2016 when millions of mostly Muslim illegals flooded Europe.
The Migration and Asylum Pact, presented by the European Commission on 23 September 2020, paves the way for an open-door policy for mass migration into Europe.
Application of ‘the right to migration’
With this Migration Pact, the undemocratic, technocratic elites in Brussels will implement the principles announced in the undemocratic Marrakech Pact/UN´s Global Compact on Migration (December 2018) which erroneously proclaims that each person has a ‘right to migration’.
An immigration to colonise
Under the pretext of ‘improving the safety for migrants’, the proposed EU Migration and Asylum Pact will create the legal, logistic and political conditions to enable mass resettlement of populations, mainly from the developing world to the European continent. Based on the model of the Marrakech Pact/UN´s Global Compact on Migration, the Commission seeks to facilitate mass migration that will flood Europe on an unprecedented scale. The result will be the submersion of Europe by colonisation and the subsequent destabilisation and eventual extinction of the European nations and cultures.
Deliberate and organised submersion
The Migration Pact was conceived behind closed doors in the back rooms of the EU quarters in Brussels. Buried under hundreds of pages of inaccessible Brussels Newspeak and kept out of the public eye, the Migration Pact will be responsible for the demographic transformation of our entire continent.
The Migration Pact will change forever both the direction of Europe and the lives of all citizens of the European nations. Should the Pact be adopted, it will be the end of Europe. To stop the Migration Pact, the mobilisation of us all is required in order to confront the technocrats in Brussels.
The three pillars of the EU Migration Pact are to:
1 – Encourage immigration
Blurring the distinction between genuine refugees and economic migrants, and thus between legal and illegal immigration;
Extending the scope of family reunion, with the result that admitting one migrant in fact means admitting his/her entire family;
Offering logistic support, such as the chartering of boats and planes, and providing support all along the migratory highway in order to organize the massive transfer of populations between continents; and
Decriminalising the illegal activities of NGOs that knowingly collaborate with smugglers and human traffickers, and are themselves a part of the human trafficking chain.
2- Discourage deportations of irregular/illegal migrants
Restricting the time during which deportation is permitted by European nations;
Applying automatic regularisation of the irregular/illegal migrant when deportation delays are exceeded; in other words allowing the illegal/irregular migrant to stay in the EU;
Establishing compulsory admission of migrants collected at sea (incidentally, creating a new ‘rescue’ business); and
Banning European nations from putting pressure on countries of origin to readmit their citizens.
3 – Organising immigration
Compulsory relocation of migrants throughout the member states (Based on population size and GDP of the member state); and
Immediate entry into the EU for the sick, for families, and for minors under 12 years of age.
All of the above will result in more migration to Europe.
Migration: a subject, which is the exclusive domain of the European Union
The Pact prevents member states from pursuing more restrictive immigration policies and aims to submit the peoples of the European nations and their governments to the despotism of the European Commission.
We have handed over the keys of our house to the EU, who is now opening the gates without our consent, issuing an open invitation to the world to come and live in Europe. We must reclaim or keys or end up swamped, submerged and ultimately homeless…
Commissioner for Home Affairs, Y Johansson – at the LIBE committee at the European Parliament 24 September 2020:
“Immigration is part of what makes our continent prosperous. We have a lot of immigration toward Europe and we need that. We need those people. Ours is an aging society. However, we need to create new paths for legal immigration. Not only for skilled workers, but also for average or lowly qualified workers who want to come to the European Union…”
The immediate consequences of the Pact:
Potentially at least 68 million migrants from outside of Europe could establish themselves in EU member states over the next years, a majority coming from developing countries. Their arrival will cause:
The collapse of our welfare systems;
The end of Europe´s distinct cultures and civilisations with their own values and way of life;
The rise of parallel societies and ‘no go’ areas throughout Europe;
Mass unemployment and the worsening of the housing crisis;
The rise in delinquency and communitarianism related conflicts; and
The further advance of radical Islam in Europe and the spread of terrorism across the Continent, including attacks on civilians in Europe.
The Migration Pact is:
Anti-democratic: it is decided behind the backs and against the will of the majority in each of the European nations;
Based on a false narrative: mass-migration was never beneficial to the population of the destination country; migration is not the answer to an ageing population and mass-migration from developing countries to Europe will neither be beneficial neither for nations in Europe nor for the developing world;
Irreversible: this type of mass-migration is all about the resettlement of people who will not leave; and
Destructive: the sheer numbers of migrants will destroy the economic, social and cultural fabric of our nations that has taken Europeans thousands of years to develop.
And now there is another new NEW PACT FOR MIGRATION under consideratio:
Thanks for writting this and please make a full article about this then this unholy paper is what is destroying our nations and cultur. You gave the answer that i would have given and that tells me alot, thanks and a big happy birthday to israel, may the rest choke on their bull.
Hi JS, Bonni has allready given the answer so i dont have to. What Bonni says here and the links are the same i would give. Yep we have to stand and defend ourselves and country. That is why we here have grounded a group (the few) and we are in a couple of countries represented and growing then noone wants to end this way. Get together and practice, should you have the luck and have a few veterans then let them help, experience is allways a bonus, then you wait for the downfall and then you act, no more no less.Good luck.
Az gal says
Muslums love to kill women especially old women & little girls. It makes them feel like real men.
Hartmut says
You can bet he won’t be charged for attempted murder.
And this despite him being a suspect to have stabbed and almost killed his girl friend in 2009.
It’s time to Rid the world of these filthy inbred Mongrels that is the Evil ones, it’s high time The German people took back their Country and it’s long overdue for the Nazis Tag to be Buried once and for all, let’s not forget the forget the distraction of dresden and the RAPE AND MURDER OF OVER 1 MILLION WOMEN BY THE RUSSIAN ARMY PLUS THE OTHER ATROCITIES BY THE ALLIES, WAKE UP GERMANY.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Wow wait a minute. I live in germany and as far as i know this bastard has not been charged yet and he is in a mental institute because he has mental problems like all other knife yielding muslims here. Not one knifer has been charged here in germany and not one ever will then all that knife and are muslim and have a mental problem and as soon as the next knifing happens then it was the bad german nazi that made him do it or he is traumatized or or. No matter he will not be named and he is not a crimminal no he is the best in the west. European media is not allowed to write the truth and that because as i have written many times before the migrationpackts stop any truthfull reports. These migrationpackts are what is letting them destroy us and our nations not to forget the marxists in germany. That is the sad truth and as soon as all except it we can do something about it but to ignore or to be afraid of it is what will make us lose all.WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
JS says
Hi Daniel. I hope you see this, but if not does anyone know about what rules or any information on the “Migration Pacts?” Can you or anyone tell us more about it? I’m going to try to research it.
Yet another crazy murderous Muslim in Europe, and it’s beginning here in the US too thanks to Biden and his Islamist invaded State Department.
I’ll never forget the story back in the early 2000’s about a child in France being stabbed at a restaurant for wearing a bikini! The child was six years old and eating with her parents at a restaurant in the outside patio when a Muslim walked over to her and stabbed her!
The Islamists are stepping up their crimes and getting ready to attack us and conquer our nations. We better get ready! They’re emboldened by what all of our governments allow them to get away with.
BareNakedIslam says
JS, I’m sure Daniel will respond.
In the meantime, here are some links about the New Migration Migration Pact in 2020, which was supposed to update the prior one from 2015-2016 when millions of mostly Muslim illegals flooded Europe.
But a little scrolling on a non-Google Search Engine gives you the real picture:
The EU migration pact / the European submersion pact
The Migration and Asylum Pact, presented by the European Commission on 23 September 2020, paves the way for an open-door policy for mass migration into Europe.
Application of ‘the right to migration’
With this Migration Pact, the undemocratic, technocratic elites in Brussels will implement the principles announced in the undemocratic Marrakech Pact/UN´s Global Compact on Migration (December 2018) which erroneously proclaims that each person has a ‘right to migration’.
An immigration to colonise
Under the pretext of ‘improving the safety for migrants’, the proposed EU Migration and Asylum Pact will create the legal, logistic and political conditions to enable mass resettlement of populations, mainly from the developing world to the European continent. Based on the model of the Marrakech Pact/UN´s Global Compact on Migration, the Commission seeks to facilitate mass migration that will flood Europe on an unprecedented scale. The result will be the submersion of Europe by colonisation and the subsequent destabilisation and eventual extinction of the European nations and cultures.
Deliberate and organised submersion
The Migration Pact was conceived behind closed doors in the back rooms of the EU quarters in Brussels. Buried under hundreds of pages of inaccessible Brussels Newspeak and kept out of the public eye, the Migration Pact will be responsible for the demographic transformation of our entire continent.
The Migration Pact will change forever both the direction of Europe and the lives of all citizens of the European nations. Should the Pact be adopted, it will be the end of Europe. To stop the Migration Pact, the mobilisation of us all is required in order to confront the technocrats in Brussels.
The three pillars of the EU Migration Pact are to:
1 – Encourage immigration
Blurring the distinction between genuine refugees and economic migrants, and thus between legal and illegal immigration;
Extending the scope of family reunion, with the result that admitting one migrant in fact means admitting his/her entire family;
Offering logistic support, such as the chartering of boats and planes, and providing support all along the migratory highway in order to organize the massive transfer of populations between continents; and
Decriminalising the illegal activities of NGOs that knowingly collaborate with smugglers and human traffickers, and are themselves a part of the human trafficking chain.
2- Discourage deportations of irregular/illegal migrants
Restricting the time during which deportation is permitted by European nations;
Applying automatic regularisation of the irregular/illegal migrant when deportation delays are exceeded; in other words allowing the illegal/irregular migrant to stay in the EU;
Establishing compulsory admission of migrants collected at sea (incidentally, creating a new ‘rescue’ business); and
Banning European nations from putting pressure on countries of origin to readmit their citizens.
3 – Organising immigration
Compulsory relocation of migrants throughout the member states (Based on population size and GDP of the member state); and
Immediate entry into the EU for the sick, for families, and for minors under 12 years of age.
All of the above will result in more migration to Europe.
Migration: a subject, which is the exclusive domain of the European Union
The Pact prevents member states from pursuing more restrictive immigration policies and aims to submit the peoples of the European nations and their governments to the despotism of the European Commission.
We have handed over the keys of our house to the EU, who is now opening the gates without our consent, issuing an open invitation to the world to come and live in Europe. We must reclaim or keys or end up swamped, submerged and ultimately homeless…
Commissioner for Home Affairs, Y Johansson – at the LIBE committee at the European Parliament 24 September 2020:
“Immigration is part of what makes our continent prosperous. We have a lot of immigration toward Europe and we need that. We need those people. Ours is an aging society. However, we need to create new paths for legal immigration. Not only for skilled workers, but also for average or lowly qualified workers who want to come to the European Union…”
The immediate consequences of the Pact:
Potentially at least 68 million migrants from outside of Europe could establish themselves in EU member states over the next years, a majority coming from developing countries. Their arrival will cause:
The collapse of our welfare systems;
The end of Europe´s distinct cultures and civilisations with their own values and way of life;
The rise of parallel societies and ‘no go’ areas throughout Europe;
Mass unemployment and the worsening of the housing crisis;
The rise in delinquency and communitarianism related conflicts; and
The further advance of radical Islam in Europe and the spread of terrorism across the Continent, including attacks on civilians in Europe.
The Migration Pact is:
Anti-democratic: it is decided behind the backs and against the will of the majority in each of the European nations;
Based on a false narrative: mass-migration was never beneficial to the population of the destination country; migration is not the answer to an ageing population and mass-migration from developing countries to Europe will neither be beneficial neither for nations in Europe nor for the developing world;
Irreversible: this type of mass-migration is all about the resettlement of people who will not leave; and
Destructive: the sheer numbers of migrants will destroy the economic, social and cultural fabric of our nations that has taken Europeans thousands of years to develop.
And now there is another new NEW PACT FOR MIGRATION under consideratio:
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Thanks for writting this and please make a full article about this then this unholy paper is what is destroying our nations and cultur. You gave the answer that i would have given and that tells me alot, thanks and a big happy birthday to israel, may the rest choke on their bull.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Hi JS, Bonni has allready given the answer so i dont have to. What Bonni says here and the links are the same i would give. Yep we have to stand and defend ourselves and country. That is why we here have grounded a group (the few) and we are in a couple of countries represented and growing then noone wants to end this way. Get together and practice, should you have the luck and have a few veterans then let them help, experience is allways a bonus, then you wait for the downfall and then you act, no more no less.Good luck.
Ramez Fekry says
Another “mostly peaceful” Moslem-involving incident!
samantha smith says
.when is the world going to wake up and CLEAN ITS COUNTRIES OF THE MUSLIM TRASH AND SCOURGE.. GRRRRRRR.