It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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IN SECULAR FRANCE, it seems that radical Islam is taking over the schools
In secular France, there is increasing anger at the growing number of Muslim schoolchildren wearing religious dress – as Magyar Nemzet wrote. This is interpreted by those in the know as a sign of a radical Islamization of the country.
Philosophia Perennis(h/t Marvin W) Right-wing French politician Gilbert Collard tweeted that two schools in Lyon reported 170 cases where Muslim students typically wear long-sleeved, cape-like bodysuits.
“It’s time to open everyone’s eyes because radical Islam has won in the schools. The pressure is so great that teachers don’t dare to speak in front of a camera,”– he wrote.
Secular dress codes are ignored
Although in France it is forbidden to wear symbols or clothing that openly show one’s religious affiliation in public schools.
Only the traditional long Muslim clothing, the abaya, is still tolerated by the schools because it has not yet been officially decided whether this is a religious garment. According to a student, 16-18 students out of 30 classmates wear an abaya.
Muslim students exert a lot of peer pressure
According to some anonymous teachers, Muslim children intentionally or unintentionally put a lot of pressure on schools. There were almost two hundred abayas in the two Lyon secondary schools.
Now the school district wants to enact a dress code that will be mandatory for all parents by the start of the next school year.
“Diverse” Kulturkampf
With the number of “abaya students” skyrocketing this year, Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye called an emergency conference for school district leaders on the matter. According to “Le Figaro” he is said to have called for vigilance against French secularism and its observance.
Meanwhile, however, a Western culture has emerged: while right-wing politicians, including Jordan Bardella, leader of the Rassemblement National party, are calling for the abaya to be banned, left-wing politicians such as the leader of the Independent France party are accusing those of Islamophobia.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you once again of the teacher Samuel Paty, who was executed in the street near Paris after showing his students cartoons of Muhammad in class and, based on this, discussing with them freedom of expression:
To date, Macron’s France has done nothing effective to stop France’s Islamization. Vigorous resistance there comes almost exclusively from the traditionalist Catholics and the circles around the Rassemblement national. A recently deceased friend of mine from Alsace, albeit a Freemason and Macorn voter, has repeatedly said over the past few years that it is “long since too late”. France is lost.
Reader Interactions
France is sitting at 8% musrat population . Sweden is at 5%, Looking at these 2 as a prime example of percentage points and how a single percentage point can catapult a country into complete mudslime chaos..France!. As France steadily approaches the 10% mark the fun is truly just beginning, Pedo Moh and the funky bunch are just warming up.
even though France enacted the law barring the wearing of religious garb in Frech public schools it now goes generally ignored and unenforced. this reveals the utter incompetence of the government. it also reveals the insincerity of Macron’s words. and worse, it emboldens further disrespect for the rule of law in France. it signals to the islamic minority that they can get what they want: the replacement of the host country’s societal norms, traditions and culture. one should not think that with islamic superiority, by numbers or influence, the society becomes more just and tolerant. it is actually the opposite. look at the panoply of the muslim world. throughout the muslim nations there is persecution and slaughter of Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and all other non-muslim groups. It is all done with the imprimatur of sharia. if not stopped the civilized world will collapse into a fetid out-house.
Screen Kern’s assessment is :
“The problem is a lot of these younger-generation muslims are not integrating into French society.”
Reality: in the mosques they are INSTRUCTED not to integrate. Kafirs are filthy, the vilest of beasts.
“They feel very alienated from France.”
Reality: they are INSTRUCTED to separate themselves from the kafir polity.
“…radical Islam is so attractive because it gives them a sense of meaning in their lives.”
Reality: it is not about attraction. “For things which have been stipulated in the texts of Islam, the Muslim community possesses no power except to acknowledge and obey…”
— Dr. Salah al Sawy, association of lawyers for Sharia in America
(artfully titled “Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America”)
The problem is Islam: its instructions are anti-democratic, anti-patriotic, anti-Christian, anti-Jew, anti-man-made government. Its requirement is Submission.
If this is how western EU countries in particular choose to debase themselves then it is very difficult to feel sympathy. Millions of non Islamics died to gain the freedom and rights the low life Muslims abuse. This is worth a good ol’ war to drive these savages back. Interesting to see how France followed by the UK and everyone else deals with this Muslim cancer.
If France continues to pander to Islamic fanatics, they won’t be secular for very long. In fact, France already seems to be Islamic, at least in major metropolitan areas, with secularism in the background.
Dino says
France is sitting at 8% musrat population . Sweden is at 5%, Looking at these 2 as a prime example of percentage points and how a single percentage point can catapult a country into complete mudslime chaos..France!. As France steadily approaches the 10% mark the fun is truly just beginning, Pedo Moh and the funky bunch are just warming up.
Maro Madison says
Multiculturalism has gotten too far… My advice: Give them no concessions and then deport all the Muslims in France.
Pray Hard says
Not much of a “seems” about it.
Jack Rider says
even though France enacted the law barring the wearing of religious garb in Frech public schools it now goes generally ignored and unenforced. this reveals the utter incompetence of the government. it also reveals the insincerity of Macron’s words. and worse, it emboldens further disrespect for the rule of law in France. it signals to the islamic minority that they can get what they want: the replacement of the host country’s societal norms, traditions and culture. one should not think that with islamic superiority, by numbers or influence, the society becomes more just and tolerant. it is actually the opposite. look at the panoply of the muslim world. throughout the muslim nations there is persecution and slaughter of Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and all other non-muslim groups. It is all done with the imprimatur of sharia. if not stopped the civilized world will collapse into a fetid out-house.
The Tasmanian Devil says
“IS taking over?”
Wrong tense.
Michael Copeland says
Screen Kern’s assessment is :
“The problem is a lot of these younger-generation muslims are not integrating into French society.”
Reality: in the mosques they are INSTRUCTED not to integrate. Kafirs are filthy, the vilest of beasts.
“They feel very alienated from France.”
Reality: they are INSTRUCTED to separate themselves from the kafir polity.
“…radical Islam is so attractive because it gives them a sense of meaning in their lives.”
Reality: it is not about attraction. “For things which have been stipulated in the texts of Islam, the Muslim community possesses no power except to acknowledge and obey…”
— Dr. Salah al Sawy, association of lawyers for Sharia in America
(artfully titled “Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America”)
The problem is Islam: its instructions are anti-democratic, anti-patriotic, anti-Christian, anti-Jew, anti-man-made government. Its requirement is Submission.
Mankind says
If this is how western EU countries in particular choose to debase themselves then it is very difficult to feel sympathy. Millions of non Islamics died to gain the freedom and rights the low life Muslims abuse. This is worth a good ol’ war to drive these savages back. Interesting to see how France followed by the UK and everyone else deals with this Muslim cancer.
Jay says
Just say NO and deport them.
Marine Le Pen says
Give them the option the Algerians gave the Europeans . “Europeans have two options . “Leave now with a suitcase or in a coffin”
BobbyFR94 says
” Suitcase or coffin ” !!!
The day we use heavy submachine guns, will be the day of reconquering my country !!!
Remember, soon, we will see the birth of some Brenton TARRANTS , it’s just a matter of time before it happens …
SoS says
Dependents on what you mean by “No”. Now that the French and Germans have armed this Muslim pretender trash – to the teeth.
Steve S says
If France continues to pander to Islamic fanatics, they won’t be secular for very long. In fact, France already seems to be Islamic, at least in major metropolitan areas, with secularism in the background.