It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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In the wake of a recent Qur’an demonstration outside Iraq’s embassy in Stockholm, a wave of outrage has spread through the Muslim world. Calls for a boycott against Sweden have been heard far and wide, and a militant Shia Muslim group has gone as far as calling on Muslims to hunt down Swedes and kill them.
RAIR FoundationThe Iraqi group behind the threat, Ashab al-Kahf, is viewed as a proxy for Iran. This group has taken to Telegram, the popular messaging platform, to direct their threats at Swedes, declaring that “the events with Qur’an burnings are an act of war and a sign for us to act hard.”
And just for good measure, Muslims find a way to blame the Jew for quran burnings, despite the fact that none of them have been involved in the quran-burning. Muslims have been killed by Jews.
The group’s message is one of chilling resolve: “We will carry out our legitimate mission, and we only care about God.” They further incite violence by stating, “Look for every Swede; they are, in fact, an Israeli Jew but use Sweden’s identity as a cover. Because everything that is going on now is planned and managed by the International Jewish Home. So the Jews are our enemies, so seek them out and kill them wherever you find them.”
Now if only all the Muslims in Sweden would do what this woman did.
Reader Interactions
Socialist hellhole loves you having a class fight. Even race wars. There is no bigger enemy than wishful thinking & goodwilling with no facts & real life experiences
No surprise that Jews are being blamed for Koran burning even though they played NO role in this! Blaming Jews for anything (including floods, and famine) are a sort of standard for the religion of peace population. It resonates with the population and can be made to stick easily! I guess it is sort of the charge of ‘mail fraud’ in criminal prosecution in the United States. They just throw that in, for the burden of proof to prove this charge is so low! One can never get Muslims to see the truth, for antisemitism is a matter of faith for them!
“a wave of outrage has spread “. More particularly the wave of outrage has BEEN spread. It is artificial: deliberately engendered by instructions in the mosques. Muslims are severely discouraged from having independent thoughts. Their job is SUBMISSION. They obey the instructions they are given: “We follow blindly” (see YouTube video).
The “outrage” is acted. Do you find it convincing? Would you engage them as film extras?
The rioting, burning, aggression to police and so on are part of Islam’s standard response – intimidation by thuggery – “Do as we say or else”.
In 1960, Maududi wrote in his book The Islamic Law & Constitution ……“no one can regard any field of his affairs as personal and private.” The totalitarianism of God’s sovereignty, Maududi wrote, would “[bear] a resemblance to the Fascist and Communist states.”
Muslims must do as they are instructed. Submission! (a code word for Control)
Only Baruch Goldstein, Alexandre Bissonnette, and Brenton Tarrant have hunted down Muslims and killed them, out of a total non-Koranimal population of 5.5 billion across the planet 🌍!
Bleepingbobby says
Socialist hellhole loves you having a class fight. Even race wars. There is no bigger enemy than wishful thinking & goodwilling with no facts & real life experiences
Conrad Calvano says
No surprise that Jews are being blamed for Koran burning even though they played NO role in this! Blaming Jews for anything (including floods, and famine) are a sort of standard for the religion of peace population. It resonates with the population and can be made to stick easily! I guess it is sort of the charge of ‘mail fraud’ in criminal prosecution in the United States. They just throw that in, for the burden of proof to prove this charge is so low! One can never get Muslims to see the truth, for antisemitism is a matter of faith for them!
Michael Copeland says
“kill them wherever you find them”. This is a quotation from the Koran (9:5).
This is why kaffirs burn the Koran: it is the book of Kill Them.
Michael Copeland says
“a wave of outrage has spread “. More particularly the wave of outrage has BEEN spread. It is artificial: deliberately engendered by instructions in the mosques. Muslims are severely discouraged from having independent thoughts. Their job is SUBMISSION. They obey the instructions they are given: “We follow blindly” (see YouTube video).
The “outrage” is acted. Do you find it convincing? Would you engage them as film extras?
The rioting, burning, aggression to police and so on are part of Islam’s standard response – intimidation by thuggery – “Do as we say or else”.
Michael Copeland says
In 1960, Maududi wrote in his book The Islamic Law & Constitution ……“no one can regard any field of his affairs as personal and private.” The totalitarianism of God’s sovereignty, Maududi wrote, would “[bear] a resemblance to the Fascist and Communist states.”
Muslims must do as they are instructed. Submission! (a code word for Control)
The Tasmanian Devil says
I wonder what would happen if someone urged people to “hunt down Muslims and kill them?”
Think about that.
Ramez Fekry says
Only Baruch Goldstein, Alexandre Bissonnette, and Brenton Tarrant have hunted down Muslims and killed them, out of a total non-Koranimal population of 5.5 billion across the planet 🌍!
Captain Jack says
Those 3 are HEROS!!!! Giving some PAYBACK to PissLAME!!!
Ramez Fekry says
Yes, indeed! 😍
Pray Hard says
This is where kissing moslem ass for decades gets you, Sweden.