It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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Little girl says it as it is: Hamas is “underneath, in tunnels, and we – the victims who are dying – are civilians.”
“A reporter of the [Al-Mayadeen TV] channel that is affiliated with Hezbollah and Iran attempts to get a response in favor of Hamas out of the girl, but she told him the truth.” Off with her head?
Reader Interactions
Although what she said is the truth, others (the majority) don’t mind covering up for Hamas it is the Palestinian way after all even at the cost of their own lives since they’re going to heaven after being killed by Israeli army (a.k.a infidels)
Weeeee says
Although what she said is the truth, others (the majority) don’t mind covering up for Hamas it is the Palestinian way after all even at the cost of their own lives since they’re going to heaven after being killed by Israeli army (a.k.a infidels)
Trev says
All they gave to do is cover the dead terrorists in pig’s blood and you will never see another terrorist attack.
BLR says
little girls and the truth if you don’t want to hear it don’t ask