Christians United for Israel (CUFI) has raised and distributed more than $3 million toward humanitarian efforts in Israel since the October 7th Hamas terrorist massacre.
Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is an American Christian Zionist organization that supports Israel. Its statement of purpose is; “to provide a national association through which every pro-Israel church, parachurch organization, ministry or individual in America can speak and act with one voice in support of Israel in matters related to Biblical issues.” It is the largest Zionist organization in the United States, with over 10 million members. It operates under the leadership of John Hagee as founder and chairman along with Diana Hagee and Shari Dollinger as co-executive directors.
BLR says
yes this is very good but also there are ten million and ten million more behind them who will stand with Israel silent but men and women of good quality when the chips are down … Israel !
BareNakedIslam says
I believe that, BLR, but unfortunately, their voices are drowned out by the many vocal Jew haters in this country now. I get daily threats now against me and BNI, by email and comments on BNI.
BLR says
post them if you have a mind too , some of us need the incentive to keep our knives sharp and the dust out of our rifle barrels
BareNakedIslam says
I’m really not supposed to which is why I am required to moderate all comments. Mr BNI wants me to shut down the blog because of them.
BLR says
rock and a hard place you are at , understood a great loss to the truth war if you do but not worth your safety he is right to be concerned as am I thru his eyes seeing what he see’s
BareNakedIslam says
Well, it will have to get a lot worse before I give it up. Fortunately he can only see the blog threats, not the ones I get by email:
Steve says
In India, most people can’t locate Israel on a map. They might not even know anything about Judaism.
Still every Hindutvadi in India admires Bibi Netanyahu for teaching these murderous Moslems a lesson they’ll remember for posterity. He’s no doubt a hero.
We Hindutvadis felt the pain Israelis did on Oct 7. We have long been victims of Jihadi terror emanating from Pakistani soil. On 26/11, 2008, hundreds of innocent Indian people were brutally massacred by AK-47 wielding Pakistani terrorists. Moslems are the collective enemy of humanity. A scourge and cancer on the face of earth.
We stand with Israel. We will stand against the enemies of Israel.
I wish we could come out in Israel’s support in as large numbers as the American Christians.
Our cowardly government is too scared of offending the Gulf Muslim countries like Saudi, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain. They prevent us from holding pro-Israel demonstrations.
But the good thing is they at least ban pro-Hamas demonstrations by Moslems and leftists.
BareNakedIslam says
Believe me, Israelis appreciate the great support and friendship it has from India. 🥰
Az gal says
Jews & Christians seriously need to come together to fight Islam. We need each other.
BareNakedIslam says
Yes, now more than ever. You know what they say: “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.”
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Wow it great to see that Israel will not be left alone and this is what we all need to do, that is to say it out loud and proud no matter what the others say or do. Many give up their believs because its easy to appease but to stand up well that hurts sometimes but the hurt is needed to show us all that we are right in what we do. ROCK STEADY ISRAEL. Ps i hear this song at home now too and you should too.
BareNakedIslam says
Daniel, I can’t tell you how deeply appreciative I am of your support for Israel in Germany, which probably endangers your well being. Be safe, my friend. 🙏
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Bonni i and we are not important but the uphold of our nations and cultur are, easy as that. Think about the outcome when we dont do nothing…yep shitty and not good. I have a daughter and as others do i do not wish this upon them. I learned that freedom of speech and standing your ground for your principals and cultur are essential to living free, this i learned in America and not in germany. I would rather die than to give up all i have believed in all of my life and as i allways say logig and reason has to be with it and when they are you can see and feel the truth. I stand with all of Israel to the end and when she goes down , so do i then i certainly wont sit and watch as it happens. i wait for the call now but when i see that it is not going good then i will make my way to her to help, nothing more nothing less. Everyone who says i stand with israel must do this or keep quiet. Rock Staedy Israel.
BareNakedIslam says
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Oh i forgot to mention that im a abstinent bastard and no one can shut me up when i see things like this. No One.
BareNakedIslam says
“Toxic masculinity!” The Left would call it. I love it.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Thanks, i must say that there are two things that one worries me and the other pisses me off. First i see many germans afraid to say anyhting and these weak humans ask me how i can wear a shirt like this. the second i see many germans turning sides and marching with the fakeistinians and that pisses me off big time.They call me a nazi because of my principals and beliefs but at the same time arent they doing the same as the nazis(socialists) back then. I hope that israel wins this war then europe is and will lose this war and i need a place to live out the last few years. I have also given up my group then they are not ready to fight for Israel, you see at the moment im pretty dissapointed and pissed. Tomorrow will be better.
BareNakedIslam says
Tell them your favorite Jew in America doesn’t think you’re a Nazi. And she would know. 😂
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Bonni if i could bring the whole Iraelic nation here to say that im not a nazi and antisemite would not help then the left has the high right to say who and what is nazi and not the people who suffered and lost family and friends because of people like them. I dont care what they call me but its the meaning of what that does is the bad thing. This makes the support of Israel a bad thing here and that is antisemantic or not. The bad time is in front of our doors and we open them, no i say no matter what and prison time is nothing more than time but to give up all you know is way worse then there you are nothing more than a flag in the wind that vhanges direction every few minutes. As i write we are not important but what we do is and that is what worries me here. You have ties to Israel then let me know when and if it is time to move. As you see i take this very seriously and i hope that many more are ready to make this fight with me but here in germany i have to find these people and maybe i can start another group of real supporters that come and help ( the few will only defend their own nation). my mistake then i did this at the beggining and i did it to stop the spreading of the wrong fight.where is all this going to and what will happen to our way of life, this page i dont want to read because it says as of today we lose. Keep the faith and never take a step back.
BareNakedIslam says
AFD is surging in the polls in Germany. You might want to use some of your energies to support them
Daniel Erbstoesser says
i used to be in the party but my past stops me. i have to many and too long emty places in my vita and should they find the emty places well that could put me in extreme danger and others too. The AFD will be forbidden soon because of the high ride, the other parties dont want to lose the power to destroy our nations so the verfassungsschutz sowhat like your fbi has put the AFD under surveilance and then to forbitt her so its only a short matter of time until the AFD is stopped or do you think that these socialists will give up power the normal way. the last time the socialist lost power we saw what he did and this time it will be no different.
BareNakedIslam says
Don’t the voters get the final say?
Wazzup says
Many in Australia are supporting Israel and not buying what the muzzrats are selling, our kids are though and so are our future replacements, way too many muzzisin Oz
BareNakedIslam says
The Marxists are poisoning young children’s mind.
Nabi Rasch says
Yep. They didn’t teach them about Homer’s horse–encouraged them to change gender instead. Consequently most of the Western countries have only about 20 years of their own culture left. Take advantage of carpet sales before the rush.
Thomas Golden says
Yes We Are Backing you, and keeping you in our prayers universal, Jewish, Christian, OUR God. May you find PEACE
Lynda H says
Beautiful! Thank you Zac Waller and BNI!