It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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It’s bound to happen as long as they keep electing far-left politicians like Justin Trudeau
Ok thanks, I just thought somebody was blocking your website, over 30 years ago I noticed that muslims were on certain college and or University courses, such as IT, Business Management, Legal and accountancy, its my belief they will soon be more than capable of controlling what we read and or write ! So this makes me wary when posts are not added immediately like on other sites, thanks for the explanation though I will try to remember this.
Also, this site has been taken down 3 times by groups like CAIR who threatened my web hosts. Not that CAIR cares if I get threatened, but when readers post threats of violence against Muslims in general or individual Muslims, we get labeled a hate site and web hosts could face lawsuits.
Men who want sharia law dream of being able to beat his wife, have many other wives and be protected by the psychopathic Islamic laws. The second video is just another murderous Muslim and he’s in Canada but thanks to Biden they’re here in US and they’re everywhere. We MUST expel them and investigate them because too many have nafarious backgrounds that are easily proven.
It appears that Israel has to fight what all the other nations are afraid to do! Israel is fighting for Western civilization alone.and there are Islamic terror groups that need to be eliminated all over the word. Abbas and his PA and PIJ are just two, then Hezbollah needs to be wiped off the earth. And so it goes. ISIS should be killed and their wives too if they’re involved – and they usually are. If they bred some little trained jihadists, which I’ve seen in videos, something needs to be done to them, and if adopted should NIT go to a Muslim family. They are at war with us yet we ignore it but it’s time to get tough. Really tough.
The bearded one is a total idiot. The other one is a murderous muslim moron. I said it before and I have to say it again, Trudeau aka Turdoo is a despicable creature. The liberal voters who him into power are too stupid to realize the extent of the damage he did to my country.
Az gal says
Stupid people everywhere.
Pray Hard says
That Canadian guy appears to have eaten the entire bowl of islamoleftist doo doo. Maybe he’s being sarcastic, but I don’t think so.
Pray Hard says
I hope he gets his wish.
Martin fidel says
my posts aren’t being added ?
BareNakedIslam says
All comments here have to be approved first, not just yours. That’s because of all the threats a blog like this gets.
martin fidel says
Ok thanks, I just thought somebody was blocking your website, over 30 years ago I noticed that muslims were on certain college and or University courses, such as IT, Business Management, Legal and accountancy, its my belief they will soon be more than capable of controlling what we read and or write ! So this makes me wary when posts are not added immediately like on other sites, thanks for the explanation though I will try to remember this.
BareNakedIslam says
Also, this site has been taken down 3 times by groups like CAIR who threatened my web hosts. Not that CAIR cares if I get threatened, but when readers post threats of violence against Muslims in general or individual Muslims, we get labeled a hate site and web hosts could face lawsuits.
Martin fidal says
Only kiddy fiddlers and wife beaters want sharia law !
JS John says
Men who want sharia law dream of being able to beat his wife, have many other wives and be protected by the psychopathic Islamic laws. The second video is just another murderous Muslim and he’s in Canada but thanks to Biden they’re here in US and they’re everywhere. We MUST expel them and investigate them because too many have nafarious backgrounds that are easily proven.
It appears that Israel has to fight what all the other nations are afraid to do! Israel is fighting for Western civilization alone.and there are Islamic terror groups that need to be eliminated all over the word. Abbas and his PA and PIJ are just two, then Hezbollah needs to be wiped off the earth. And so it goes. ISIS should be killed and their wives too if they’re involved – and they usually are. If they bred some little trained jihadists, which I’ve seen in videos, something needs to be done to them, and if adopted should NIT go to a Muslim family. They are at war with us yet we ignore it but it’s time to get tough. Really tough.
canuckguynbgmailcom says
The bearded one is a total idiot. The other one is a murderous muslim moron. I said it before and I have to say it again, Trudeau aka Turdoo is a despicable creature. The liberal voters who him into power are too stupid to realize the extent of the damage he did to my country.