Israellycool discovered that CAIR-San Francisco’s Zahra Billoo is one of the contributors to the online fundraising campaign for the family of Loay Abdelfattah Alnaji, charged with killing pro-Israel Jewish activist, Paul Kessler, at a Los Angeles rally last November. Though she only contributed $10, she was not embarrassed to reveal her real name, as most others were.
Perhaps she would be a bit more generous if donations to Hamas (designated a terrorist group by the U.S. Government) were legal?
Radical Muslim activist Zahra Billoo is the executive director of CAIR in San Francisco, and was very briefly a board member of the Women’s March – until her Islamic terror-supporting tweets surfaced.
Billoo virulent hatred for Jews includes inciting against the “polite Zionists”, accusing them of complicity in, and being cheerleaders for, genocide:
And who are these “polite Zionists” as she refers to them? At a speech she gave at the American Muslims for Palestine’s (AMP) convention (video below) called On the Road to Free Palestine, She includes she includes the Jewish Federation, “Zionist Synagogues” (which means virtually all synagogues) since Zionism is integral to Judaism) and Jewish student Hillel chapters on “college campuses in America.”
Billoo’s tweets have included: “Zionism is the violent ideology responsible for the genocide and displacement of indigenous Palestinians and the destruction of Palestinian land.”
She described Zionism as “racism”, and: “I’m more afraid of racist Zionists who support Apartheid Israel than of the mentally Ill young people the #FBI recruits to join ISIS.”
The previous year, she tweeted: “Blaming Hamas for firing rockets at [Apartheid] Israel is like blaming a woman for punching her rapist.”
Pray Hard says
Imagine that.
bioya1 says
If I was as ugly as her, I’d be pissed at the world, too.
BareNakedIslam says
My nickname for her is Mrs. Potato Head
Kathy Brown, Esq. says
OMG so true. I can’t believe she applied makeup to give her speech. Her using makeup is like Frankenstein using a blow-dryer. Not only that, you can smell her from here…