It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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Hey, Mr. Prime Minister, hasn’t that ship sailed already?
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has vowed to crack down on extremist Islamic clerics, with foreign preachers facing deportation because of their pro-Hamas support and virulent anti-Semitism that is being promoted in mosques.
Former Head of Counter-Terrorism, Kevin Hurley, says ‘Islamic hate preachers have been a problem for years’ in Britain, with at least 50-60% of mosques in the UK being covertly funded by Saudi Arabia in order to preach the most extreme Islamic ideology.’ Birmingham, alone, has more than 160 mosques.
Reader Interactions
Daniel Erbstoessersays
They all dont have to worry then there is a nation that takes all, no matter if hate priest or terrorist all will be taken and given all inclusiv and that means rights that we dont have. Germany has many hate priests and it needs more or so the left green dream. This year is the year of decisions, if they are in our favor or not will be seen and felt soon.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
They all dont have to worry then there is a nation that takes all, no matter if hate priest or terrorist all will be taken and given all inclusiv and that means rights that we dont have. Germany has many hate priests and it needs more or so the left green dream. This year is the year of decisions, if they are in our favor or not will be seen and felt soon.
Rebel Patriot says
The prim and proper native Brits, will be prim and proper until their demise from the muslim savages.
Reader says
With the others probably covertly funding Turkey, Qatar or Iran.