In a sermon at the Islamic Center of Warren, Michigan, which was streamed live on the Mosque’s YouTube channel, Imam Abdou Alwaly Zindani, invoked the Islamic hadith that says, “One day, we (Muslims) will slaughter you Jews like sheep.”
h/r Georgina D
Aiah David Gborie says
The Jews are not the only people that the muslims are going to slaughter but YOU Americans. Just be ready to die in the hands of muslims. They have warned you for a long time now. Just be complacent and keep romancing with them and pay the price for your inaction. Just be warned we are not prepared to accept you as refugees in Africa because muslims are going to kick you out of your country very SOON.
jarmanray says
What if the KKK the old States’ Right Party in the South were to echo these words? I be the FBI and local police departments would certainly do something and the major news outlets and television news broadcasts would be ring towels full of tears and remorse. Other than here and a couple of other websites, I have seen nothing concerning this story; not even News Max News has aired anything. I am beginning to wonder what country am I living?