It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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SCOTLAND: The most draconian anti-free speech laws have been enacted under a Muslim First Minister who loathes white people
This is the same First Minister, Humza Yousaf, who supported a ‘hate crime’ bill that would subject people in their own homes to prosecution for hate speech. Police have been ordered to target comedians and actors who make offensive jokes or say things that some might consider “racist, Islamophobic, or anti-mass Muslim immigration.”
MORE on the targeting of comedians by police in Scotland, under the new “woke” hate speech laws.
Reader Interactions
The Explainersays
“The road to Hell can be paved with good intentions”-Old Proverb. Look at all the Hell the witchcraft laws, witchcraft trials, and witchcraft persecutions caused centuries ago.
The Explainer says
“The road to Hell can be paved with good intentions”-Old Proverb. Look at all the Hell the witchcraft laws, witchcraft trials, and witchcraft persecutions caused centuries ago.
Thomas Richard says
When one leaves the front door open overnight……don’t be surprised in the morning!
Jacks says
Why are the Scottish so fekin’ daft?
Pray Hard says
The question for us regarding moslems …
The Tasmanian Devil says
You deserve what you elect and I hope they get it rammed up their Muslim-loving asses!
Tim h says
Maybe there are two many Muslims in Scotland. As its nice cold for them scumbags lowlife sheep shaggers
MunchenFez says
3 of the 4 home nations now have less than indigenous masters and the 4th is about to have a homosexual master. Sodom and Gomorrah anyone?
Steve says
I’ll never drink Scotch again considering that my swig is going to fund and protect this Pakistani douchebag.
To hell with the Scots, both the old and the “new” variety.
David says
Better drink and stock up on your Scotch before that idiot bans it for being Haram.
Steve says
Moslems are good with selling alcohol to you. Everything’s halal as long as they can grab more of your infidel money.