They also claim that British ideology and customs are not acceptable to the Muslim community and criticism of Islam and Muslim immigration should be considered ‘hate crimes’ and punished accordingly.
It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
Keith265 says
The video is now private, I was hoping to download it a pass a copy to my MP as part of my reason why I should have a meeting about my concerns over the Islamification of the UK. Has anyone got a copy of this video by any chance or even just the details of the account that posted it so I could try to see if I could follow the account and gain access to it?
BareNakedIslam says
Not surprised. Whenever videos like this are posted on BNI, they are usually taken down within a few days.
ADHD says
Dear Ms. BNI:
Have you (and also “Keith265”) thought of having such video-clips being uploaded to Rumble?? It seems to me like a safer alternative to the MSM-controlled “YouTube…”
Both Rumble and YouTube have their uses and need to be treated as such. [For me, YouTube is best used for cultural (e.g., musical) events as well as recordings (both audio-only plus A/V), with Rumble serving what otherwise is happening currently…]
Furthermore, whoever encounters such video-clips as the one being discussed above would do well to immediately SAVE such to his (her) own computer and then upload it to Rumble – without the SLIGHTEST DELAY!!!! That should vitiate all those filthy totalitarian MONSTERS!!!
I hope you’ll not mind…
BareNakedIslam says
I do upload them to Rumble sometimes, when I think it might get deleted. But even Rumble banned my account when I posted a beheading video there.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Yes the bombcraters are getting closer and this is what awaits all of europe and your nation then all named nations have imported and are importing the sickness islam. This is only the beginning of the long way of destruction and as soon as one of these wishes becomes a law then we see how it works and it will go very fast. Think about this the ones who came to us for protection are trying to kill us and to take our nations from us, think about that and think right. i must also say that the english voter had it in his hands to stop this or slow it down and what did he do??. He voted the mudslime into office and that in more towns and cities as just one so its their own fault.
Hoyr says
How about this ? Fuck the prophet ! Fuck Islam
Steve says
This stupid entitled Moslem deserves a dose of EDL justice.
I’m not saying they should hurt this prick. Just shave his stupid beard, drown him in pork fat and cheap alcohol, and force him to call Mohamed a pedophile. Several times.
Video record that confession and send it to mosques everywhere.
MIT says
Already hearing, “When all this blows over”.
BareNakedIslam says
I think it’s going to get worse.
Major Tom says
It’s called Shariah!
JustJim says
Would the systematic destruction of mosques, and the kidnapping of Imams be considered pushback, or would it start civil war? I don’t condone such violence, but the goat ropers seem to have any problem with it.
Leonidas says
Islam ( submission)will collapse ,like USSR in 1989,if we DENOUNCE PSEUDO PROPHET MUHAMMAD,who according to his biography( Sira) and traditions( Hadith) was a pedophile( wife Aisha was 9 yo), rapist, murderer, bandit (keeping20% of the booty for himself),liar and sex-slave trader and also LIBERATE THE MUSLIM WOMEN from barbaric Sharia Law.The Koran states women are dumb, less intelligent than men,wives must be beaten for disobedience by their hudbands ,all women will go to hell unless in the last day their husband says he was pleased with her and all women must hide their curves and wear burkas ,so that men will not be aroused to rape them.Islam is a misogynistic ,violent , imperialist political ideology of Arab male supremacy ISLAMOFASCISM(~70%), DISGUISED AS A RELIGION(~ 30%) that strives through violent Jihad and soft cultural Jihad of immigration ( dawa)to subjugate the World.Jihadists are promised, if killed battling infidels-kafirs,) they will go to Paradise to enjoy 72 virgins ,taking along 70 of their relatives regardless of their sins!Withdraw from UN MIGRANT COMPACT ,that falsely claims immigration is a Human Right expecting Western countries to accept and provide for an endless number of muslim illegal immigrants ,thus islamizing them. Muslim “refugees “should stay in Turkey or vast rich Saudi Arabia ,until they can return to their countries.We must denounce islamic Sharia (=way)law of blasphemer,apostate ,homosexual , adulterer and hypocrite executions,misogyny,honor killings by stoning,hand amputations for theft,child brides,girls exclusion from schools,halal meat from tortured animals,clitorectomies,circumcisions,subjugation and segregation of women,burkas and Sharia banning of short skirts,bikinis,dancing,singing,painting ,sculptures of people,dogs,pork,alcohol and beauty contests .Demand gender equality for ALL muslim women.Punish severely those that kill apostates from Islam,blasphemers,adulterers or muslim hypocrites.Islam is incompatible with our freedom of speech, gender equality, values,way of life, Human Rights.
Tracie KOEHLER says
Joe says
Would they accept the same if they say something about Jews, of course not. Islam is a death cult, and it has no place in the west.
Marko Matamoros says
And I’m sure the new POS prime minister will consider it.
Allan Stern says
Well since it’s the 21st century, then I guess the idea of carrying out warfare against your enemies and non believers is no longer valid either.