Nothing will happen to these inciters of violence. But when a British politician calls for the arrest of Muslim rioters in the streets for chanting “Allahu Akbar,” he gets condemned by Muslims and Brits alike.
They literally are telling Jews that the “army of Islam is returning in order to kill them for being Non-Muslims, just like they beheaded all the Jews in Battle of Khaybar”
According to London mayor and British PM the main issue that Great Britain is facing is “Islamophobia”:
— Liza Rosen (@LizaRosen0000) August 8, 2024
Watch: Palestinian Hamas terrorist explains his desire to go into a nursery in Israel and slaughter all the Jewish children and babies as a human sacrifice for the sake of Allah (God of Islam). As you can see in this documentary, Palestinian Muslims…— Liza Rosen (@LizaRosen0000) July 29, 2024
Ray Jarman says
This double standard started when the first follower of the mass murdering pedophilic make-believe prophet was allowed into the West and in particular Europe with his hand out and then to bring his many wives with their hands out and refusing to work. Back in the early 1950s when many Jews fled the USSR and other hell holes, they went to work and asked for nothing other than a chance to contribute and contribute they did. Another overlooked issue is that while the Muslem scum has the highest crime rate in Europe while the Jewish population (especially in America) has from the beginning of their flight westward had the lowest crime rate by far. The people of Judaism are the hardest working people as well as the most law abiding people anywhere. It is part of their culture.
dan says
This guy speaks the truth
BareNakedIslam says
Have always liked this guy. Wish there were a billion more just like him.
Stevo says
Sadiq Khan is saying that as a high profile moslem politician, he no longer feels safe in London because of the riots.
The UK and the West must expel, deport all Muslims from their countries, or perish.
Get rid of Muslim garbage NOW ,,,
JS says
Agreed. It will eventually lead to civil and then WWIII. Islam is unable to coexist with anyone – including each other. They will behead whoever they wish and they’ve been using lighting speed in their jihad.
There will have to be a blanket deportation and they must (eventually) separate us from them. We are obviously not there yet, but it will come.
BareNakedIslam says
One can only hope.
A W says
They will not leave. They will not be deported. Stand up and fight…. Or submit.
ADHD says
IF they will NOT leave or be deported – other than submitting (and even then, your life &/or possessions in addition to those of your loved ones will have ZERO – repeat, ZERO – guarantees of safety!!!!! – they’re more than happy enough of the time to slaughter converts or wherever and whenever the slightest doubt happens to exist) – your ONLY recourse will be fighting past the point of KILLING every last single Moslem man, woman and child!!!! It will literally be KILL OR BE KILLED!!!!!
This extreme form of absolute genocide will have to be REGARDLESS of age, social-status, financial-status, ethnicity, skin-colour or provenance (where they came from)!!!! It will affect ALL converts to Islam as well as those born in Islamic families.
Those who want to look up previous such incidents would do well to see what happened on 1572/08/24 (St. Bartholomew’s Day in France) as ONE example. Either way, it will be as UNPLEASANT an event as any in all of Human History ever since God Created Mankind… [I can hardly bear to contemplate such a MONSTROUS CALAMITY which it will be for us all!!!!]
Please, please, PLEASE PRAY that Our Lord Will Come ASAP (as soon as possible) – only HE and nobody else can stop what will then become BOTH a Civil AND International war, which in all likelihood WILL eventually turn into World War III and the prelude to Armageddon. This last will be when Our Lord Appears in the sky – that’s when the Devil WILL pit ALL human forces against who’ll be thought of by the majority of Mankind as some sort of “space-aliens.” [Naturally the slaughter resulting therefrom will be worse than anything that has happened up to now – at least THEN this unhappy planet will have peace for 1,000 years while Satan and his minions are locked into the Bottomless Pit (almost-certainly the Earth’s core).]
MARANATHA – and May Our Lord Spare me from having to see either any part of that war OR what Satan will do to all the faithful from both Christians and Jews…
ADHD says
At least ONE thing I can say as a postscript to my above message: I most desperately hope that we will NOT be so dehumanised in such a conflict and war as to take PLEASURE in killing Moslems the way they promise to be when they slaughter US as “human sacrifices for their ‘allah’!!!!”
That’s how they prove that their ‘god’ (deliberate lower-case for a deity who is the most IMPOTENT and the most DEVOID of any decency or anything positive whatsoever – most truly he could be non-existent given that he’s at best a mere sock-puppet for his “prophet” {NO prophet whatsoever} Mohammed!!!!) is none other than SATAN!!!!!
May Our Judæo-Christian Yahweh (YHWH), THE TRUE GOD and Father Almighty, PRESERVE us from dealing directly with such…
Otherwise: DEATH TO ISLAM, MARXISM, HUMANISM and ALL TOTALITARIANISM!!!!! Now and forever and unto ages of ages, Amen, amein and amjíñ!!!!!
ADHD says
Post-post-script: along with the Moslems, ALL HUMANISTS and especially ALL MARXISTS will have to be dealt with in identically THE SAME WAY!!!!
Most truly, ALL LEFTISTS need to be expelled from the ENTIRE West just like their Moslem brethren as THEY have brought us all to this most sorry pass…
[Please forgive me for repeating myself so much; however, it’s just the same as when in Ancient Rome Cato Censor ended every one of his speeches with ceterum censeo delendam esse Carthaginem (Besides, I think that Carthage must be destroyed.)]