Loay Al-Shareef of the UAE explains that this is an ancient ‘hate’ problem within Islam and Muslims’ inability to accept that the Jewish people are connected to the land of Israel. He says “Jews are not colonizers or conquerers, and the issue was never about borders, neither 1948 nor 1967, but about the existence of Israel itself, which many in the Arab world like to deny.
Al-Shareef also says, “The Palestine cause is a lie created to destroy Israel and promote Islamic domination.”
Charles Black says
Now wouldn’t it be nice for the Arabs to give back the land they stole from Israel. Israel your Messiah Yahusha aka Jesus Christ is calling for you to serve him. Who walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? Who told Noah to make the ark for him and his family? Who told Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt? Who was the one King David served? Jesus Christ that is who! The word History is His Story. The story of Jesus Christ redeeming humanity.
Mad Celt says
The hate has been passed on from generation to generation by both sides unfortunately. No diplomatic solution is going to work, not even war is going to change this ancient conflict. The Jews can no more wipe out the Moslems than the Moslems eradicate the Jews. There is a way but both sides, due to bias and pigheadedness will not attempt. It is time tried, painless and has no record of harm. Both sides may claim the founder of this way since the Blood of the Patriarchs ran through Him and His mission was to all men regardless of status. You’ve tried everything else and all you’ve been rewarded with is high body counts and continual war. Your solution does not work.
John Horton says
Even Yassar Arafat was not a “Palestinian” since he was born in Egypt and was Egyptian.
John Horton says
At the beginning of modern Zionism in the 1880s, the area around Jerusalem was barren and depopulated due to lack of water, farming, etc.
The Zionist created their own problem by importing cheap Arab-Muslim labor from throughout the region during the “Zionist period,” 1880s – 1948. The same thing happened throughout post World War II Europe: Imported, Third World labor was used for dirty jobs whose children often received citizenship. The best system is Saudi Arabia: Foreign workers and their children born in Saudi Arabia do not get Saudi citizenship. The USA needs to abolish birth-right citizenship. The old USA system was that you could only be born into US citizenship if both of your parents were US citizens. Non-citizens could not magically create a US citizen.
Unlimited procreation has been incentivized by the Muslim-dominated United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East since 1949 which has hindered the removal of these foreign workers. Where in 1948 you were dealing with 100s of thousands of Arabs occupying Israel, now you are dealing with millions of Arabs occupying Israel.
Barry White says
The 14th amendment has been severely misread. The language is beyond the children who went thru the Government School System in America.
Any Child Born AND “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is a citizen. But if two Visa holders drop a baby, or WORSE two illegals/Invaders/lawbreakers pop out a kid, that child is the subject of the country from which their parents came.
Like Rowe V Wade the COTUS needs to revisit “anchor babies”.