It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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Will the next 9/11-style Islamic terrorist attack take place in Europe?
Islamic terror, with ISIS (Islamic State) behind several attacks and averted terror plots, have returned to Europe. But in truth, it never really went away.
A suspected ISIS member has stabbed three people to death in Solingen, Germany, shortly after a mass-casualty plot at a Taylor Swift concert was foiled in Vienna, Austria. In October, an Islamist extremist killed a 70-year-old man in Hartlepool, in the north-east of England, inspired by Hamas. And yet time and again politicians seem desperate to just mourn and move on, while shushing any discussion of the ideology motoring this barbarism. Here, Tom Slater explains the high cost of the elites’ cowardice, as jihadist carnage risks becoming Europe’s new normal.
Reader Interactions
Daniel Erbstoessersays
This no one knows then the terror orgs have been imported into just about every nation that we the western people have. The attack can come from any nation in any nation then when the enemy sits in every nation what do you think will happen, a tee party or the we are more buttt bummers club will open their asses for them and all are multi culti. no the attack will be gigantic then we support them with country money and peoples lives. Change this and your chances of survival rise do not chang it and your chance to outlive this is very small.
Imagine if Taylor Swift did not cower and tell the media she wants to just “avoid” bringing up the subject so as to keep her fans safe at the next concert. …..and instead lead a full-throated condemnation of islam terror and its theological underpinnings and say that the WORLD IS SICK OF THEIR VIOLENTLY-PRIMITIVE and DEMONIC CRAP
But she won’t . She “researched” Kamala and will vote for her who had said we should stop using the term “Islamic terror”.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
This no one knows then the terror orgs have been imported into just about every nation that we the western people have. The attack can come from any nation in any nation then when the enemy sits in every nation what do you think will happen, a tee party or the we are more buttt bummers club will open their asses for them and all are multi culti. no the attack will be gigantic then we support them with country money and peoples lives. Change this and your chances of survival rise do not chang it and your chance to outlive this is very small.
Donovan Nuera says
Imagine if Taylor Swift did not cower and tell the media she wants to just “avoid” bringing up the subject so as to keep her fans safe at the next concert. …..and instead lead a full-throated condemnation of islam terror and its theological underpinnings and say that the WORLD IS SICK OF THEIR VIOLENTLY-PRIMITIVE and DEMONIC CRAP
But she won’t . She “researched” Kamala and will vote for her who had said we should stop using the term “Islamic terror”.
BareNakedIslam says
No surprise. She’s a typical Hollywood leftist.