Nearly 50 years ago, legendary TV show “All in the Family” character, Archie Bunker, warned what would happen to the enemies of the Jews…
Archie Bunker sends a warning message to Israel’s enemies.
Nearly 50 years later, this still holds true.
— SAFE CAMPUS (@_SAFECAMPUS) September 29, 2024
US infidel says
damm ,those were the days.
Ray Jarman says
Not even Mark Levin can top this one. While we are here at “All In The Family,” let us not forget Meathead who has proven to be far more stupid than his character.
BareNakedIslam says
You can say that again.
Az gal says
Good old Archie.
Jack Rider says
We should use the USAF to eliminate the cartels in Mexico just like the IAF is doing to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Lebanon has not had a president in two years. Its government has many pro-hezbollah politicians in its parliament, its judiciary and even its small armed forces which are dwarfed by Hezbollah’s personnel and assets. Lebanon is a legal fiction. It exists on paper. Mexico is also a failed state, thoroughly inundated with corruption. It will degenerate further into what Lebanon is now. The cartels will remain behind the scenes but the government will do its bidding. The US must have a government that knows how to defend itself/us, and has the will to do so.