Litigation jihadists from CAIR complain to South Carolina prison that Muslim women prisoners are not allowed to wear their head coverings during search and processing. In a heartbeat, the prison bows to the Islamic supremacists and changes its policy to accommodate the demands of Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (Council on Anti-American Islamic Relations). In a letter […]
Another Chubby Muslim Convert Girl who’s a spokesbaghead for terror-linked CAIR
I have no idea why any news organization would even be interested in CAIR’S opinion about the new Pope. Too bad the reporter didn’t ask her what she thought about all the Muslims slaughtering Christians and burning down churches all around the world.
CODE PINKO SKANKS call for another intifada against Israel
“Intifada,” the Palestinian call for violence and death which has already killed hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians in the past, is being shouted in the streets of Washington DC by the far leftist Jew-haters of Code Pink, the leader of which, Medea Benjamin, is Jewish (in name only) herself. H/T Breitbart
CODE PINKO SKANKS and the 47 percenters spend days and nights protesting Israel at AIPAC convention
Don’t these people ever work? They are protesting on behalf of Palestinian terrorists who have killed Israeli civilians and now are on hunger strikes in Israeli prisons. Too bad none of them have starved to death yet.
Interview with American patriot, Amil Imani, an ex-Muslim from Iran, who says “Islam can never be reformed”
As an apostate, Amil Imani’s life is always in danger, yet he has dedicated himself to raising the clarion call about the imminent and present danger of expansionistic theocratic Islam. Having witnessed first-hand the horrors and indignity that Islamofascism visits on people it subjugates, he has taken it upon himself to do his part in […]
Tom Trento digs up more dirt on John Brennan, alleged convert to Islam and Muslim Brotherhood operative
Barack Hussein Obama’s next pick for CIA Director, John Brennan, a recently exposed Muslim convert, is behind a heavy weapons (MANPADS) and gun running operation to the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda operatives in Syria.
UK Muslim parasites now living in 4-star hotels after government cuts their welfare benefits
Hotel Bills for some families in Westminster have topped £12,000 per month with the council paying out more than £2 million in the first nine months of last year. The council says government limits on the amount people can claim in housing benefit have led to a rise in the numbers becoming homeless in the area. […]
Did you know that John Brennan, nominee for CIA Director, is a Muslim convert who was turned to Islam by the Muslim Brotherhood?
On Tom Trento’s radio show yesterday, former FBI agent, John Guandolo, who wrote the first Muslim Brotherhood training manual for the FBI, outs John Brennan, Obama’s nominee for CIA Director, as having converted to Islam while working in Saudi Arabia. Imagine having a CIA Director who thinks like this… The President’s strategy is absolutely clear about the threat […]
SICILY: Dog-raping Moroccan Muslim illegal alien arrested after terrorizing agricultural community
For more than a year, the Muslim invader terrorized the countryside of Ragusa, the Sicilian province most threatened by illegal Muslim invaders from North Africa, with a rate more than twice the regional average. Not only did he rob and vandalize several farms, he repeatedly raped a hunting dog at one of them. Novopress (h/t HalalPorkShop) He started […]
TEXAS: Terror-linked CAIR to sponsor Muslim infiltration of U.S. government offices
TEXAS MUSLIM CAPITOL DAY During the last legislative session in 2011, CAIR Texas along with other Greater Houston Muslim and non-Muslim organizations initiated a successful ‘Texas Muslim Capitol Day’. CAIR-TX is inviting Texas Muslim organizations and all of our coalition partners to participate in the upcoming 2013 event. This legislative session, we plan to increase attendence […]
“All European life died in Auschwitz”
The following is a copy of an article written by Spanish writer Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez and published in a Spanish newspaper on Jan. 15, 2008. I walked down the street in Barcelona , and suddenly discovered a terrible truth – Europe died in Auschwitz .. We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 […]
And you thought car torchings in Paris suburbs were only a Muslim ‘New Years’ tradition
In France, nothing says ‘Happy New Year’ like hundreds of cars burning. Burn out the old year; torch in the new. France celebrated the onset of 2013 in its uniquely pyromaniac fashion, with officials reporting that nearly 1,200 cars were torched overnight from Dec. 31 to Jan. 1 — 209 of them in the Paris area alone. […]
FRANCE: If it’s New Year’s Eve, Muslims are busy torching hundreds of cars in Paris
In what has become an annual tradition, Muslims take to the streets and set as many cars on fire as they can. Reports put the number this year at 1143, but those numbers are usually underreported. Alsace (h/t Alain) A total of 1193 vehicles were burned, announced Tuesday the Minister of the Interior, Manuel Valls, who […]
Time for the Jews to get out of France again?
This came in an email so I cannot verify its authenticity but the behavior noted is consistent with what Muslims do wherever they outnumber Jews. Perhaps some of our French BNI friends will be able to give us more insight into this growing problem related to Muslim immigration in France. Very Bad News From the […]
U.S.-backed Syrian ‘rebels’ behead Christian, feed his body parts to dogs
Syrian rebels beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to dogs, according to a nun who says the West is ignoring atrocities committed by Islamic extremists. The nun said taxi driver Andrei Arbashe, 38, was kidnapped after his brother was heard complaining that fighters against the ruling regime behaved like bandits. UK DAILY MAIL (h/t […]