BNI’s favorite German counter-jihadist, Michael Stürzenberger, is being treated like an enemy of the state for his outspokenness about the threat of Islamization to Germany. Showing that fascism is never far out of reach for German elites, a bank closed his account. What’s next – a concentration camp?
Says Stürzenberger
“The hounding of Islam critics continues big time: after the Deutsche Kreditbank, the Stadtsparkasse München and the Münchner Bank, the Postbank is now the fourth bank within a year to terminate my donations account. But not just that: they have also terminated my professional giro account, which I have had there for 28 years. In 1985 I started work as a journalist at Bayerisches Fernsehen and have worked with this account since then. After 28 years it ends because I provide information about Islam. The madness that that tightens round us like a noose in recent years will one day be seen as the third age of opinion fascism after East Germany and National Socialism.” PI via IVE
PI News Interior Minister Joachim Herrman (CSU) showed concern at the presentation of the 2012 Constitutional Defense Report because these anti-Islam activists disparage all Muslims as enemies of the rule of law. There is cause for concern that in the scene of the extreme right-wing – but not just there – islamophobia is gaining in importance. Right-wing extremists are using the societal discourse, for example, the building of mosques to awaken or to strengthen general prejudices against Muslims and Islam. They are trying to use the fact for themselves that other parts of the population are also dealing critically with Islam, for example, with regard to the equality of man and woman.
Islamophobia builds itself partly – unconnected with classic extreme right-wing circles – as an unconstitutional movement.
Michael Stürzenberger, speaker for the local Munich PI group (Politically Incorrect), took over the local leadership of the “Freedom” Party the beginning of 2012. Since then, the local chapter, which is also comprised of the hard core of the Munich PI group, is using the campaign they initiated at the end of 2012 for a petition against the “European Center for Islam in Munich” (ZIE-M – Zentrum für Islam in Europa – München) on the Internet as well as at events for general islamophobic propaganda.
The activities have as a target fueling general fears of Muslims as unintegratable followers of an ideology and disparaging all Muslims on the basis of their beliefs as enemies of the State. By doing so, religious freedom, human dignity and the fundamental law of equal treatment as core components of our fundamental free democratic order are being infringed on.
Fred says
Use a Swiss bank they will not cause a problem, the Germans are a hopeless case, they always lose one way or another.
While this is off topic, I wonder what BNI thinks of Ezra Levant?
BareNakedIslam says
I love Ezra, always have. Was very sad to see that Faith Goldy had to leave. They should hire her at FOX News.
dragonfFIRE01 says
there are none so blind as those who refuse to see
open your eyes people
John W says
Germany drowning in fascism again. No lesson learned.
Francisco Torres says
The Gullap of Europe!!!
Shronka says
Pray Hard says
The same bank is probably knowingly funding terrorism out the other side of its mouth. Just like Nazis, they pick us off and demonize us one at a time. What am I saying?! Banks ARE Nazis. The banks and Western elites will continue to blood-sacrifice us to Islam/Muslims until we put a stop to it.
May Islam and all its adherents become extinct in our lifetimes.
Mohammad Izzaterd says
There is so much oil money sloshing around, gushing through the West’s veins. There is no doubt that our universities are completely compromised, corrupt. Our governments are just as bad. So many lies, we had better wake up.
hummingharpman says
Yes, MH, you are quite right; and so well stated; though this story is in Germany! This is happening in all western CIVILIZED nations including the U.S.A and our Arselifter-in-Chief and his muslime bros along with their faithful —-ing dhimmis are just letting it go on! Like you said, “People it is time to wake the hell up, stop kissing ass and playing games with the filthy lying muslime garbage; and start kicking ass and taking names…..names like Hasan, Mohamhead, Nadeem….etc….Well, I think everyone here gets it; except for the GPD (government payroll dhimmis) and muslime hack bastards!! BTW, love your online name for this site.
perceptor1 says
Germany is persecuting someone who wants freedom?
German leaders should shake their heads!
Freedom=good. Fascism=bad. Islam=fascism…one-party state with anti-Semitic-obscurantist sauce on the side.
mad-aussie says
Looks like those idiot Germans haven’t changed one bit since Adolf Hitler ran the country. Nazis hand in hand with Islamic supremists . Nothing new here folks!
perceptor1 says
Yes, a SUPREMACIST is unintegratable.
perceptor1 says
Yep, follow the Saudi money that we gave them. Let’s find another fuel and stop transfer our wealth to those who want to drag the world culturally back to the 7th century.
We have no influence in their backward barbarism, but they can buy influence with us. Not right.
Let all the Germans who agree with Stürzenberger tell the bank to let GERMANS MAKE POLICY IN GERMANY…not a bunch of inbred misogynists and supremacists.
Moslems are no different from the Nazis.
cat says
The end of freedom of speech is one of the goals of the cult of islam. This filthy cult, of evil, can not stand the light of truth. What about a reverse boycott of all banks that support islam. If the Duck Dynasty was a muslim sharing their thoughts they would never be shut down. One can be critical of Christianity and feel no reprisals, but one word to put the light of truth on the evils of islam and you will be pilloried and sanctioned by the liberal left.
joan says
MSgt Mike has a good point. I think Michael should get himself a bank account in Israel and do all his banking online. Why not? It’s not like he has to physically attend a bank to do business. Let’s all pull our money out of banks that do these sorts of things and let them suffer the consequences. I hate that banks think they have some sort of right to punish a person for their politics. I don’t think concentration camps will be next, but maybe Michael and his like won’t be able to do business in the community, and that is the start of the long, ugly march toward total exclusion from society. Damn the damn bank!
Linda Rivera says
Western leaders are liars and hypocrites. They are master propagandists for totalitarian Islam. They talk about freedom of religion whilst knowing that like the Mafia, the punishment for leaving Islam is DEATH. Our leaders don’t care that the MASSIVE taking of non-Muslim slaves has always been a part of Islam.
Our wicked leaders don’t care that dirty, demonic Muslim monsters have been waging a massive rape war against Britain and Europe’s non-Muslim women and children for many years. As long as ruling elites and their families are safe, they DON’T CARE.
LIBERTY GB: Islam’s Sex Slaves in Britain
Islam has never abolished slavery…
Sheikh Saad al-Buraik exhorted his listeners:
Their women are yours to take, legitimately. God made them yours. Why don’t you enslave their women?…..
One of the girls in the Oxford case, aged 12, was branded ‘M’ with hot metal to show that she was property of her attacker, Mohammed. Some are sold on to new owners; some are rented out, generating a good income….
Some, like Charlene Downes, 14, ‘disappear’, presumed murdered. Sharia authorises slave-killing…
It is a huge crime and an act of great treason against our people that British and European leaders have colonized our nations with many millions of Muslims whose Mohammedan ideology teaches them to kidnap, rape and take non-Muslim children as sex slaves. God will hold them accountable for their great evil.
Join Germany’s Freedom Party, the European Freedom Parties and European Defense Leagues!
Join the heroic EDL!
Join Paul Weston’s heroic counter-jihad political party, LIBERTY GB!
MUSLIMS IN (BERLIN) GERMANY : School Rioting & Welfare
it's me says
Don’t worry there are lots of banks out there
Shameless Sharia says
What’s next?
MSgt Mike says
Follow the Saudi money. I believe that is what’s driving all these kinds of activities world wide. Whether it be the U.S., Great Britain, or any western country, I believe the source can be traced to Arab (Islamic) Trillions. They have bought and paid for local and National politicians and banks around the country and around the world. How else can one come close to explaining the growth of the plague we know as Islam?
ADHD says
Good point, “MSgt Mike” – only please be aware that Islamic money isn’t only Saudi money: consider what’s coming from ALL the other Islamic countries (Turkey, Qatar, Bahrain, the Emirates, Kuwait, Algeria, Bangladesh et al). The bigwigs of those countries are more than happy to leave their own people barely subsisting in direst destitution while sending their money to finance mosques, madrassas, terrorism and other Moslem activity HERE IN THE WEST!!!!!
ALL Islamic money in the West has to be confiscated, among so very much else – such that there will be ABSOLUTELY ZERO interplay between the dar al-Islam and what they call dar al-Harb (the house of WAR – into which ALL non-Moslems are dumped!!!!). No commerce, no transportation, no academic, cultural or any other links between those two worlds can be tolerated!!!!
DEATH TO ISLAM, COMMUNISM and ALL other tyranny and totalitarianism, PERIOD!!!!!
Shadowman says
I agree.
I would suggest that Mr Sturzenberger open an account with either a Swiss or Italian bank.
At least in Italy they do not recognise Islam as a “religion”.
It is an absolute disgrace that this can happen in Europe in this day and age.
logdon says
I think you’ll find here’s your answer.
The epicentre of it all.
Mrs. Pharaoh says
But logically this should be changing, recently it was announced (not by the MSM) that Australia has discovered what may be at a minimum 233 billion barrels of oil and it is thought to be as much as 3 times this amount. The Saudis only have about 260 billion barrels. The Norwegians are also sitting on a mother load, as well as the Canadians and the Americans. I think this is more than petro-dollars this is also elitist NWO politicians. The alliance of the far left and the Islamists to subjugate the world.
ladybgoodde says
I agree with MSgt Mike wholeheartedly. Out of curiousity I looked up “the richest countries in the world” and Saudi didn’t get into the top 15…Qatar is THE richest. BUT there were 3 other muslim countries that did make the list.
But I do believe the Saudis have been financing the horror of islam here and abroad.
Liz says
The Saudis are monsters, and certainly part of the problem. But you have to dig deeper. The banking/corporate elitists who want to impose absolute, total control on the planet and all contained within, with their New World Order are pulling the strings. To divide humanity and turn us against each other to better manipulate us, to destabilize our economies and societies to better control us, and to destroy our spiritual nature to better enslave us.
Go to youtube and type in “Robert Welch” and “John Birch society” to learn what the globalist insider elite have been doing for hundreds of years, and are now in the final stages of consolidating their power and control.
I just found this person’s videos, he succinctly explains what is happening to us.