The tiny dog fought for its life for two days after walkers rushed it to the vets when they found it abandoned in the foliage undergrowth.
Mirror (h/t John H) A Muslim man has been arrested after a sick thug chopped off a defenceless puppy’s legs and tail then left it for dead in a Turkish forest.
The one-month-old dog fought for its life for two days after walkers rushed it to the vets when they found it abandoned in undergrowth in the Sapanca district in Sakarya on Thursday.
The wounded animal died during surgery on Friday, sparking an outcry from animal lovers and momentarily pausing political debates across the country where citizens are preparing to go to the polls on June 24.
Police had detained a construction machine operator in relation to the puppy’s murder.
Vet Berktuğ Çiftçi, who treated the puppy told Doğan News Agency that the scars showed straight cuts made with a sharp object such as an axe, which left no doubt that the harm was inflicted by a person.
Nuray Ersoy, who was one of the walkers who found the puppy while feeding stray animals in the area, said an initial investigation showed that the puppy’s feet might have been cut with heavy construction equipment.
As images and videos of the puppy were shared on social media outrage spread across the country, causing politicians from opposing parties to show a rare unity as they called for the introduction of a new law to prevent violence against stray animals.
Leonie Z Pipe says
This sort of sick, barbaric, hideous behaviour, which typifies muzscums, will become mainstream in Europe, the way things are headed there. Ironically, many of those welcoming the muzzie filth into their society are animal-rights advocates. The mind just boggles and boggles.
Classy Infidel says
I’ve been viewing your website but not following it on a daily basis. I just saw this story in the links provided for the distressed lion in a Turkish bar.
The poor dog. It should have been euthanized and will surely be euthanized. But then again maybe the vets cleaned the dog up to awaken public outrage. I just don’t see any human being capable of doing something so cruel as chopping off all the legs of a puppy. It boggles the mind.
BareNakedIslam says
They did finally euthanize the puppy.
jack cade says
I mock Muslims for almost everything they do, but I must admit they are world-class barbarians.
Crusader Gary says
God in heaven, what sort of ( I can’t find the words ) can do such a thing. I can’t even blink at the photos. But the rage in my soul wants me to cry for all Gods creatures without a voice . I pray that on the day of judgement justice will be served to the torturers of this puppy.
Tom says
Turkey and dog issue stories are legend. I live in the Atlanta area and a couple of years ago there was a great story of what a privately funded group of dog lovers was able to accomplish. The group, Adopt A Golden Atlanta, learned of a collection of Goldens in Istanbul that were in dire need of rescue. I am not part of this group. But was an interested observer. They chartered a plane and flew to Turkey to rescue 25 Goldens. Apparently they had once been popular to own. For a while. The dogs were recovered and rehabbed in Atlanta and adopted out when they were ready.The group had a trainer that “spoke their language” to assist in adapting to their new life. ALL the dogs were adopted out to carefully screened new homes. There had been some 500 potential homes for the 25 dogs. With up front deposits. I believe there may have been a second trip for more dogs. Not sure about that. My info comes from the ppaper and their excellent website. To me the story had a very happy ending thanks to an amazing group of dog lovers.
BareNakedIslam says
I have that story in the links.
paul dimino says
chop off this fuckin piece of shits arms and legs and let him bleed to death
Az gal says
Notice it’s a black dog. Muslums hate dogs, especially black dogs. This makes me ill. I wish that the Mohammedan who did this would get the same treatment. Turkey is a land full to the brim of sick, violent Muslum perverts. So many, that they are spilling out everywhere in Europe, especially Germany. Satan’s (Allah’s minions).
Riggermatch says
The fucking scumbag that did this deserves to be anally raped by packs of rabid pit bulls with AIDS.
Amboyduke says
That’s just for starters…
Grace Joy says
Sorry, I didn’t read all of it. The puppy died. I’m glad for it. What a nightmare.
Grace Joy says
I’m sorry, but I don’t know why they didn’t put the dog down. What sort of life is it going to have? What a pscyhopath.. I hate hate hate hate hate hate despise despise despise these evil evil evil satanists. OMG. I’m glad they caught him; though I’ll be surprised if he gets much more than a slap on the wrist..
Amboyduke says
I understand your rage completely…totally…
However…your concern about “What sort of life is it going to have?” is well warranted…
BUT if the little goomer had lived, and had been given to the right kind of person{s}, you might be pleasantly surprised at how good the little fart’s life would have been…love for the little guy would have been a big influence on his existence…and he would have adapted to his handicap…with lots of love and support.
It would be a rough road to hoe, but someone out there would have taken the little guy in and made his life worth living…it’s too bad the rotten fucker who did this is still breathing….
Grace Joy says
I understand your thoughts. Still, I spent over a decade working with animals, abused & not; & I can’t imagine how to compensate for a quadriplegic animal. I can only picture it stuck in a chair watch in order to “be part of” its’ family’s life all the time except when it was being held & petted. I suppose I’ve had to turn off some things in order to do whatever I could do.
I think the same thing should be done to the guy who did this. Then send him home to his MOhammedan buddies to let them take care of him.
kati says
Muscums are demonic…they are not even human. I bet it’s the reason why many of them wear black. Our country needs to seal up the borders…and stop buying goods made in their countries, because our money feeds their economy.
Just Your Average American says
Is there a god? A good, merciful god that would not let these things happen to a helpless creature? Its been a bad day for me and this musScum is the cherry on top. You know, every soldier upon returning to the MidEast I’ll ask “Are they really worth it?” So far, the answer has always been the same. “Not really”…
valyria2525 says
Absolutely they are not worth the powder to blow them to hell but WE ARE. Fighting them over there keeps them from coming over here to terrorize us to a great extent. Every stinkin POS goat raping child molester that we kill is one less we will have to kill in the future.
Ross_Trantor says
Don’t bring ‘God’ into this. . The better question is – why are WE allowing the spread of a pseudo religious political movement that produces people with so little empathy for other conscious beings – human and non-human?
The one redeeming point here is that this evil act was called out by people in Turkey who also see it for the evil that it is – shows there’s at least a glimmer of light in some Turks. I’m sure there are many who realize the way their country is headed and the who and why behind it and feel trapped in the circumstance.
Amboyduke says
Good points, Ross…
“God” did NOT do this…
and if there is any truth to the Biblical narrative, He will “allow” all types of hideous human behavior until we are so sick and tired of it, and we realize we have no where to turn to escape our own failings as humans, we will scream for His intervention and HELP in cleaning up the mess we human’s have made of things…thanks to our falling away and “original sin…” {??}
I’m not saying my opinion rings true, but I BELIEVE it does…time alone will tell…just sayin’.
Charles Black says
If God didn’t exist where did your sense of right and wrong come from? Also explain why does everyone know deep down that God exists? That alone proves atheism to be false.
Ken Besig says
In my 68 years I have learned that sometimes, indeed much of the time, God just says no and does so for His own reasons. For my part, saving the life of an innocent animal, especially a severely injured animal, is an expression of our proud and humane Judeo/Christian values which even demands that we in the Judeo/Christian Westerners save and protect innocent animals.. A big difference from Islam where sadistic cruelty to innocent animals is only surpassed by the sadistic and inhumane Islamically prescribed cruelty to innocent human beings, men, women, children, mothers, daughters, and babies. By innocent animal I refer to one that is not a threat to nor has injured or killed a human being.
Charles Black says
Good points Ken. It isn’t a coincidence that Europe repelled the Turks from Vienna because of their united belief in God gave them something to fight for: their culture.
This time round Europe is mostly atheist which leaves it easy prey to the dominating political ideology islam.
Emma de la Cruz says
Sick sadistic bastard!! Just punishment would be that he have his legs, arms and”tail” chopped off and left in the brush! I wouldn’t shed a tear. I’d ask wtf is wrong with them? Except we all know the answer to that question!
iceman says
I would chop all the Muslims limbs plus his d@ck and stuff it in his mouth and let him bleed to death.
Rob Smith says
Been reading bout this poor beautiful puppy all day and I’m gutted. My Lab is almost 12 and looked just like this when he was a puppy. My blood is boiling! Islam is the scourge of the planet. Would like to say more but too angry…
BareNakedIslam says
Rob, you’re not alone. Sadly, there are a lot of these kinds of stories here, so many, in fact, that I had to dedicate an entire category to Muslim animal abuse. These stories cause my readers more sadness and anger than Muslims killing people do.
Charles Black says
Yet this is supposedly the “moderate” muslim country that is a member of NATO. Screw that muslims can be trusted to do only 2 things. Either 1. Kill you and/or 2. Root for other muslims to kill you. Other than that treat muslims as you would treat a vampire. Don’t let them get close to you.
Cleavis Nowell (@CleavisNowell) says
The average hijab or goat foreskin cap islamist is drooling feral dog slobber.
Barbara Ethel says
They hate black dogs more than all other canines
To a properly developed human, a dog is man’s best friend.
People who are capable of doing this to a sentient creature, need to be caged for life – and I am being generous.
I am so upset right now, words fail me.
That poor, poor puppy. Desperate.
Grace Joy says
I was already in a bad mood. Now I’m in a frothing rage.
Ken Besig says
The Turks are well known as a genocidal, sadistic, and it’s vicious anti Judeo/Christian Culture. Turkey manages to combine the worst atrocities of Islam with the worst ideological hatred of the anti European Left and have produced one of the most dangerous combinations to Judeo/Christian Western Culture.
Worse is that Turkey has membership in NATO along with nuclear weapons and full control of all NATO military affairs in Turkey, Turkey has over 5 million Arab “refugees” to turn loose on Europe if Erdogan’s crazy and dangerous semi fascist regime is faced with European sanctions, and Turkey is so oppressing it’s citizens that it might as well be a Third S##t Hole.
Alva says
I thought Pakistani is, if not, the WORST Islamic country ever. I stand corrected.
BareNakedIslam says
Alva, not so fast.
Amboyduke says
They’re all rotten enough to eradicate from the face of this earth…every single Islamic country…
Charles Black says
Alva I’m afraid trying to find examples of “good” Islamic countries is a futile endeavour. All infidels can do is eliminate islam or submit to islam.
Dave says
“Worse is that Turkey has membership in NATO along with nuclear weapons”
It’s unconfirmed but the nukes have been relocated from Incirlik last year as per my sources. They never had access to the PLA’s though. And there are 1500+ Marines stationed.
Alva says
This is WHY I will NEVER convert to Islam. I will never understand why dogs are encouraged to kill in the Quran or Hadith.
Dogs are precious beings and are far too loyal to their humans. Sure they misbehave from time to time but they love their humans no matter what.
BareNakedIslam says
Alva, they say it’s because Mohammed had a black dog that bit him.
JAMES says
on his little pee pee.
JG says
Did the dog die from poisoning after biting that POS?
BareNakedIslam says
I have no idea. More likely Mo killed him.
Don Spilman says
It doesn’t take much of an excuse for blood lust barbarians to find a reason to be cruel and heartless, and every DAMNED one of them are born into the same blood lust.
valyria2525 says
Mohammad was probably trying to rape the poor dog. It’s a shame it didn’t kill the pedophile prophet, would have done the world a great favor.
Ross_Trantor says
One wonders what he was doing to the dog and whether goats were in short supply at the time.
Don Spilman says
Muzslime are horrid freaks of nature and the more “religious” they become the more vile and cruel they are. Damned accursed evil creatures!!!!!!!