According to Muslim women who wear Islamic supremacist/misogynist headgear, there has been a sharp increase in harassment directed at Muslim women in Quebec since the province tabled draft legislation to ban religious symbols in parts of the civil service, claims a women’s advocacy group.
CBC Justice Femme, a Montreal organization that offers legal and psychological support to women, said it received more than 40 calls from women who wear the hijab after Bill 21 was tabled in late March. The women reported a wide range of incidents, from aggressive comments to physical violence.
On Tuesday, the organization intends to submit a summary of its findings to the elected officials studying the bill. Among other things, the summary will detail:
- Four recent cases of physical assault in public, including two attempts to rip off the hijab and one of a woman being spat at.
- Six cases of harassment and intimidation at work.
- More than a dozen cases of cyber-bullying, prompting several women to remove profile photos featuring their hijab.
Classy Infidel says
There are three reasons they would cover their head and neck: either they enjoy intimidating the Infidel or they have bad hair or are too lazy to fix their hair.
I saw photos of Muslimas that had to remove their hijab, it’s not a pretty sight.
DonT says
Quebec isn’t governed by a bunch of Islam-pandering, multicultural Dipsticks like the English-speaking rest of Canada. The Quebecois have a strong, unshakable culture, and they’re not about to give it up to a bunch of Muslim Freaks who think they can just waltz in and take over their province for Allah. Ain’t gonna happen . . . no way, no how!
This law goes too far–even Amish and Mennonite women would be barred from wearing their distinctive clothing. Bar the burka and face covering-veils (and balaclavas, too), but all religious clothing is way too broad.
Az gal says
Barbara: I agree.
Richard S says
Kebobs cannot always get what they want. They should be placed in supersized container ships and be sent back!
Runner7500 says
If you had something working in your head, you would do like the europeen Jews you move to Israel to live peacefully with their religion. There are many places you could go to live peacefully with your religion. OH! Did I mention islam and peace in one sentence?
Andrew says
Never have we ever had such problems until muslims in the USA,Canada, and Europe, have since become a large group and this was predicted decades ago that when they reach a certain percentage they will cause trouble and chaos and demand demand demand. That time is now.
GFWSR says
There’s nothing in their head to judge!
Martin says
OT – story –
PAKISTAN – Hung upside down, student beaten by cleric in Rawalpindi madrassa
video –
PICS – Rawalpindi
Linda Rivera says
I have no problem with Sikhs wearing turbans. Sikhs believe in the One True God, our Glorious, Awesome, Wonderful Creator, the HOLY ONE, Pure, Holy and Absolutely Good who dwells in unapproachable light.
Because of the devout Sikhs strong faith in the HOLY ONE, Sikhs have been severely persecuted in the past in the most horrific and terrible ways by Muslims.
The Sikhs strong belief in the HOLY ONE is lived out in their lives. Sikhs strongly believe it is their duty to protect others.
I’m quite surprised that Sikhs would demonstrate with Muslims. In Britain, the suffering of large numbers of young Sikh girls by Muslim gang rapists Sex Slaver gangs, is enormous. And terrible.
Do Canadian Sikhs not know about this???
Linda Rivera says
Highly organized Muslim GANG RAPISTS-SEX SLAVERS have brought great suffering to SIKHS, CHRISTIANS and HINDU girls in Britain.
Via Muslim colonization of our formerly SAFE, FREE, Happy Christian countries by our ruthless leaders, the EVIL POPE, UN, EU and EVIL British and European leaders want Muslims to CONQUER and ENSLAVE Europe and Britain under barbaric Sharia.
EXCLUSIVE: Islamic Sexual Abuse of Sikh Children ‘Pushed to One Side’ for Years
20:49 27.11.2018)
Kit Klarenberg
A bombshell expose released November 26 revealed how gangs of predominantly Pakistani men have sexually preyed on Sikh girls in the UK for decades – and authorities “recklessly ignored” the abuse due to concerns over “political correctness”.
The study, published by the Sikh Mediation and Rehabilitation Team charity, documented in shocking detail how young members of the Sikh community have been systematically groomed by Muslim men since the 1960s.
Girls would be lured by “fashionably-dressed adult Pakistani men travelling in flamboyant vehicles to predominantly Sikh dominated areas and schools” — after initial contact, they’d be groomed by one man, who would then pass her on to other family members.
Labour MP Sarah Champion, who strongly endorsed the report, is calling for an independent investigation into the scandal.
“I was shocked when I first heard about the organised abuse of Sikh girls by Pakistani men. When I started speaking to Sikh women, I couldn’t believe how widespread the grooming and abuse was — and this has been going on for decades. All forms of sexual exploitation must be prevented…….
Deepa notes many Sikhs took it upon themselves to defend their families and communities from Islamic grooming gangs — they would be prosecuted and severely punished for their vigilantism.
“In 1988 in Wolverhampton there were violent confrontations after Sikhs formed into gangs to protect young Sikh girls from being groomed by gangs of Muslim men.
The main Sikh gang was called Shere Punjab. Some of the gang members received criminal convictions because of their attacks on Muslim gangs.
It all started when the Sikh gang handed leaflets out saying “Muslim youths are coming round our schools… they are abducting our girls… and they are raping them and putting them into prostitution”,….
Shere Punjab claim to have given police the names and car registration details of those Muslims involved in grooming non-Muslim girls, and been told by officers they’d sort out the problem if the gang “stepped out the way” —
but they did nothing to stop the sexual abuse gangs operating. Again, this is entirely consistent with the behaviour of authorities in other parts of the country since,” Peter told Sputnik.
This may account for why the Sikh Awareness Society, set up in 1998 to provide support for Sikhs affected by grooming gangs, among other issues, is inundated with requests for help each and every day — founder Mohan Singh says the organization’s 24-hour helpline “never stops ringing”……….
Linda Rivera says
It’s not political correctness that allows this! It’s EVIL people in high places of power in the government, Prime Ministers, MPs, the police, social services, local councils, etc.
This great evil has been known since the sixties. It’s SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE and is allowed by the wicked UK government.
“The abuse included gang rape, forcing children to watch rape, dousing victims with petrol and threatening to set them on fire, threatening to rape victims’ mothers and younger sisters, and trafficking them to other towns. Several victims also became pregnant —one aged 12…..”
The entire nation must take to the streets every day in massive protests to end the Huge, Barbaric Muslim Rape War against Britain’s most precious possession, her non Muslim children.
The Screams of Agony of the sex slave child victims pierce the heavens. The earth is Soaked with their BLOOD and TEARS.
Bible, Psalm 56:8
Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your book?
Linda Rivera says
Supremacist Muslims are vehemently, RADICALLY OPPOSED to OBEYING non Muslim rules and laws in despised non Muslim nations.
Muslims DEMAND that despised non Muslims OBEY every DESIRE and DEMAND of Muslims. They claim it’s a ‘religious’ right.
No other people group engage in this arrogant behaviour.
Az gal says
If Muslums were to wear a crescent around their neck, or a little cap on their head, no problem. But they have to dress so oppressively, in such a disgusting manner! Even the men, are supposed to have ungroomed beards. How can you even work in that costume, and who wants the visual pollution?
Grant B says
Yeah…but…we know what’s in your head BY what on your head! Viva la Quebec!
debby says
low iq muslim you are being judged by what is in your head! but, this will probably fly over it!
Peter35 says
“Judge me for what’s in my head, not on my head”. Really? If the two muslimas in Congress are anything to go by, a hatred of anything or one non-moslem is all their brainless heads contain.