It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
Dharma View: “I studied in St. James school Kolkata and I still remember my school teacher making a Christian girl who was wearing the cross outside her shirt , hide it inside so that nobody could see it …His exact words were ” My child this is a school not a church and here you are just a student not a Christian student ‘ …This coming from a person who himself was a staunch Christian and the school was a church run school . Hence as a Hindu I did not feel any thing when I myself used to wipe off the tilak after entering school (which my mom applied on special puja days) or wearing my HanumanJi locket inside the shirt”
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Linda Rivera says
The only protests I want to see are huge protests demanding that Muslims in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Egypt and other Muslim countries free the huge numbers of Christian, Hindu and Sikh girls that wicked Muslim males kidnapped, rape, hold against their will; force the girls to marry them and force them to convert to Islam.
Their heartbroken families never get to see their beloved daughters, sisters and cousins ever again.
FREE our girls, you cruel, barbaric monsters!
Bubba Grump's Nutz says
Some Muslims (heh….ALL) don’t work or play well with others. Don’t want to take it off? Stay at home. There. That was easy.
Andrew+Blackadder says
muslims will find something to complain about, no matter how big or how small so they can chant allo snackbar.
If muslim ”men” demand that a woman covers her hair, her body, so that the muslim man will not feel the need to rape her, does that mean the muslim men are admitting that they are all, in fact….rapists…
Inquiring minds want to know.
FaithfulServantsofChrist says
I’m anti-Islam, but I’m also pro-personal liberty and pro-liberty of conscience and anti-authoritarian, and if a Muslim woman wants to wear her Hijab she has the right to choose for herself to do so (I don’t agree with the government telling them what they can and can’t wear, it’s no different than Muslim men forcing them to wear it).
But if it’s a private college than they can do what they please.
If I went to a college and was told I couldn’t wear my cross necklace or read the Bible on campus during my spare time, I would just withdraw my application and not give them any more of my money.
Conrad Calvano says
@FaithfulServantsofChrist: This seems to be a all girls school which had a uniform policy in effect. All the girls were expected to wear the school uniform, which these very girls were adhering to until they were bitten by the Islamic bug and started sporting the hijab. It has nothing to do with their right to wear what they want – they can still do so outside the school.
Conrad Calvano says
Have been reading about this in the Indian newspapers. Apparently there is some kind of statewide elections and this hijab controversy is a ruse to unite the Muslims into voting for the Congress party. The issue on hand is a schoolwide uniform policy which everyone, including Muslim students used to follow. Suddenly a bunch of girl students showed up in a hijab which the school ordered them to remove. By the way this is a all girls school, where there are no men trying to do a Mohammed on them. Now the leftist press is trying to portray the issue as a woman’s right to wear the hijab, and the Indian Court is all set to rule on the matter.
Ghulam says
Sometimes I really LOVE being a Muslim. As I like to say, just give us a pot and we’ll stir a fiery stew. 🙂
What a feel good story…may the Hijab wars continue.
Bugsy278 says
As we here all know, India carved off two huge chunks of its country to give to the muslims, just move there and problem solved. Leave or conform to societal rules. Oops, forgot what group of people I was talking about…fat chance.
BareNakedIslam says
Both India and Israel were wrong not to have kicked out their Muslim populations. The Arab states kicked out 1 million Jews when Israel was reestablished in 1948.
Conrad Calvano says
@BNI: Absolutely spot on! The Hindu and Christian population have been decimated in Pakistan, whereas the Muslim population have grown in leaps and bounds in India. So much commonality between Israel and India, including the one you pointed out. Both nations surrounded by nations who seek to destroy the nation, both unfairly accused of persecuting Muslims, practicing non proselytizing faiths, etc., Only hope India collaborates more with Israel.
BareNakedIslam says
Under Modi, the relationship between India and Israel has grown stronger, especially re: trade, technology, and military collaboration.