“This issue (Anti-Groomer Law) makes me completely crazy,” cries Jen Psaki. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis passed a bill saying that public school teachers can’t teach five to nine-year-old children LGBT sexual and multi-gender propaganda.
Breitbart White House press secretary Jen Psaki broke down in tears over anti-grooming laws in an interview with podcaster Jessica Yellin on Tuesday.
“I’m going to get emotional about this issue because it’s horrible … This is an issue that makes me completely crazy,” Psaki said when she was asked about laws passing in Republican states restricting schools on transgender issues and sexual identity and giving parents more control of their child’s education.
The laws, like the one passed in Florida, prohibit discussions about sexual identity and gender in school classes with young children and prevent school officials from transitioning a child’s gender without the parent’s consent. Psaki said the laws were “cruel” and did not represent the majority of Americans. (Recent polls have found that an overwhelming majority of parents oppose classroom instruction about gender and sexuality).
If you have young children, this is a MUST SEE!
h/t Mike F
Logic says
In regards to children, 5 year olds to 9 year olds should know nothing about puberty and sex.
Rebel Patriot says
Jen Psaki is one sick bitch!!
Major Tom says
Her demons are manifesting…….
BLR says
she is a far left charlatan who has her eyes on being a high placed democrat party member in politics not a news anchor , changing Biden’s diapers and making him look and sound good to his equally brain dead voters is her key to open that door , trans had any brains they would start running now before her tears dry up and she gets where she is going
Linda Rivera says
Bill Gates, George Soros, Fauci, Psaki, Biden, Kamala, Pelosi and the entire MURDEROUS CHILD HATER Democrat regime will be CELEBRATING, not crying.
Joe Biden Will Scrap Trump’s Pro-Life Rule, Force Christian Doctors to Kill Babies in Abortion
Apr 19, 2022
Doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other medical workers soon may be forced to help abort unborn babies or lose their jobs as pro-abortion politicians work to get rid of conscience protection rights…………
Linda Rivera says
California’s government are DEVIL WORSHIPERS.
Please God, protect babies from these fiendish monsters! Part demon, part human, they’re no longer human. They’re demons clothed in human flesh.
California Assembly Health Committee Passes Bill That Would Legalize Infanticide
Apr 20, 2022
The California Assembly committee has passed a radical bill that legal analysts say would legalize infanticide, letting babies die up to 28 days after birth. The panel voted for the measure on an 11-3 vote.
California Assembly Bill 2223, sponsored by Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks, D-Oakland, already has prompted massive outrage. While the legislation is meant to end criminal penalties for abortion, it could stop people from being punished for killing newborns as well. While hundreds of pro-life advocates showed up to oppose the bill, the main proponents are pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL and the ACLU.
The measure has come under fire from pro-life groups who say would prevent criminal liability if an infant dies during the perinatal period “due to a pregnancy-related cause” — which would essentially legalize the killing of newborn babies. The National Center on Health Statistics defines the perinatal period as between 28 weeks of gestation and seven days after birth but that definition can extend up to the 28 days.
The bill would prohibit authorities from charging a mother for “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.” Anyone who “aids or assists a pregnant person” also would be exempt from prosecution. Additionally, the bill would allow the woman to sue police and other authorities who arrest or charge her in such cases.
According to the California Family Council, the “perinatal death” language in the bill would exempt mothers who kill their newborn babies from prosecution.
ACTION ALERT: Contact the California Assembly to urge opposition to the bill.
Susan Arnall, vice president of legal affairs for the Right to Life League, told the committee during the debate: “A mother, her boyfriend or, for that matter, the babysitter, can starve or beat or shake a three-week-old baby to death and no one can investigate because under (the bill) it is a ‘perinatal death.’”
“For years, pro-life advocates have argued there is no moral difference between ending a child’s life days before birth or days after birth. California’s pro-abortion legislators now seemingly agree,” said Jonathan Keller, president of California Family Council.
“A political culture that justifies killing millions of children in the womb is now declaring open season on unwanted newborns. Every Californian must oppose this heinous bill.”……………………..
Bugsy278 says
Once again I am left wishing California could/would break from America and fall into the sea. Ty for this post, Linda.
bill says
Read 45 Communist Goals for America. 26, 40 and 41 apply to this subject. The dem/marxists get closer to their goals everyday.
BareNakedIslam says
Please provide a link.
heidi says
Google: the blaze, 45 communist goals for america, 3-1-2018.
The Speaker says
Correction?: It was the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Not the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1968 that dropped homosexuality as a mental illness.
The Speaker says
The Speaker says
These perverts are trying to take over America. This situation is nothing new. In 1968, a series of united homosexual promotion groups was able to get the American Medical Association (the AMA). to drop homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. Now the transgender and woke perverts are trying to take over America by trying to create legislation to take over schools, medical centers, the military, bath rooms (rest rooms), etc. Somehow all these weirdo; abrasive; friction producing minority groups are able to raise millions and millions of dollars for their cause that delights and emboldens the Democrats.
Bugsy278 says
Being gay absolutely is NOT a mental illness. I also reject the trans assholes being ascribed to the LGB community. We are perfectly content with our body parts. The evidence is also abundant that gender disphoria, the clinical diagnosis for these trans freaks (most are just that), can be helped in most people with therapy, which is not so for LGB.
BareNakedIslam says
From what I’ve observed, most gay people are anti all the trans mania which has become the new human rights issue, despite the fact that actual trans people are less than 0.01% of the population
FaithfulServantsOfChristKJV says
LoL, the pro-sodomite lobby is upset that they can’t pervert and homosexualize a new generation of American children in Florida.
The goal of the filthy sodomite agenda has always been to go after the children.
Over in Hungary, a law was passed banning the promotion of homosexuality to minors, and it caused a firestorm because they committed the unpardonable sin of not letting the sodomites push homosexuality on a new generation of white children and homosexualize a new generation of white children.
Bugsy278 says
Your post is exactly why the gay community was pushed to the left. Do you follow EVERY law in leviticus? I have read the good book many times and that’s where it is found.
FaithfulServantsOfChristKJV says
Christians are not under the laws of Moses (Gal. 5:1-4, Gal. 2:16-21, Gal. 3:22-28). The laws of Moses were given to the theocratic kingdom of Israel.
Homosexuality is still condemned in the New Testament. The Apostle Paul explains that homosexuality is against nature (Romans 1:26-27) and the apostle Jude explains that the men of Sodom were going after strange fleshly lusts (Jude 1:7-8, cf. Rom. 1:26-27).
But I’m not like the Westboro Baptist Church or Steven Anderson’s New IFB cult, I don’t advocate for applying the laws of Moses to civil law.
America is not Israel under a theocracy.
I fully support the scriptural doctrines of Church-State separation and liberty of conscience (John 18:36, Rom. 13:1-7).
FaithfulServantsOfChristKJV says
I’m also Slavic, and homosexuality is against Slavic culture and Slavic values.
One can’t be a proud Slav and be a proud homosexual.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Im a germane and i agree to every word you wrote here.