Take the recent uproar by Muslims in India over a few alleged ‘insulting’ remarks about Prophet Muhammad made by two BJP ruling party officials. Despite apologies from India’s leaders and suspension of the so-called “blasphemous” officials, Al-Qaeda has risen from the dust, threatening suicide bombings in major Indian cities to avenge the alleged insults (aka facts) to Mo.
For more about this, go here: SHAME ON INDIA! Government throws Hindu spokesperson under the bus for stating facts about the Prophet Muhammad that Muslims find offensive
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Andrew i wanted to write just that what you wrote here (you was faster) and i wanted to write that the muslim is not here to be appeased, no hes here to take over just as in the past in other countries.
Hartmut says
And still woke leftie officials can’t cave in enough to all the illegal Muzzles and put them above the rest of the citizens.
pfwag says
Islam is the Borg.
Reader says
Linda Rivera says
Al-Qaeda has risen from the dust, threatening suicide bombings in major Indian cities to avenge the alleged insults (aka facts) to Mo
Did Al Qaeda get the bombs and lots of high tech US military equipment that China Biden and his horrifying regime wickedly left behind as a GIFT to their partners — Taliban killer savages?
chaz d'spaz says
Why! Yes ,yes they did receive the generous gift from the joke president of the USA.
Linda Rivera says
At age 54, Mohammad married six-year-old Aisha, and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.” The Islamic Hadiths confirm this:
“The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)” (Bukhari 7.62.88).
It’s what the Hadiths state.
As this is fact, why are Muslims around the world ENRAGED by the Hindu lady stating the truth about cruel, warlord Mohammad? It’s in their Hadiths!
Muslim countries declare that CORRECTLY stating what Islamic Scriptures say is Islamophobia!!! And truth tellers must be punished!!!!!!!!!!!!
Muslims scream that stating absolute truth that warlord Mohammad sexually molested Aisha from age six and raped her at nine is offensive and insulting to Mohammad and scream for the Indian lady to be slaughtered — for telling the truth about Mohammad.
Why are Muslims not condemning Mohammad, instead of condemning the Hindu lady and declaring she must be slaughtered???
Is it because deep in their hearts Muslims know what warlord Mohammad did to Aisha was wrong, cruel, wicked and evil???
And Completely SATANIC.
bill says
Many of them either haven’t read it, don’t care to, read it and don’t want to believe it, or just can’t read at all. Or it’s just an excuse to party (riot), not that they really need one of course.
Alan Knight says
Every time that we grovel to Muslim demands (and we always do) it makes them realise that their whining works!
Reader says
DavidW says
Islam, the only religion that threatens violence when you tell the truth about it and the 7th century caravan robber who supposedly founded it.
Reader says
Pray Hard says
Death to islam.
Andrew+Blackadder says
If these backward low bottom feeders have their wee feeelings hurt so much when somebody, like me, calls their belief system a Fascist Religious Cult and their reply is to place a bomb in a Cafe somewhere, killing people they dont even know, then I know we are dealing with a Fascist Religious Cult that is so full of violence and lacking in words and lets a person get their wee kickers in such a twist and they can only think of lashing out in a violent manner because they think their wee allah dude, may PISS be upon him, is not at all strong enough to deal with me except by killing me… Hey dude in a turban take yer hate filled book and stick it where the Sun dont shine while you shag the wee boys in the same place…