…but as usual, it is only Muslims who are bitching and moaning about it. Three years after Quebec’s secularism law — commonly known as Bill 21 — was adopted, Muslims in the province are feeling increasingly alienated and hopeless.
CBC “Religious minority communities are encountering — at levels that are disturbing — a reflection of disdain, hate, mistrust and aggression,” Miriam Taylor, lead researcher and the director of publications and partnerships at the Association for Canadian Studies, told CBC in an interview. “We even saw threats and physical violence,” Taylor said.
Bill 21, which passed in 2019, bars public school teachers, police officers, judges and government lawyers, among other civil servants in positions of authority, from wearing religious symbols — such as hijabs, crucifixes or turbans — while at work.
Taylor and her colleagues at the association worked with polling firm Leger to gather a unique portrait of attitudes toward Bill 21 in Quebec. The association surveyed members of certain religious minority communities including 632 Muslims, 165 Jews and 56 Sikhs.
Although all three religious minority groups surveyed said they’ve experienced negative impacts due to Bill 21, the effects are being most acutely felt by Muslims and, in particular, Muslim women.
“We saw severe social stigmatization of Muslim women, marginalization of Muslim women and very disturbing declines in their sense of well-being, their ability to fulfil their aspirations, sense of safety, but also hope for the future,” Taylor said.
Of the Muslim women surveyed, 78% said their feeling of being accepted as a full-fledged member of Quebec society had worsened over the last three years. 53% per cent said they’d heard prejudicial remarks about Muslims from family, friends or colleagues.
People surveyed were given the opportunity to share examples of comments they’d heard or behaviours they’d experienced:
One reported hearing: ”These Muslim women with rags on their heads, if they are not able to integrate, let them return to their country.”
47% of Muslim women said they’d been treated unfairly by a person in a position of authority.
One person reported being called a “dirty immigrant” by a police officer in Quebec City. Another reported that a teacher told disparaging anecdotes about Islam in class.
Two thirds of Muslim women said they’d been a victim of and/or a witness to a hate crime. Seventy-three per cent said their feeling of being safe in public had worsened.
Verko says
You can almost smell the stench of those witches coming out of the screen.
ericbrazaugmailcom says
If the women are so depressed perhaps they need mental counseling. Muslim families force 4 year olds to hijab. They are told they will be sexually violated if they do not cover. The brother is told if his sister is not covered and violated (raoed) he is at fault. He is the one that is dishonored disrespected living in shame.
andrewblackadder says
Did the photographer taking the photos of these hijabi ”females” look for the ugliest among them or are they all really that ugly… Not a trick question.
BareNakedIslam says
One doesn’t have to look too far.
canuckguynbgmailcom says
This law in Quebec is about the only thing I agree with regarding that province. They oppress Anglophones with their restrictive language laws and that burns me arse.(excuse a little canuck martimer slang there)
BareNakedIslam says
Any law that restricts Islamization is a good one.
ericbrazaugmailcom says
It is precisely because they did BILL 101 that they have the bureaucracy to protect their language and culture. In the end Quebec might save Canada
Linda Rivera says
The association surveyed members of certain religious minority communities including 632 Muslims, 165 Jews and 56 Sikhs.
WHY was the majority surveyed, Muslims?
Islam instructs Muslims to lie to, and deceive non-Muslims.
LYING to, and DECEIVING non Muslims is very important ISLAMIC WAR STRATEGY.
Warlord Mohammad’s Quran calls Mohammad’s god, “The GREATEST DECEIVER.
It’s why trusting in, and believing anything Muslims say, is committing NATIONAL GENOCIDE.
Quran (8:12) “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
Linda Rivera says
Quran (8:67) – “It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war until he had made a great slaughter in the land…”
Quran (8:59-60) – “And let not those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allah’s Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape.
Quran (8:65) – “O Prophet, exhort the believers to fight…”
Quran (9:5) – “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush…..
ME Infidel says
We can only hope these poor souls decide to return to their home country.
Louisette says
I wouldn’t call them poor souls. I would call them invaders. Why else would they leave their countries to come to Quebec or anywhere else for that matter. Furthermore, they want to be liked whilst they are so unlikable.
ME Infidel says
I was being sarcastic by calling them poor souls. They are invaders as you accurately pointed out.
Peter35 says
Awwww, the poor, poor babies, my old heart cries for them—NOT.
Before my wife and I left NZ for Canada, we received papers from the Canadian govt. saying we were expected to:
Think like Canadians,
DRESS like Canadians, and eventually
Become Canadians.
We believe moslems fail at all three requisites.
Linda Rivera says
Laws, rules, regulations and requirements are always changed for highly privileged Muslims by our treasonous Non-Muslim governments.
Victor says
I would love to see some cold, high pressure fire hose water therapy utilized by the Quebec authorities to help those distressed protesters and their snowflake supporters deal with their feelings. 😉