It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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Israel and India are strong, trusted allies because they share a common enemy:
Jewish are friend of India. They are invited to settle in India. They can also develop their own colonies. They can do business in India. Jews are welcome in India
You will find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, “We are Christians.” That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant
Verse (5:82)
The Saracens have a religious motive in the fight against Jews and Indians
The simple explanation is … they aren’t woke. The reasons are different though.
Israel isn’t because, one) it would be a literal death sentence (not just for the nation but every Jew there), and two) because even if they did the whole woke virtue signalling hypocrisy they’d … still be labelled and attacked as ‘monsters’ anyway, so why bother (with the pretence. What, you think ‘our’ elitists actually believe this sh*t?).
India? Because they, more even than China or blacks, are the ’cause de jour’ of the leftists (care to check how many Indians are now in power around the world in ‘white’ nations?).
India is a cesspool. Yes, they are portrayed as an enlightened and technologically advanced nation, all the while the vast majority of its billion+ population is left starving, without even basic rights let alone services, confined for life by a demonic ‘caste system’ to penury so their ‘betters’ can lounge in splendour (and have a space programme – mostly funded by British ‘humanitarian aid’) on the international stage.
The two are ‘nothing’ like each other!
[As someone who has travelled extensively throughout the area (amongst the normal people, away from the tourist facades and palaces of the rich and powerful), I utterly despise the portrayal, by the usual woke hippy crowd, of India as some kind of ‘spiritual mecca’, when in reality it is, as I say, a cesspool of ignorance, poverty, corruption, suffering and depravity most in the west cannot even imagine, let alone consider.
It’s not, communism et al the globalists yearn for, it’s India’s caste system, with you and I, all of us “normals”, as Dalits. Only kept around at all, to do the dirty work so ‘our’ betters can live the life ‘they deserve’].
Hint: You know the MSM is merely the propaganda wing of the cabals. So look to see which nations they cover for, only ever citing ‘positive’ stories (lies) or bias them to present (even when couched as the opposite) such countries as ‘righteous’ (Russia cough!) – China, Russia, Turkey, anywhere full of ‘little brown people’ (but only the non-Christian types) … but India is foremost in that list, and you should ask yourself why.
they ain’t breathing down your neck one more reason they get along , along the lines of thought you get along with your neighbors but damn if you want them in your bed with muslims as friends you don’t have a bed as mutually understood by both parties
Common enemy is only ONE of the factors that are common between Israel and India. They have so much in common. Both follow a proselytizing faith, place extreme importance on the family, discipline, and education. Both these nations do not believe in showing off, and both nations have a history of being wronged. Both these nations have had fake and fictional nations illegally carved out of them. India is one of the first nations to recognize Israel, and Israel has been a steadfast ally and supporter of India, though they had to do it in stealth in order to protect India’s relations with the Arabs. These are just a few things that come to my mind, and I am sure there are many more. I truly wish that these two nations come closer and be strong allies.
Dinesh says
Jewish are friend of India. They are invited to settle in India. They can also develop their own colonies. They can do business in India. Jews are welcome in India
BareNakedIslam says
Yes, Israel and India have an increasingly strong relationship, especially on trade and defense.
A says
You will find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, “We are Christians.” That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant
Verse (5:82)
The Saracens have a religious motive in the fight against Jews and Indians
GFWSR says
But all muslims suffer from mental disorders to varying degrees!
Jerven says
The simple explanation is … they aren’t woke. The reasons are different though.
Israel isn’t because, one) it would be a literal death sentence (not just for the nation but every Jew there), and two) because even if they did the whole woke virtue signalling hypocrisy they’d … still be labelled and attacked as ‘monsters’ anyway, so why bother (with the pretence. What, you think ‘our’ elitists actually believe this sh*t?).
India? Because they, more even than China or blacks, are the ’cause de jour’ of the leftists (care to check how many Indians are now in power around the world in ‘white’ nations?).
India is a cesspool. Yes, they are portrayed as an enlightened and technologically advanced nation, all the while the vast majority of its billion+ population is left starving, without even basic rights let alone services, confined for life by a demonic ‘caste system’ to penury so their ‘betters’ can lounge in splendour (and have a space programme – mostly funded by British ‘humanitarian aid’) on the international stage.
The two are ‘nothing’ like each other!
[As someone who has travelled extensively throughout the area (amongst the normal people, away from the tourist facades and palaces of the rich and powerful), I utterly despise the portrayal, by the usual woke hippy crowd, of India as some kind of ‘spiritual mecca’, when in reality it is, as I say, a cesspool of ignorance, poverty, corruption, suffering and depravity most in the west cannot even imagine, let alone consider.
It’s not, communism et al the globalists yearn for, it’s India’s caste system, with you and I, all of us “normals”, as Dalits. Only kept around at all, to do the dirty work so ‘our’ betters can live the life ‘they deserve’].
Hint: You know the MSM is merely the propaganda wing of the cabals. So look to see which nations they cover for, only ever citing ‘positive’ stories (lies) or bias them to present (even when couched as the opposite) such countries as ‘righteous’ (Russia cough!) – China, Russia, Turkey, anywhere full of ‘little brown people’ (but only the non-Christian types) … but India is foremost in that list, and you should ask yourself why.
Bernard L Rathie says
they ain’t breathing down your neck one more reason they get along , along the lines of thought you get along with your neighbors but damn if you want them in your bed with muslims as friends you don’t have a bed as mutually understood by both parties
Conrad Calvano says
Common enemy is only ONE of the factors that are common between Israel and India. They have so much in common. Both follow a proselytizing faith, place extreme importance on the family, discipline, and education. Both these nations do not believe in showing off, and both nations have a history of being wronged. Both these nations have had fake and fictional nations illegally carved out of them. India is one of the first nations to recognize Israel, and Israel has been a steadfast ally and supporter of India, though they had to do it in stealth in order to protect India’s relations with the Arabs. These are just a few things that come to my mind, and I am sure there are many more. I truly wish that these two nations come closer and be strong allies.
BareNakedIslam says
One correction: Judaism is NOT a proselytizing faith…never has been.
JS John says
Yep. Islam is emboldened and think they own the world. Sickening!