It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
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Tommy Robinson, in reaction to the massive Hamas terror attacks on Israel, slams Leftists and Gays who love to march around holding pro-Palestinian flags and anti-Israel signs
You won’t see this video anywhere in British media. Well done to Mahyar Tousi for having the courage to broadcast Tommy who has been appallingly silenced and cancelled by the mainstream media, because he speaks the truth about Islam, which they find unpalatable.
It is ironic that the most vocal supporters of the Palestinian cause are ultra-liberals who also champion issues such as gay rights, given that Palestinian society does not tolerate homosexuals. In other words, they are fighting for the creation of a state that would suppress the very rights they demand everywhere else…and actually enjoy in the State of Israel.
MID EAST TRUTH The dirty little secret QUEERS AGAINST ISRAEL must suppress is that Israel is the safest refuge in the Middle East for persecuted homosexuals, including Palestinians. In keeping with its commitment to civil liberties, every year Israel’s government actually grants some gay Palestinians legal residency to avoid Palestinian homophobic oppression.
Israel is one of the few Middle Eastern countries to repeal its anti-sodomy law – from British Mandate days. Israel’s Equal Employment Opportunity Act, as amended, prohibits discrimination against employees based on their sexual orientation or marital status. Israel has even banned discrimination in its army.
By contrast, throughout the Arab and Muslim world, including the Palestinian territories, gays are hunted down, blackmailed, imprisoned, tortured and occasionally executed. Gay Palestinians are often treated as collaborators and have been brutalized in the most horrific of ways.
Of course, gays found in Iran have been beaten badly – and face the death penalty. Ironically, Ahmadinejad’s calls to wipe out Israel – and the United States – did not offend as many people as his homophobia did, just as there are many more protests worldwide against Israel’s actions to defend itself than against Ahmadinejad’s efforts to oppress his people.
In addition to ignoring Israeli tolerance and Arab oppression, the activists sloppily compare the national conflict between Israelis and Palestinians with the racial oppression South Africa’s blacks and “coloreds” once endured. The apartheid regime systematically discriminated based on people’s skin colour. There are dark Israelis and light-skinned Palestinians.
No Israeli law discriminates against race while many laws and strictures prohibit racism. Transplanting the term “apartheid” from the South African context into the Middle East distorts history and simply tries to libel Israel by positing a false parallel with one of the most heinous regimes of the twentieth century.
We see feminists overlooking Muslim and Arab sexism, as well as Israeli tolerance, in their zeal to bash Israel.We see academics overriding their primary professional obligation to tell the truth and acknowledge the world’s complexity in their rush to caricature Israel. When gay activists, feminists, academics and others violate their core identities and defining values to malign Israel, they only indict themselves.
Reader Interactions
Tommy has always been right and paid a high price..Respect to him.
As if I needed a greater case to affirm the fact lefties are fucking retarded.
Everything and ANYTHING that is anti-Western, the left is infatuated with, even if said things are diametrically opposed to one another.
Really, I cannot wait for the Muzzies to declare jihad on the lefties who brought ‘em in and they’ll respond with a communist purge of them; the problem will root itself out with terrifying efficiency.
Islam, LGBTQism, and Western civilization mixed together is like the reaction you’d expect to get from water, electricity, and gasoline.
Tommy is the hero of our time for simply calling a spade a spade. 🫡
Tommy was not only silenced by the media, he was IMPRISONED by the craven politicians!
And the world needs to recognize that the meaning of “Gay” and “LGBT” are hardly innocent acronyms or words. Rather they have become symbols for a very dangerous CULT and CRAZE with a goal of upsetting and destroying normal behavior and indeed civilization.
But in the end it all comes back to MUSLIMS, doesn;t it?
Tommy is right here and he desperately needs to condem germany for supporting them and as of today the left here doesnt want to stop the money flow. Germany has a big part in this here because its german money buying these rockets and guns. The truth hurts sometimes but it needs to be said and for all changed.
Ozgaza says
Tommy has always been right and paid a high price..Respect to him.
The Woke Ender says
As if I needed a greater case to affirm the fact lefties are fucking retarded.
Everything and ANYTHING that is anti-Western, the left is infatuated with, even if said things are diametrically opposed to one another.
Really, I cannot wait for the Muzzies to declare jihad on the lefties who brought ‘em in and they’ll respond with a communist purge of them; the problem will root itself out with terrifying efficiency.
Islam, LGBTQism, and Western civilization mixed together is like the reaction you’d expect to get from water, electricity, and gasoline.
Tommy is the hero of our time for simply calling a spade a spade. 🫡
The Tasmanian Devil says
Tommy was not only silenced by the media, he was IMPRISONED by the craven politicians!
And the world needs to recognize that the meaning of “Gay” and “LGBT” are hardly innocent acronyms or words. Rather they have become symbols for a very dangerous CULT and CRAZE with a goal of upsetting and destroying normal behavior and indeed civilization.
But in the end it all comes back to MUSLIMS, doesn;t it?
Stewart - South Africa says
I stand with Tommy!
Az gal says
Tommy is right, as always.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Tommy is right here and he desperately needs to condem germany for supporting them and as of today the left here doesnt want to stop the money flow. Germany has a big part in this here because its german money buying these rockets and guns. The truth hurts sometimes but it needs to be said and for all changed.