Yet never utters a word about the barbaric way Hamas terrorists conducts military operations against Israelis.
Hamas has committed a long list of crimes in this attack which have been documented, including the killing of civilians, taking civilians captive, and abusing the bodies of civilians and soldiers.
CLICK the arrows to play videos:
Ozgaza says
The European elites love their Muslim Savages so how about Gaza is cleared of vermin and send them all to say England and Germany to enrich their nations…Sounds like a win win to me.! PS Sweden could use a top up as well.
Victor says
I absolutely HATE the BBC (British Biggot Corporation)! After all the atrocities that Hamas has committed, you have this big and winded scumbag, leftist reporter (Muslim shill), “Jeremy Bowen” asking Israeli soldiers and their commander about the immense suffering that the IDF is inflicting on the “civilian” population of Gaza, and then he goes on to describe how Israel is also violating the “rules of war”! I must tell you how I absolutely despise the U.K.! What a grotesque people they were and will always be! Machiavellian, always seeking to divide and conquer, cynical, self-absorbed, pompous, arrogant – This POS “Kingdom” will soon be the size of New Jersey once Scotland pulls away (and hopefully Wales, too) What a vile, disgusting, very soon to be Islamic Caliphate!!!! What about the decapitated infants, you sick, demented L*m*y b*st*rd, or the 100-150 plus hostages, some Jewish and non-Jewish British citizens among them, undoubtedly being raped, tortured, eaten(!), and/or mutilated as I type this??!!!!!! If he is so concerned about the Hamas-adoring “civilian” population of Gaza, (Hamas was brought to power in Gaza by an overwhelming majority of the people there), why not let them in to the U.K. as refugees of war??🥴🥶 Why not put them up in four and five star hotels and give them a hero’s welcome?! It is so telling that not even the Egyptians want to take in their so called “Muslim brothers”! Killing babies showcases both the bravery of Arabs and the (abominably EVIL) spirit of islam! 🧕🧕🧕 Allahu F—bar!! 🧕🧕🧕
BareNakedIslam says
Victor, from what I’ve been seeing and hearing, it seems like half of America is supporting Hamas.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Europe too and yesterday the eu said that they want to support the hamas and fakestinians, shit they even stood a silent minute for all the poor hamas and so killed. Stop the eu and especially germany and you have stopped half of the killing. All i can say is rock steady Israel and do what needs to be done. Dont listen to all the goodmen telling you how you must fight your war or how you must be tolerant. Shit on them and do the work thoroughly.
BareNakedIslam says
Daniel, are you still having the same commenting problems here?
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Hi Bonni, yep its the same but at least i can commend. I have to sighn in everytime, nerving but not stopping is the thing.
BareNakedIslam says
Ok, will notify my webmaster. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Bonni dont worry about my little problem then there are way more important problems in the world. Please stay on the german story because its like i wrote stop germany and you stop half of the killing. My nation is the guilty one and its the left green side then they go to them to learn how to fight and the art of war. Stop this funding and supporting and they have nothing. The biggest biggot here is germany and no one else. Stay on this. like i wrote in the past the import of an army is not smart and as i have written this will be war in europe. I hate to be right but check the facts and you will see that i have allways been right here.Quo vadis europa.
BareNakedIslam says
Not to worry, I can do both.
Dino says
Ant Gutless can STFU!!, I hope the IDF goes medieval on the humpass Savages. These inbred Savages offer nothing of use to a civilized world and should be exterminated .
Pete Mielke says
Screw the UN. If Israel decides to carpet bomb the Gaza into slagged glass I’m totally for it.
vic108ae77515c3b says
I asked an Israeli friend if the IAF has any A-10 Warthogs. He didn’t think that they did. Send them about 5 of them to get the rats in the rubble…
WDS says
It’s Antonio Guterres of the Useless Nobodys, what did you expect?
Keith says
Why aren’t the UN Secretary Generals tweets open for anyone to look at?
Why should anyone have to follow any public servant in high office to view what they are saying on social media?
Pray Hard says
I woke up and 2:15 this morning. Couldn’t sleep. Wondering what’s next? This is really eating on me. The babies, the women … I’d kill every fucking moslem on the planet right now if I had to power to do so.
BareNakedIslam says
And 30 some odd organizations/groups at Harvard University all announced their support for Hamas. Probably at all the other Ivy League Communist indoctrination centers posing as colleges, too.
Pray Hard says
Hey, Izzies, while you’re nuking Hamas, please nuke the UN, you know, while you’re at it.
JS John says
We should yes, take off the kid gloves and completely eliminate them, in the US too.
Victor says
This just in:
The Israel Defense Forces have discovered the DECAPITATED BODIES of some 40 INFANTS in an Israeli kibbutz/town!!!
Gutter-res has thrown his support behind Satan and his demons, aka Hamas. He is indeed a vile piece of S–t, a real scum of the Earth.
I am almost positive that Hamas is still able to launch volleys of rockets at Israel because they are hiding their launch platforms in schools, hospitals, mosques, residential buildings. All of these must go! The Palestinians of Gaza are in league with Hamas, so they have brought this retribution upon themselves!
If the “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza is so grave, let Egypt give some very limited aid to these “people” who overwhelmingly support Hamas and dance in the streets with mutilated Israeli corpses and laugh as they imprison toddlers in poultry cages.
This will be extremely difficult because the left-wing media censors the truth about Islam, but I am waiting for those decapitated infants’ remains to be posted online, so there will finally be no doubt that this is an existential battle between good and pure evil! Do such a “people” as the “Palestinians” even deserve a state??!!
BareNakedIslam says
I heard that they beheaded the babies alive.
Burbsmom says
If you get that video a lot of the babies January 6, 1980 you definitely need to post it. Because people don’t believe it
BareNakedIslam says
If I have it, I post it.
Notchy says
The photos of the decapitated infants will NEVER be shown on-line, because the Quislings in the MSM will “accidentally” delete the footage!
BareNakedIslam says
If anyone can find them, I will.
AW says
Gaza has a population of about 2 million? The place is a s-hole. A dump. Consider all the money and aid that has been given by the world to that dump in the last half century. Subtract what Arafat pilfered and you still have enough to make everyone of them wealthy. Where has it all gone? Stolen. As if the people giving the money/aid didn’t know what would happen to it.
BareNakedIslam says
Arafat’s wife was a multi-millionaire after he died and she went to live in Paris.
Sijavaisknew says
“I suspect they never talked about it electronically. They broke it up into cells and did individual meetings. And each group was assigned to do different things. Very few people understood how each of the components came together as the whole plan.” I suspect they never talked about it electronically,” Sanner said. “They broke it up into cells and did individual meetings. And each group was assigned to do different things. Very few people understood how each of the components came together as the whole plan.” Part of a comment in the UK Daily Mail. Maybe we should pay more to how much detached and out of touch goes with life online?
VMS says
They most likely used whats app or another end-to-end encryption service.
In WWI, before the Second Battle of The Marne, the Americans could not break the German code, but a radio operator told his superiors the exact time of the German attack 30 minutes before the actual attack. He noticed previously that 30 minutes before any German attack, the volume of enemy communications steadily rose in a predictable pattern, and hence he was able to pass on this information enabling the Entente to thwart the attack. This method is harder to use with respect to cell phones, and the Internet, but the cryptanalysis experts in Israel are likely to figure out how to do this.
The Woke Ender says
As of Israel DOESN’T conduct their operations in accordance with their so-called “human rights” (like for example, announcing attacks on certain buildings before they happen.)
Probably the single most moral army on the face of the earth.
The double standard is sickening; pretty much the entire world goes apeshit when Israel tries to defend itself against its savage neighbors, basically parroting Hamas propaganda. 🦜🇵🇸
And for what, really? Palestine hasn’t contributed a DAMN FUCKING THING to this world except terror, misery, and anti-Western sentiment.
Israel is the only intelligent, prosperous nation in the Middle East; it’s a thorn in the side of every Muzzie nation that hasn’t evolved past the Medieval period.
BareNakedIslam says
I have a feeling that Israel isn’t going to be coerced by the US and EU to “show restraint “ or agree to an early ceasefire this time.
The Woke Ender says
Because this is how they’ve always done it, yet it doesn’t please the troglodytes at the UN one bit.
I expect that to happen since wearing kid gloves won’t get the job done (plus it’s not like the Palestinians are planning to go easy on them any time soon.)
David says
Only civilized countries are supposed to adhere to the rules but barbarians seem to be exempt as they can’t understand the principles!
The Tasmanian Devil says
The UN is now nothing more than an outlaw terrorist organization comprised of self-loathing Muslim and African nations who hate everyone and everything.
We need not to defund that useless barrel of malice, we need to debunk and destroy it.
Reader says
Evict it from New York.
I would be in a more suitable location in Mali or Sudan.
VMS says
The world is against Israel as it is, so if Israel decides to eliminate every last Pali in Gaza, nothing will happen except more “condemnations” and Israel will be more secure.
See Genesis 18:16-33. When Abraham pleaded with G-d to save Sodom and Gemorrah he asked “will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked if there are 50 righteous?,” and G-d replied if there are 50, he would not. Then the number went to 45, then to 40, then to 30, then to 20 and finally to 10. There were not even 10 righteous in the Cities, so Sodom and Gemorrah were destroyed by a rain of fire and brimstone (recently confirmed to be a large meteor from space-the heat was so great that it turned the sand to glass).
Likewise, Gaza is filled with Hamas terrorists and the rest are Hamas sympathizers whose religion and actual practice of that religion is intent on the destruction of Israel and all its Jews. The IDF and IAF surely has the capability to rain fire and brimstone down on these Palis and permanently solve one of Israel’s problems. Perhaps, other Muslim states and organizations will see total destruction and self-impose a truce and not attack Israel. The Qu’ran teaches that a truce is permissible only if the Muslim army is weak and cannot attain their conquest. Then it is allowed for even 10 years to regroup and rearm for a successful siege. I believe that Hamas knows that they made a mistake and they are now vulnerable and is now amenable to a truce.
So, Israel has everything to gain, and little to lose by pressing on with a siege on Gaza, killing the terrorists and their sympathizers, and expelling civilians that survive into the Sinai, or at least subjugating them with a permanent occupation force.
David says
There are no innocents in Gaza.
Jeff Bennett says
Or anywhere there are scum that follow their Satanic ideology. They are animals killing innocent screaming God is great. Their perverted “God” Allah was a goat @#$%!&?. He was evil and so are the followers. Those who follow this misguided religion fanatically show be wiped from the face of the earth. They subjugate women and hate the west, Christians and freedom. Seeing the protests around the word supporting Palestinian’s should be rounded up and deported to whatever muslim hellhole.
If it goes on we are at the precipice of Armageddon. Who is going to sign up to fight in the US? The tranny’s and homo’s, citizens here who hate America, the kids who always got trophy’s? The US is already destroyed beyond repair. The sheep weren’t paying attention 25 years ago when the invasion of Europe. Wake up before it is too late.
Az gal says
The savagery is what Muslums think makes them “men”.