Can any BNI readers verify this? The real estate agent in this video sounds legitimate but I would like have an additional source in order to share this story with those who could give it the publicity it rightly deserves.
h/t Nita
It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you
allanivarsson says
I don’t know if it is true… but I do know Joe Biden is incompetent.
David says
Don’t forget the extra many-thousands of dollars needed to furnish and run the household. Likely many of these houses will eventually harbour illegals of some sort and stripe.
Pray Hard says
Why do you think the Fed is increasing interest rates? Millions of foreclosures coming. Give the houses to the fkuking moslems and Mexicans at $400K a pop, huh?
Jeanne T. says
If this is true, then the only conclusion I can come to is that this Administration is working as hard and fast as it can to completely collapse this nation so that we will never recover. That’s what this looks like.
ApathyRulesTheWorld says
Even if this story isn’t true your conclusion is still correct.
Classy Infidel says
Well said. It is going to be one hell of a job to redress all the harm the Democrats have brought onto us.
Fear The Legion says
@classy infidel,,,,you are correct. It would take at least 8 if not 12 years and two consecutive Republican administrations to correct the damage that Jihad Joe and Camel Harris’s loya jirga (Afghanistan elders great council) since we cannot call the islamic adminstration we have now in control a “Presidential administration.”
Blackgriffin says
I found a Katelyn Waurishuk on the Zillow site. I tried to copy and paste her photo, but the site won’t let me. These two women bear a superficial resemblance. Maybe she lost a lot of weight or had plastic surgery before she did this video or both. Or maybe it’s not her. I don’t know. I sent her an email asking her. Don’t know if she’ll respond.
Lead of Tampa Bay Trio
Katelynn Waurishuk
Pineywood Ridge Realty
Zillow Premier Agent Info
Sheikh_Anvakh says
Send them to Chicago or better yet the lunatic asylums of America, LA, Seattle, Chicago or best yet, the asylum for asylums, Portland Oregon.
Shirley Ann says
Population Replacement is a Deadly Game being played by the Biden Family&ThE DEM PARTY. The American People are being DISAPPEARED for the NEW UN GLOBALIZED “APPROVED” Population
which is already in our Government & MAKING THE LAWS THAT ARE DESTROYING AMERICA.
Distracted1 says
Same across the British Islands. It tv and advertising is to be believed it is being made to look like at least a third of the population is black. While women are taking over from men, he Royal Air “Force” is advertising for key role pilots who are “preferably NOT white male”. Keep this up and no doubt a truly spectacular show of bent will turn to collapse.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
You can put the name of any european state in your commend and you have the right saying. This is happening allover our westworld and the ones doing it are the leaders of our world, so what do you think will happen to us.
Tim h says
Oil Biden don’t give a f_ck about his USA people that need homes and homeless people on the streets. His letting them so the little shit can vote for this mindless old past Biden
Daniel Erbstoesser says
The answer is the same as in europe. The invader is wanted and not the citizen , the citizen is there to pay the bill and to give give and give and thats all after the giving and losing the citizen can lay down and die but please leave the city because then they dont have to clean the street. Biden or to say it better the demorats want to destroy our power to keep them in line and the best way to do it is to mix up the people until all are against each other and they can do whatever they want. Should the public stand up and say anything then the nwo, ngo, and we are more clubs will go to their throats because the invader has rights that we the owner and payer do not. This bull we get from the ones who are in office to protect us and our countries from bull like this. We need to take a good look at our voting .
Hartmut says
This is the same outcome when lefty do-gooders handle immigration care packages we permanently see here in Europe. They have no problem sinking billions in new state of the art accommodations for the newly arrived while at the same time denying and depriving older, poverty stricken citizens (who often worked their a** off in the past to pay for and make the place a better one) of basic necessities.
It is utterly shameful.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
Thank you Hartmut for writing this and yes im one of these people that you mention here, the german who worked his ass off and has nothing and i can watch how the new come on and they get the double of what i get and that whithout paying into the system for years…im more than pissed off.
frenchreader says
Same in France, where social services pay for housing of “refugees” from Africa in Paris, mostly muslims, 4 wives, plenty of children, when an average working family with two kids cannot afford to buy anything because banks will not lend any money.
Andrew+Blackadder says
If I read or heard about such a story where refugees are handed 400K for a house while Vets sleep on the streets and alleyways of America I would have said the person reporting such a story is insane…
today… Not so much…
I dont know if this story is true but the way the USA and the entire Western World is going, it could well be true.
I think Old Joe should the first person to receive the Robert Mugabe Award for good government and humanitarianism.
Daniel Erbstoesser says
its true and happening allover europe. Germany builds new hauses and that state of the arts modern and very expensive but nothing is good enough for the invader. The german who has no home because he had to give it to the invader (no bull) , well he has to pay for the new homes but he cant move there because the new homes are only for the invader. This what i write is no lie and for all to see and read about in the media. Quo vadis europa
Cleavis Nowell says
Giving housing of any kind to crescent hyenas practicing sharia is the most rank of treason. Globalist NWO dhimmicrats should be hanged !
Condor 18 says
Biden, much like Obama is attempting to change the demographics in red states so that eventually they will become blue states. In the process, the state is being inundated with a population that will demand special treatment from burkas to halal food in schools and businesses.
Piv says
“Biden, much like Obama”…Biden IS 0bama!
Linda Rivera says
Quran (8:12) “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
It’s probably true.
The U.S. Regime are MERCILESS and EXCESSIVELY CRUEL to Americans and to our precious homeless veterans.
Almost a hundred thousand Afghan Muslims have been imported into America, with plans to import huge numbers more. The devoted Armies of cruel, barbarian savage, warlord Mohammad.
What rightfully belongs to our veterans and to other Americans — money, food, healthcare and housing is being unjustly and very wrongly given away to Muslims who hate and loathe NON-Muslims.
America has very serious food shortages. Massively importing Afghan Muslims and allowing millions to invade America’s borders will create extreme violence. When there isn’t enough food, people get very violent.
Mothers are desperate. They need baby formula for their babies — the shelves are empty. NO baby formula.
There has also been many recalls of imported European baby formula which were found to contain BACTERIA.
There has also been many recalls of Similac American baby formula which were also found to be contanimated with BACTERIA.
What is going to happen to America’s babies?
The things desperately needed by our own people are given away for free to hostile Muslims who are possessed with an all consuming hate for non-Muslims.
Mark Berg says
Why does the West want to annihilate what it built in the first place? The real enemy of the West is the West itself, its imperviousness to God and to spiritual values, which resembles a process of lethal self-destruction.
—Robert Cardinal Sarah, The Day Is Now Far Spent
Enogo says
Smarter than God and Mother Nature always ends up in a pile of dead things.